Beaver Dam Argus from Beaver Dam, Wisconsin (2024)

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Beaver Dam Argusi

Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

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XVabcr gnm U5 Mp fi'L 'j i i I fi i cc c3qY 1s I 5 House urnishing Goods fVcw Id vertisemrnfs 4X i i lot Solid 12 00 GIT' i 9 $1 co i no 13 60 Chains A TINE EOT OV sc iv lx is 1 TERMS THE SEXTIXEL THE DAILY SENTINEL' IO CITY SUBSCBIBXBS 1 SaQ New England The Canadas DarfjeConnty Court In Probate TOTICB TO CREDITORS In the matter of the "estate of David 8 Gilmore late of the town of lamas in the eouuty ot Dodge and State of Wiaoou deceased 4 SHEBMAN 0 GOWDET JEdit or a Watches 'Clicks and jewel ry Repaired Sp Promptly and neatly on short notice All goods and work i WARRANTED ALL GOODS ENGRAVED REE CHARGE tj5 4 tJi i A MllfT AClI A BRO je V5 7r 1 ft IJf) Ms A GEORGE JOHNSON iieaver iain uw wViir they arc inanufactufod in Nvw YbVk and cvory Tjjesptct Cali and see Summons IT1HKWATE WISOONSIN CIRCLTT COURTL DODGE COUNTY Julia A Brandy plaintiff against Aialache Riky Elizabeth Riley Joseph Brown The Western Publishing Company Deunis Short Roche arrell Charles Blanken burg John Murphy Charlea 'Muqihy Maurice McKenna William Phelan William A Wells John A Barney Breitzman Simon Peter Rupp Thorn 3 Gilson Henry Wal lachs Louis Muerter and Jesse Beckley Defendnts Amended Summons a a To tAe above named Dftndniti You are hereby Summoned and required to an awer the complaint in this action which has been filed tn the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court County of Dodge at Junean and tq serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscribers at their office Nos 1 2 and 3 Excelsior Block Mil waukee Wisconsin within twenty days after the ser vice of this summons on yon exclusive of the day of euch service aud i you foil to answer the said com plaint wlthln the time aforesaid the plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded the complaint 4 13w6 DAVIS A GANDERS Plaintiff Attorceys Dated Milwaukee December 24th 1373 1 Boaver Dam Jan 26th 1S74 9wpTerprinted aud published at Beaver Dara in nd Coan ty 93 Dated at Btttver Dara Hi 3th day of January 1874 ELWELL County Judge Acenti Ir tbla Paper' Co SI Park Sow PKA3LEE CO 5 Beekman St Nor York SEOP ROWELL A CO 40 Park Row NY JOY COE CO Tribune BnlhUng New YorkvX COOK COBURN A CO 87 Dearborn st Chie" AK for Sale fihe undersigned offers for rsle loo to I eiaas fine wgel half lamia and half bugs A I bo severs 1 guod horses i faeksk Dearer Dam 1ST 3 v4ir DodgeCoanty Court In Probate IN the matter of the Proof of the LastyWiU and tes tament of Michael McCarty deceased t'On reading and filing aa instrument in writing purporting to be the last will aud testament of Michael McCarty late of the town of Westford in the County ot Dodge aud State of Wisconsin deceased and also the accompanying petition of Ann McCarty rep resenting among other things that the said Michael McCarty lately died aVAeetford in said town of Westford that the said instrument is the last will and testament of said deceased and praying that she be appointed administratrix with the will annexed and that a day be appointed for hearing the proofs of said last will and testaotentt Jt is Ordered ThatThe proofs bf said instrument be heard before the Judge of this Court on Monday the 9th day of March A 1874 at 11 in the forenoon at the office of the County Judge in the City of Beaver Dam in saM County And it is further Ordered That public notice there of be given to the heirs at law of said deceased and to all other persons interested publishing a copy of th is order for three successive weki prior to said day cf hearing In the Beaver Dam Argus a weekly newspaper printed and published at Beaver Dam in said County J3w3 Dated at Beaver Dam eb lOtK 1674 EDWARD ELWELL CountyTudge jOSwk 1 7 All Eistern Southern Points Connecting in Chicago with 4 all Eastern and Southern Lines Depot: Corner Canal and West Madinon Street Horse Cars and Stage Lines for parts of tliO iCity constantly passing Milwaukee Depot Corner of Reed and South Watef Streets A WCAnPEXTEtt Ueoernl Ticket ARent i MILWAUKEE' xTnz i div NOVELTIES X' HOLIDAYS GREAT BARGAINS? SJ Also' kaeps good II os of Zephyr And German town Wool sod Ready Made Scarfs Oall and ex amine Goods before purchasing elsewhere Bearer Dam Nov lTth1873 7 SL i 5 a ken Up Dy the subscriber on or about the 30th Inst on META tlC BURIAL "CAbEb WOOD COINS CASKETS Constantly ouhnnd SbroudeiirrsLIirdand irtior aIh attended with Hearse on short notice and uiud mate charges MARVIN Beaver Dnm 9: ill CHICAGO MILWAUKEE ST PAIL RAILWAY THE GRE4T THROUGH LINE or Chicago New ITEMM 7 The fire in the Empire tr'1P) nar Wj brokcxft afrftsh on Mon GSVi ECMrljT upi fig AirrlifbArt an era ssvTbe fireha iur been razinr six weeks i yvv and Jdoor factory of A Misico itj Whitehall was burn Thursday Loss about $15409' Rive boats were lying alongside the fac 'l tory iitnd were partially burned and Ogdeugbnrg road on Saturday caused the Msash up of two engines and wounded the conductor and a passenger' yhe snash up caused twelve hours bbstruc lioo'of the road "Alfred Tileyand Win Linger employes at Allentown APaA Rollihir were amotliered to death on Monday while at work 1 fixing a val vo at the bottom of a 'Well COUuectAd with lhe mills The glycerine factory oTMichael Brady at Ticonderoga Nr wa8 destroyed dj an cxpiiraiun on Jionuay wo men named McMahon and Keefe were tilled A heartless constable in Cincinnati last riday ejected a woman for non payment of rent white Hn ehild birth She gave birth to a child in the streets which died i Tho jail at Chillicothe111 was burned'bn Saturday night a prisoner named rank Godfrey perishing "Daniel 'was run'over and killa by a freight (rain on tha Milwaukee and Sr Paul Railway at Chicago ou Tuesdayt A son of Michael Dodds a wealthy far raer living a few miles west of Sparland suot bitpself on Saturday accidcntal 4 ly while out hunting killing himself in tantly i A steam boiler in Bond shingfemill nt Deep Creek eight miles from'Norfolk Va exploded Thursday evening' killing four persons and badly scalding four other! The Town TreMorer of Jamestown Ottawa Co Mieth named Pratt is report cd to have disappeared with the wife of his 7 step son and funds belonging to the town to thb "amount of $4000 'A' little boy 8 years of age was iustant Jy killed by a tree that was felled by his father John Sepping a farmer near Sturgis Mich The agonized parent is insane and fears jure entertained that he willo OvvTcr Peter Weimer a lad of 15 years son of John Weimer of Red Wing Minn was found dead I his bed Thursday morningile attended School: the day before aud was apparcutly in 'good healths A John Beeman An old and much respect od citizen on Saturday evening shot a man nameu ttoimes near oauoraf townwounding him severely but not fatally Jealousy is said toe the sause of the rash We in ttsaw mill near Cunninchaml Chariton county Moi exploded killing Elisha Smith tho engineer Richard Worthington find Jesse Thatcher employes and' badly wounding William Simpson ielding Galher ehot and killed WnL King in Montgcmery'county Kentucky last Sunday It is said that King was sua jpccted of intimacy with mother and Gallier with wife and this was the cause the quarrel andcause Some days siaca two' men from Kasson robbed a Norwegian named "Oleson at Blooming Prairie Minn of about fiveJiundred dollars 'The robbers wore arrest ed taken to Blooming prairie Satur day last when Oleson sent into Hi try and gathered the Norwegians to come and help lynch the prisoners sberifTs P3St8 JBWfttesl ia d'prsing the riotershorrible and fatal accidenfcccurred on Tuesday 14 miles from Dubuque Iowa A Shcrmer owner of a flouring mill wasdiscoverednearly deadtwilh one of bis arms nearly torn ttfroni the shoulder the jleshpulled from the bone and both arms ana oacKoone oroKen lie was alone in the mill nt the lime and came contact with tho gearing which tookyi his arm and To be Drawn Momlny'Jeb 23rd TWO GRAND CAPITALS Of 85OOO in' Greenbacks 2 Prize $1000 Greenbacks 5 Prizes $500 each ir: Greenbacks! 1 41 1 10 Pr zes $100 eaeh in Greenbacks lOOd Gold and all) worth from 520 to $300 each I' Coin Silver Vest Solid and Double plated SiL Ti vurwaro JIravaMvw At nrxr Unexpected xv Isilonr How Mini! a Woman asten her Sloehinjrs rom tUo Cincinnati CcramerciM How shall a woman fasten her stockings so as not to interfere with the circulation of the blood or spoil the shape of the lelet ns of the honi soil qui mal pense After the most research' as far as ourIimited facilities would allow we arise from our humble explorations and humbly tender: thaifollowing sugges tions: Jy 5 Wear them short and let the tops bub ble over the shoe in the form of lace a la beer mug If you have long put mucilage inside and stick to you Have them long enough to tie about the waist and use the top for a panier Edge the tops with steel and fasten a loadstone to your corset asten a strap to each stocking extend them gracefully up each side of the body and attach with blue ribbons i to the ear rings them in some other article of cloth ing in the immediate vicinity: asten thejn to a nail and go barefooted 4 Attach a small balloon to each stocking Make them out of material that will draw up If you are thirty five and unmarried make a hole near the top of each stocking aud button it to your knee cap These are the all methods that suggest tbemsleves to us at present and of the number some one or more may be deemed worthy of adoption IVe Lave taken a sud den and lively interest in this matter "and andshall not rest until the needed reform is brought about limbs shallnoi be hampered and knotted "and deform ed it we have enough inventive faculty to bring about new healthful ways of wearing the stockings and we think we have We shall continue our investigations into thissubject What the women of this country most need is not suffrage shut symmetry not rights but rationality not a place in legislative halls but a place to fasten their stockings Jlktakeii Identity A ludicrous case of mistaken identity occurred in "Montreal recently through (he unfortunate resemblance of two young gentlemen One of them was recently married and the other is' still a bachelor The married person went to dinner party while the unmarried one went to a convi vial entertainment and owing to a mis calculation of his capacity for wine he spoiled his Whiles a gli aimer of reason remained' be endeavor ed to get home By the i time the young man reached a cab stand his mind had become so confused that he wnsunable to remember bis own name or the street in which he lived Ashe was engaged in gesticulating to the cab driver a friend of the maqried gentleman noticed his plight and confounding his identity pushed him into a cab whispered to thedriver and continued on his way The result of tliis act was the conveyance of the unmarried man to the home of the married man where his condition created anything buta pleasant surprise The wife was of course mortified Subsequent1 the father in law entered the room to remonstrate with him? After" wasting much good advice: the father in law discovered the mistake and was in the act of trying to persuade his daughter probably much against her will that the young man was fnot her busband when the real ihusband put an end to the dispute by letting himself iu at the ball door with a latchkey i '5 5 MassachuseUaipaperstell of a highlyre ligious couple in: Colebrook who tied their sick child to a' bed and jsthen wenvto church foTheyweret'gone fourlionrs and when they returned the neighbois'ntlract ed by the prisoner's cries had broken open the door The parties were arrested t'" Dodge County Court In Probate IN the matte: of tl0 estate of Abel Sperry Deceas ed On reading and filingthe petitfon'of Mary Ann Sperry represent eng among other things that Abel Sperry on the 18th day of January 187 1 died Intes tate being at the time of his death a resident of the Town of Burnett in the County of Dodge and State of Wisconsin that she the said petitioner is the widow of said deceased and preying that administra tion of said estate bo granted unto Lorenzo Morrell It is Ordered That said petition be heard before the Judge of this Court on Monday the Sth day of March next at 10 in the forenoon at the office of the County Judge iu the City of Beaver Dam in saidConnty And it is further Ordered That notice thereof be given to all persons interested by publishing a copy of this order for three weeks successively prior toeaid day of hearing sin the Beaver Dam Argus a weekly newspaper printed at Beaver Dam in said County Dated tho 7th day of ebruary A 1874 13w3 EDWARD ELWELL County Judge The Best is Cheapest tn 1 i fpnE MILWAUKEE SENTINEL Isa Radical Be publican new' paper devoted to the disHuiniDa tion of correct political principles and is a firm sup porter of all the reformatorj movements of the times As a news paper it contains all the most important inteligence from every quarter of the civilised globe and through the aid of telegraph and its special correspondents iu Europe aud at all the principal cities in this country its readers are daily notified of every trunspiring event in which an intelligent person eau feel an interest The daily proceedings of Con gress and of the several State Legislatures are found in its news columns everymorning while thechoicest current literature of this and the Old World is cuHed for Its pages Its home market reports undergo a careful daily revision by a competent editor up to the very latest hour uDd the prices in its commercial columns may always be relied upon as correct Dodse County Court In Probate TN the matter of the Proof of last will and Us tameat of Ebeaexer Jones decased On Heading and filiag an instrument in writing purporting to be the lastwill( and testament Ebenezer Jones Jate ofthe town of ox Lake in the Cmxuty of Dodge and State of consin deceased and also the accompanying petition of David Junes representing among other things that the said Ebenezer Jones lately died at ox Lake in said County of Dodge that the said instru ment la the last will and testamentof said deceased and that he 4be petitioner aforesaid is one of the executors named! and appointed by the said last will executor thereof and praying that a day be appointed for hearing the proofoof said last will and testazubnt: and that letters testamentary may be issued to David Jones and John Jones It Is That the proofo of said instrument be heard before the Judge of this Court on Monday tho 9 th day of ebruary A 1874 aTl I in the forenoon at the office of the County Judge in ths City of Beaver Dam in said County And it Kfurther Ordered That public uotice there given the heirs at taw of said deceased aud to allother persons interested by publishing cc py JUST RECEIVED MW DRY GOODS! WHICH I WILL SELL AT 1 or Wie poet Three Years located at Mo S3 Pcrrv Street Davenport Iowa IR MeASE has at hie Roomsmlo mA to show that be is a Regular Graduate of belli British id American Ibstitules 1 The Doctor treats by method peculiarly his owti aud Invariably attended with well established sue cess 'Persons coini tt under treatment mav rest asl sured of receiving every benefit gaursnteed by science sk ill and a cnhiprebebsive experience emale In this Department of Medicine tho Doctor is prepared to treat in tlio most scientific manner Re earnest iy solicits the at tention of the afflicted to this notice feeling perfects ly confident that his medicine gives the most speedy relief Then DO NOT DELAY as a complaint which is curable to day may heroine incurable In a short time 2 YOUNG MEN Who are suffering from the effects of youthful follies or indiscretion should avail themselves of this th greatest boon ever laid at the alter of suffering hu inanity Dr McArrnx will guarantee to forfoitOne! bnnilred rlollars for every case of seminal weakness or private disease of any kind or character which be undertakes and fails to curo MIDDLE AGED MEH There are many of the age of thirty to forty who are troubled with too frequent evacuations of th bladder often accompanied by a alight smarting or burning sensation and weakening the system in a manner that the patient eannot account for on ex amining tho urinary deposits a ropy sediment will often be found aud sometimes small particles of al (a: bumen will appear or the color will be of a thin or milkish hue again changing to a dark and torpid an pearanee There are maiiy men who die of this dim culty ignorant of the cause which is the second stage of seminal weakness Dr Mo will guarantee a per fect cure in all such cases and a health restcratlcn ot the gaaito uriuary organa 1 OICE 8 to 2 to' and 7 to si All letters uromutlv answered and corresnondenc I conuueuuur auuross iock box zoo Laven port "resampiiou uuer our Mrs Hoag of lha" town of Porter was hlxeficeut effects rf tha are either ta so 'seriouslbnrned by the of sHnnhjd as despolf pitioj idiote or Leros nc lamp on Ibnrs lay a 1837 1874 WwaufeZ He lived a few honrsand died leaving a wife and three children" 4 seventh annual session of the Na tional' Grange of of convened in aSU Louis on' Welnesdoy last week Thirty two states twa ter ri tor les ren wse ted by 'masters of state granges aYid abaat thirty lalies were' present Tbo sessions weroy closed doors "I A Vt 1 The Toledo Ohio! Board of Trade has adopted a series of resolutions iu favor ol XT iae vrauasti anu ne cuuai irom nuit vity to Terre Haute Indiana and its extension ronthat point to SuL'pis 1 Lll i Bnreiptibly' the Government is jjlid ing downArs to centralism and an oli i garchy ofruption The projects to that end make then appearance almost daily Now it is a Unveraitv and now a Bureau of tion A National to day andaNational Education unu to morrow A plan to establish State 5BC time and a plan to control the everywhere at another Bailroadj ccoaU school universities potinjf indjin 'es4 business even religious opinion itself an' as nil swept into this maelstrom nf ration with intent to accumulate1 power for selfish and "corrupt ends A annll ansma 4zw tVin that deludes ft into the belief Loa I a ruu QCiiftut u4 utiaitituuhiT uruuuia yrt rau er than the master It is fast appxoabhit JfetG a sharp and decisive issue between con imuea uepuoncanisTii ana aawning cen trklizatiou Boston ast "'g Gov Moses oLSoatb to be jn vesn sated It is charged that healiaa the contingent fund of the Stale for on vHiu purposes teas paia ingt post band at Columbia far furpisbed at big private residasce with an order on the fund forone thousand dollars and that bo £avo county treasurer an order on the fmid to iudcanilV him for endorsing bis no)' 'as vt j1 ARMERS! I WILL GRIND YOUR CUSTOM WORK AS OLLOWS: Wheat for every tenth Bushel eed and Corn for every Twelfth Bushel 1 1 ALL GRISTS WEIGHED IN AND OUT HAVING Plenty of Water I can Guarantee Satisfaction irst nui neiow tne actory SAMUELS Sen Beaver Dam January 20tb 1874 3ml0 her death about twenty fours hours after the accident The dwelling house of John McMuillan in the town of Seymour Eau Claire coun ty caught fire Tuesday and was totally consumed together with the contents Loss JI 200 insurance 800 The residence of Jacobson of Wash ington Harbor was wholly consumed by fire on Monday Sth inst The child ren of the family were barely saved by throwing them from the windows of the house The Lake House af Hudson owned by Wn Ryan was burned Sunday morning at two The furniture was all saved The house was insured for $1200 in the Brewers of Milwaukee The loss jis cov ered by insurance A san of horses was killed and a sleigh smashed to smithereens by a train on the Northwestern Railway near Kenosha Tuesday evening The driver was inebri ated but knew enough to get out of the A women at New Glarus Green county' about three weeks since gave birth to three girls the smallest of over six pounds Mother and children are doing well Parties have visited them from a distance of more than twenty miles carrying rich presents of various kinds' A man named Crall living aear 'Bear Creek Dane county killed his little son with an axe on Monday He'had nst been liberated from jail bis wife saw him approaching the house and ran away leav ing her children behind Reaching home and finding his wife £one he became con siderably enraged' aud attacked his sou killing him instantly The ilway accident at Stevens Point by which Louis Anderson a fireman Jest his life was it seems caused by design The switch was occupied by a train to allow the 11 express to pass At 6 the switch was locked at 7 and 9 o'clock respectively was found to be un disturbed Yet at 11 when the express came on it was open and the ex press dashed into the waiting train killing the deceased "The verdict of the jury cen sured the company for neglecting to have a light at the by which any one tampering with the rail could be seen Proposition Concerning inance Correspondence of the Inter Ocean i Danville Wis Jan 30 Sir: I have lived through every financial! crisis which has occurred since General Jackson removed the deposits from 'Nick "Biddle's bank down to the present time and my observations lead me tOjthe following con clusions: 1 That the periods of greatest national prosperity have beentwhen we had the largest volume of circulating medium: in proportion to our real wealth whether re deemable in gold or not gold as a currency never circu laies largely at any time its chief use is in modern times being to adjust the balances growing out of international commerce every nation has growth and vitality must nave a currency upon the mutual faith of the' peoplo in their honesty muscle brains and natural resources and not on gold i for while lhe latter may fail the former never can ji'r: 4 That a financial crisis is liable to oc cur under any form of circulating medium if the credit system is abused by reckless speculators who look to the distant future for prospective gains That to make the volume of currency which is needed to transact internal commerce and the agricultural andrnanu facturing industries of the country contin gent upon onr foreign com nierce" is to sub ordinate the vastly greater tothe 1'6 That it would be safe and itjis abso essential io increaseflour present volume of currency but to contract it how ever gradually swith a view return do specie payment will lead to bankruptcy and a paralysis of alTour cii 7 'That gold never comes at the bidding of those who are ever shouting 'bullion more but always comes tothat nation which manages to sell more than it buys Brainard Tho farmers: of Wisconsin" have in the Chief Execiitivechairof the etate a repre sentative in the person ofAVm Taylor He has been "actively engaged in agricul tural pursuits He is a plain and practu cal farmer a man of honesty and intelli gence who by virtue of his own energy abilityand force of character baa raisedhimself to his present exalted He is known as the armer Governor and re cognized as one of the ablest farmers in the state Yet no sooner bad his message bcen read to theJegislature than the post office Matt Carpenter organs of the state hastened to insult hint by charging that he was not the author of the document had "no basis upon which to make such' a charge? They arc utterly unable to pr'dve it i But hating the farmers of Wisconsin tor the part they taken 'innelecting iiteir own man they desire to insult theni by insulting their representative By say ing that one of liie iZCot gifted andnntelli gent farmers oL the state is incapable 'of writing a state paper they virtually say that all ther farmers of Wisconsin are too ignorant and incompetent to properly dis charge important official duties They covertly insinuate what they are too cow ardly to openly charge that the farmers of Wisconsin through Tack 'intelligence and education are unable to fill an impor tant office The farmers of Wisconsin have reached a point where allegiance to either of the old parties ia a thing of the past have resolved to wield their power for the purpose of breaking down official corruption and extravagance and as a preliminary step theypropose to smashtinto fragments the corrupt old par ty organization whose tariff and Credit Mobilier legisletion is weighing down the people with heavy No wonder that sthe barnacle organs of Radicalism insultrand throw mud at 7 the forces that have full determined to destroy their par ty Oshkosh Times 4 A correspondent of the Chicago discussing the cated in these 'days as like unto the specie resumption of former days talks in the following pointed and intelligble manner: Is" this thekind of the Chicago Trilmnei Mr Boutwell Mr Sher man el hoc genus omne want to upon us what Of shinplasiers wildcats stamptail with aU their horrid brood of heterogeneous bank bills detectors and panics so that a mart who receives a batclwof bank billato day at par may 'awake in the mor'ittg to find not one of tbem worth copper Yes this is tho whichour kind friends Would impose upon us? May heaven preserve us from such friends as We ought to fed Irulyjhankful that in tha absence of true statesmanship and financial ability chance' or Providence forced upon us the greenback as some com pensation for the hferorof the war since has' convinced all men except the vic tims incurable prejudice that ihe creditof the nation at large is the only true con stitutional philosophical basis which a an permanent enrreney cap be founded aud those who Calk of the greenbacks or of returning to the 6Id rotten and tyrannical system of after nur experience of the rpHE Co Partnerriiip heretofore exi her togetfrer with horse and 'wagon and other fix tures appertaining to thebusinesri In case a sale is not effected in thirty day the stock will be closed out ip the busin es ax nnnr: ma N'T 7 Co operntive Baying and Selling from the St Louis Democrat eb 3 A preliminary meeting of representatives to the i National Grange was held last night for the purpose of discussing a plan of co operation in the matter of disposition of produce and purchase of supplies the propel development and establishment of which is to constitute an important part of the approaching sessions of the National Grange About eighteen months ago Mr? Elliott a general commission house in Chicago for the purpose of hand 1 liug grain and for the Patrons of Husbandry and a little later another com pany was formed for the exclusive handling of live stock in the same interest or the i first five or six months almost nothing was done by either house but after the matter had become sufficiently? advertised and it became known that these firms were relia ble and were under bond to several State organizations of Patrons for $175000 and $200000 respectively were exten sively There is now a similar business ifirm in each of the following i cities: San rancisco Cairo St "Louis Memphis i New Orleans and Wheeling The Chicago firms are doing business for Kansas Nebraska Dakota Iowa: North ern Missouri Wisconsin and Iowa has the best developed system and a description of its workings there will serve to illustrate what is proposed for the whole country ZThev have there a State Agetit and scattered in the most suitable places aremore than thirty grain elevators owned by local organizations and run by a salaried Superintendent? apd any other produce delivered to any one of theseelevators is shipped directly to the market without passing through the handaef two or three middlemen and the prod aoar re ceives the full market value of minus the commission of but one' setbf merchants Likewise in the purchase 'of eiipplies he is enabled to pbtairi all the necessrries and of thd luxuries at wholesale prices A strictly cash business is done and that contributes largely to the succesj of 2 the enterprise Elliott states that he has recently effected ar rangements by which he can furnish a $400cabinet to any Patron' for $200 Ile ex plained this by saying'lhat it was because he was able dot large business with the house and solely upon? a cash basis The bojks of bis establishment are open to And are examined monthly bv Com mittee of each State Grange to which they have giventbonds A member of the National Grange'said last night that important item of business before this meeting woaldbejthe permanentestablismentof headquarters for the National Association and that while St Louis was generally viewed with favor ns the proper Chicago is bidding lively for its location tberef Small Inoculation and Vaccina tian Some days ago we alluded to the prac tice in vogtmtin some'parts of the country in? earlier days of for jhe smallpox 'instead of vaccinating fo pre ventit' Bythe former process the patient was put on a prescribed diet fora weekjor ten days andthen thegenuiner virus introduced tobis 'system 5 Theeffect was that the patient bed the disease'in a very mild formscarcelyrinterruptinghis usual healthlXThe writer of this itemwaa familiar with cases the presencetof the genuine disease seemed to haveHess effect on the system the proce4 of vaccination Our attention is recalled' to this matter tjy noticing the followingin an excuSuge: I I Inoculation with matter from smallpox pustules is skid to have been practised in the East from re mote butit was not generally known in England until atten tion was called to it in 1 717 by 'Lady Mary Wortley Montagu who wrote from Adrianople" smallpox sofatal and so general amongstjusp is hero entirely harmless by the of engrafting which is the term they" Every year thousands undergo the operation la 1721 sbe had her daughter inqcu lated in Eugland and the experiment was then tried on six? condemned criminals in Newgate It proving successful iu each case two children of Caroline Princess of Wales were inoculated next which rgave satisfaction to the practice But the extract shows that was by no common even inl768 Two 'years 'after wards Dr made his firsts observa regarding the influence bf vaccine matter in preventing the disease but his experi meats were not made till? 1 7 9 (L Milwaukee News 4 aA Million Dollar Observatory To the many instances of private muni ficence! during the few there promises? now to be added another as'rit been announced by Prof to the California Academy of Sciences that Mr' James Lick of San" rancisco lias promised the means to build a telescope of the largest size in the world probably not less than 35 or 36 inches aperture With this' instrument will? be combined every variety of there with and of the most perfect descrin ion Mr Lick proposes to endow this observa tory with one million dollars It isasaid that there are summits of the Sierra Neyadas of California that are accessible by railroad through the whole winter anj that offer unsurpassed inducements for the establishment of an astronomical observa tory Nehr Lake Tahoe there nre snitable peaks whose elevations exceed 10000 feet Prof Davidson in communicating to California Academy the results of his ex amination of these regions states that the proportion of clear days and nights is un usually large amounting to 270 in a yearand the clearness and optical steadiness of the atmosphere is remarkable There ij an almost perfect immunity from dust the mountain flanks being covered withiyerd ure in summer and snow in winter XJIe estimates the saving of time and labor to the astronomer to be in the six months to one or two day! The of the weather on the mountains of the Pacific coast is generally attrihuted to the great amount of moisture that is condens edin passing over them and in this' ra sped they offer a remarkable tontrast'W the White Mountains of New Editor's 'Scientific Record iu Ilarfieis MagaanZ Terrt uit lawyer tells a good? story on BilJ elkner of Oshkosh which is little worse than blowing out the gas Bill was stopping at the Park "Hotel Madison and in'his room was a' coal grate beside which was a sheei iron concern called a fire became too hot and Bill wanted to' reduee'the heat and in easting about for something to put out his eye fell upon the blowers He thought the sheet iron thing was to put over the fire' when it became to hot so le put it on to it out 1 Pretty soon the room "became so hot ras to be unendurable Bill pulled off his coat and went on with his writing Hewas drawing up a writ of shashay mariar andait heated hitni'The room became hotter and he took off his pants and bools and kept on iwriling inally it" became too much for him and he bolted into Gabe room in his shirt and drawers US cool off AHe Gabe tale bow be had put the fire out and bow the more he put it out the more like jj burned' and Gabe told elkner he was a cussed fool from and then ex plained to the verdant lawyer how to put out a cjal fire La Crosse Dem 5 2: Jfc Jjf Im Tr The devout occupant of an editorial sanctum in Indiana thus addresses his sub scribers: you bring us wood re member us in your prayers It is seme thing to knew as we sit and that we are not forgotten ifnhe stove is trrr r' The arrangements oNature are admir exclaimed a yonigg lady during late high winds'V'The lsam wind which disarranges oar dress blowfluSt in the er of te would be WISCONSIN ITEMS Two' or three mad dogs were" lulled in Sheboygan last week" A Boston "i firm will soon publish new topographic map of Charles Lenz had leg broken ''while catching a ride upon a load of stone in It Columbus tA son of Mr Bray of Rddgewayi' Iowa county aged 17 fears wasithrown from a ioraaand killed lasUweek s' The yaw mill of Sommers and Brother in the town of HartlandShawano county was burned one night4last week Loss John Lynch'a Neillsville tad becom ing enraged at a playmate James Robin son struck him with a club upon the head inflicting injuries which prove fatal An ox was killed by the passenger (Rid IbetWiteAMSt Cloud and on the Sheboyisn and ond du Lac Railway oneday last wdsde' Thedwelling house of Andrew' Ander ison at Muskegon': Portage county was burned cn Saturday January 31st: LosslOOOtto insurance' Shawano County Journal mentions finding of lie body of an old Leon Lake He had evidently beenrfrozen to death I named Robert Harper andWUliatuHurd' of Diggings' were seriously hurt by 'the caving in of a mine in which they were at work A seven year old son of Mr Marlin re siding txvo 'miles west of Janesville was accidentally shotdnhe ankle on Thurs days aud lose his fobt? OStturday of last reek the Methodist paraonageiat': Pine Waushara Cooccupied by Rev Wm Bennett was dc troy cd Ky fire no insurance 1Aug" Scbubring1 employed in the log mg camp of Ed5Jaatrow about six miles arVh' cost of Wausanras instantly killed ult The ierce Cr'nty 'ald says that on Tue'dav a aon Mr ScheinieMicker about 15 wbile his father" waj fellieg treelstantly killed MikeTCarliri was stabbed at De 'pere on Saturday evening by 'C Mike Cole The parties had arrived fro'ra Bay only "a short time previous to t2 af fray Solid Gold "and Baled Jewelry Silver and Silver Bated Ware I' i Which will be at tho1 Vz SMALLEST PROITS That good ever have been sold for Call and' scc have JUST RECEIVED NICEST VY stock or i 1 id a Presents Ever brought to this morkctconsistlng of fjue 1 Ladies and cntsGoid and 'Silver Watches and 1 PHYSICIANS AND DRUGGISTS Jot 1 KI A PROMINENT New York physician lately comx plained to Dvndas Dick about his xanmlwovt On Capsules staling that sometimes they cured tuirncuiousiy but that a patient of his had taken them for some time without effect On being lufuim ed that several imitations were made and hold he in quired and found that his patient hud been taking capsules sojd iu bottles aud not DUNDAS DICK What happened to thia physician may have hap pened to cffhers and DUNDAS DICK A CO take" this method of protecting physicians druggists aud themselves nud preventing Oil of Saudlewoud from coming into diet eputo PHYSICIANS ho once prescibe the Capsules will CO lit In tie to lo so for they contain the pure oil in the bent inI ciieHpcM form DUNDAS DICK CO ure moreOilotSandalwooit Iu the manufacture of their Capsules than al! the Wholesale and Betail Druggists aud perfumers in the United States combined and this Is tho sole reason' i why the pure ell is sold cheaper In their Cap I stiles than in any other form 1 A OIL OSANDALWOOD foal every other remedy sixty Capeul es only bring rcqnirt to insure a ante aud certain cure in ix nr eight daa rom no other medicine can thia result be had Soft Capsulks solve the problem long ronald ered by many eminent phrsichtns of ItoW tn avoid the nauseu and disgust experienced in swallowing whkh arc well known to detract from If not destroy the good effect of many valuable remedies Soft Capsules are put up In liu foil and neat boxes thirty In ouch and are the ouly capsules preveritad by Physicians These were tho only Cn les nd mlttel tho hist Ptiria tion Sviid for Circular to 35 Wooster Street York NOLD AT AIX DKUT STOKES 5Cm2 fit General Agency 110 Reade Street New York Goods are Rising Now is the Time to Bny Cheap! 1 10 Yards Calico' $1 00 I Yard 4 4 Sheeting 11 Cents Other Goods the same proportion? All lannels Winter Goods for cost LPounti best Rio Coffee 30 Cents 5 Gallon Keg best Drip Syrup $4 50 5 Popnds best Japan Tea I Pound best Jauau Tea' 1 00 1 Pound good Japan Tea 50 Come and see you can get for the least money the most Goods at 45 Cheap Cash Store CAB RI AGE IL 'W111 fk s1" tot 4 On Spring Si opposite Edger Livery Stable' 1 am manufacturing CARRIAGES i 4 6 1 1 I AND LIGHT BUGGIES Of every deciiption i MX Make LightWork a Specialty Particular attention paid to REPAIRS AU Repairs CASH 3Ov3ayn hereatter will be the KumeiiH adopted by niigo National AsSa ciuUun ut Nov 2 1873 5 AM AGENT OR CELEBRATED PLATORM' WAGON 1 Business and Pleasure Wagon Mndn 1 are warranted in them 5 6 Just Received 7 Tj MISS HGTCHINSOH'S' iarged complete STOCK MI'LMHHI r''J SU3WX3 ancy Goods nd Jrtlv A 1874 at ths Court Hoaaelu the Vil of Jnnean in said County rKM re examine and ajjnst all claims and demands ot all perrons against Dated tha PwelRls day of JanwylSTJW ELWELL uafy Juty AxB fltb 1874 The business of the legislature Is now' being rapidly transacted Committees work promptly and in committee whole and regular session the file ly dispensed witbSaturiaaving been the last day for intrag there w511 be no more of 8uchasare re ported byfiJotgsfaugQg toalier3 referre(j loemrtere were enotigb however on riday an(j Saturday for all practical pur a perfect flood of them on every conceivable subject aud a few with no subject commonly called dead beads fl sceno reason thongb why wa not dispose of them and adjourn towards the last ot this The railroad legisla tion has not yet been acted on as it is waiting the report of the special committee' to investigate railroad matters which is to report on the 17th? Several important matters have however been act ed on tn other This morning Gen Warehouse bill was passed regulating the price for storing grainwbich while it is claimed to be entirely just to' warehouse men save tbe peo ple many hundred thousands of dollars each year That expensive and useless reg the registry has been repeal ed as far as the Assembly is concerned by nearly a party vote but I Sen ate will not concur as it is surmised it will not in the repeal'Of the State Board ofcurw' The Graham law will be repealed but as there are hundreds of remonstrances coming id daily against its repeal and as a number of live in dis tricts where the sentiment of the people is fer the law a substitute has been' agreed upon which does away with the obnoxious features of the Graham law and at the makes proper police regulations for the protection of com promise seemed necessary There is al ways jn and I think Abat thougfatsome of the provisions of the' sub stitute are stringent that when' it comes to be carefully looked into none'of our friends can find any objections to it The question of prison Warden is still unsettled: There has been no meeting of the directors and as far as I can see no prospcct general sentiment is that the thing been" delayed' about long enough It is supposed however that a meeting will be bold in fcw days at Wan Last' week tbo celebrated Victoria Woodhull gave venttotonoof her speeches on the social question a larger audience greeted men and alTwere agreeably of a coarse vulgar tirade to amuse corrupted ear "her speech was elegant in language and contained a deal that every one present could and did commend As an orator she is decided eloquent5 and Is un questionably th (hampion orator bcr sex in the country A iince through the kindness of Vilas himself Senators Moore Shd I visited the Wisconsin Hospital for the Insane four miles from the city Men dota The keeps a fine team and delights in sharing tho pleasures of tho tine sleighing with bis friends The Asy lum'contains over 'three hundred and fifty patients pf all shades of mentalincapacity from the hopelessly incurable to those so for cohfalesccbt as to almost able to go out jnto tho world again ji A person is at first aston'isbodand'woyld hardly suppose (Litt1 such collection' could be gathered froinriiie four enda of the earth Under the supervision of Dn the institution seems to be well managed Cleanliness and order pervades the entire establish ment and inmates seen to have the best' care The facilities oftour young IState for taking' care of its unfo tnnates are "the pride of all Wisconsin people and when we see: thqsubjects cared for we cannot begrudge the nec cssary for tho nnaintenance of such charityX jDaVE Oottge Connty' Court In JProbai IN the matter ortho Proof of the Taut will and tee tame lit of Al try Ann Colville deceased On reading and filing au instrument in writing purporting ttv be the last will and testament of 4ry adh Colville late of the town of Cutamus in the County ot Dodge and State of 'WUcoiuin de ceased aud also the accompanying petition of Wil HamCol rille representing among other things that tbe said Mary Aaa Colville lately died at Calamus insaid County of Dodge that the said instrument is the last will and testament of eaid deceased and thathe the petitioner aforesaid is the identical per son named and appointed by the said last will exec utor thereof and praying that a day be appointed for hearing thepreofo of said last will and testa ment: fi It is Ordered That the proofs of said instrument be heard before the Judge of this Court on Monday the 9th dAy ofebruary A I) 1874 at 10 in the forenoon at the office of the County Judge in the City of Beaver Dam in said County And it is further Ordered That public notice there ofbe given to the heirs at law of said deceased and to all other persons Interested by publishing a copy of this order for three snccesaiveweeks prior to said day of hearing in the Beaver Dam Argus a weekly newspaper printed and published at Beaver Dam in said County Dated at Beaver Dam January 12th 1874 9w3 EDWARD ELWELL County Judge JUDGE NOT With Tray Quacks Consult the loecated thj BiciaB ueieoratea specialist jtfeA EE Who has had Charge of th Spinney or the wwt Street DavenV01 1 a ttrstit* The only Reliable IfCtiiiriisUlioa'lR tliei CMhiry $7Mgoo oo 1 4 a IN VALUABLE GITS! 4 TO BE DISTRIBUTED INVl 16ith REGULAR' 'T One year kTO MAIL EUBSCBIBZM Ono year 00 Six months 00 Three months 2 bO Ouo month 1 To Newsdealers per hundred 275 4 THE Till WEEKLY SENTINEL By mall one year e4i itai S5v00 six mo ths 2 50 three months l2d one month the weekLy sentinel: A Single copy one year In clubs of less than ten one year HPrar rntna nnA vaar ADDITIONS may be made to club for one year at clulrratee rerrsgg AN EXTRA COPY will bo eut to the person getting np a club of ten Money in Registered letters mailed to the Sentinel Company may bo seat ai nr risk and wo will not be responsible unlest letters containing money are so mailed Any person sending a club of THIRTY for the Weekly will bo entitled to three copies extra or one copy of the Tri weekly oneyear or a club of ORTY four copies of the Weekly crone copy cf the Daily oneyear Number of Gifts 5C0! 1 i Tickets Limited to 75000 1 Ascents Wanted to sell Tieletst wtitJrn xiberal Premium will bepaitl Bixgm Tickets Six Tickets Twelt Tick I KisilO Twkxtt ivk Tickets 120 iCIrcnlarscantaitinig full list of prizes a descrip tion of tho manner of drawing and other iniorma tion in reforcnee to the Distribution will be sent any one ordering them AH letters mnet be address elto SINE Uox M6 liAixorncr CINCINNATI 101 WinhStt 47yl A large and mnst complete etoekof House fuiiIh 5 goods may be found at IVJlREHOTji Diioctly opposite the Bunk Consisting of Parlor unci Chamber Hc a All kinds of medium aud eauuuua urniture CARPJiTS i OIL CLOTHS GILT TINT and COMMON WALL PAPE LACE andMUSLlN CURTAINS 'WINDOW SHADESaud IXTURE Of all kinds 1 EATHERS SPRING BEDS 4 The Woven Wire Mattress Audall oilier kinds of Looking Glasses I And Hlmosfevei yiliing useful and ornamental fo luniishlngii house' IV (shing to rt dneo my stock I willsell at tho very lowest prices for cash' 'Cell and and see me UNDERTAKING pH A i I 4 'N sc liJo'rning 1 1 eb 17 sow 5 'I A Xp It Sw I S'Ss a 05 5 th' Hr Ifd 'S5 TT' fi mat i rt'yraa If) miM sd ft a rr)'' mm Si i i rt 7 1 ft 4 ft ft a rY? 'ft "ft rr ran 'W' ft ftw CD ft 5 I ft BISSI 4 Sara HU GJ m2" Ji ffi I i rf 4 5'l 5s 1 'X 5' MWrr 42 5: El 1 Of ft I RSi' i IIT Sff i' i 11 5 land occupied by him in tbe town of Deaver jDam I Jb WfcT on tahv iiinrs Ui nP 14 vAarw ohl ltitft mtrinA In tbn i Si Rte i' face cue white hind foot and Idiad in the left eye: The owner Is requestedtoprove properly pay charges and take the satudaway 3 I i' I the undersigned in the this day ilisaoived by mutual j1 at cost to cluses A I mp as inievPj xUnaZ 1V JJ If Lwa fSt xc a rtr 4: 4 resA at 1 ii 111 W11 a JL 'J i' a 1 I 1 13".

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Beaver Dam Argus from Beaver Dam, Wisconsin (2024)


Why is beaver dam Wisconsin called beaver dam? ›

The city was named for an old beaver dam located in a stream flowing into Beaver Dam River. The area had also been known as Okwaanim, Chippewa for beaver dam. The community was incorporated as a city on March 18, 1856. That same year the Milwaukee Railroad reached the area, encouraging further growth.

How long does a beaver dam take? ›

Beavers have earned the nickname “Nature's Engineers” for their amazing ability to build a dam that is completely watertight in under 24 hours.

What happens if you destroy a beaver dam? ›

If a beaver dam is causing damage or is considered a nuisance, the dam can be removed without a permit, but only if no streambed or lakebed material is removed. Note that beavers are likely to rebuild the removed dam.

How deep is Beaver Lake in Wisconsin? ›

Beaver Lake is a 313 acre lake located in Waukesha County. It has a maximum depth of 46 feet. Visitors have access to the lake from a public boat landing.

How deep is Beaver Lake by the dam? ›

Mean depth is fifty-eight feet, and the maximum depth is 216 feet. The structure contains 780,000 cubic yards of concrete and 1.6 million yards of rock and dirt embankment. Storage capacity is 1.95 million acre-feet, which includes flood control storage.

Is the beaver dam bigger than the Hoover Dam? ›

A family of beavers in Canada has built a dam that's twice as wide as the Hoover Dam. This huge dam is kind of a click-baity promotion (it worked!) but the essence of the video is how beavers can help make landscapes more resilient to effects of climate change. It's so big it can be seen from outer space.

How deep is the beaver dam? ›

The 40 foot deep freshwater quarry has floating platforms, two rolling logs, diving and jumping platforms, and a rope swing.

What river runs through beaver dam, Wisconsin? ›

The Beaver Dam River is a 30.5-mile-long (49.1 km) tributary of the Crawfish River in south-central Wisconsin in the United States. Via the Crawfish and Rock rivers, it is part of the Mississippi River watershed.

What eats beavers? ›


Wolves, coyotes, bears, lynx and wolverine have been known to prey on beavers. Otters can sometimes get into the lodge and kill the kits; however, an adult usually stays with the young for protection.

Can fish swim through beaver dams? ›

Fish Passage

Beaver dams can act as a barrier (typically temporarily or seasonally) to upstream and downstream movement of fish. Too often, this is assumed to always be detrimental. However, for many native fish that co-evolved with beaver dam activity in the systems, beaver dams are passable and not a problem.

What is the lifespan of a beaver? ›

Beavers in the wild live about 10 to 12 years. They have been known to live as long as 19 years in captivity. They continue to grow throughout their lives and may reach 3 to 4 feet (0.9–1.2 m) long, including tail.

What is bad about beaver dams? ›

Beaver damage to trees. Figure 3. Beaver damage and the collapse of beaver dams can lead to structural damage of roadways and blocked culverts. Residential buildings are sometimes damaged when large beaver dams fail, generally due to rapid increases in water velocity.

Is it legal to destroy a beaver dam in Wisconsin? ›

Landowner, lessees, or occupants may remove beaver dams causing damage or a nuisance without any sort of permit, permission, or authorization from the DNR.

Is blowing up beaver dams illegal? ›

In general, no DNR public waters work permit will be required to remove beaver dams, log jams, or other debris by the use of explosives.

What is the deepest part of Beaver Dam Lake? ›

Wisconsin Lakes

Beaver Dam Lake is a 6718 acre lake located in Dodge County. It has a maximum depth of 7 feet.

How deep is beaver dam? ›

The 40 foot deep freshwater quarry has floating platforms, two rolling logs, diving and jumping platforms, and a rope swing.

What is the deepest freshwater lake in Wisconsin? ›

What is Wisconsin's deepest lake? Green Lake in Green Lake County has a maximum depth of 236 feet, making it Wisconsin's deepest natural lake. Wazee Lake in Jackson County, a manmade lake created from an abandoned iron mine, has a maximum depth of 350 feet.

Is Beaver Dam Lake clean? ›

DATA SUMMARY: Both phosphorus and nitrogen levels in Beaver Dam Lake were consistently well above the Environmental Protection Agency recommended guidelines. Nutrients feed harmful algae and reduce water clarity.

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.