Beaver Dam Argus from Beaver Dam, Wisconsin (2024)

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Beaver Dam Argusi

Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

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1 Beaver DamDodge County Wisconsin insday dtolr 3' 1 A 20000 99290 25000 224290 SRs 30000 13200U A 4 SHOW No task or responsibility '1' no 4't chool Vocational etting asidedollaj Accoun ileas A 4 A I 3 I I to A a H' to T' 255000 100000 I i i A 855500 130000 400000 200000 50000 disorderly con £1 il Operation Janitor service Janitor supplies ZJ uel" Power and light Water Telephone and other ex pense i One son Leroy a brother and six sisters survive him The funeral services were held at the Reformed church at Lowell this afternoon at two with inter ment jn the church cemetery having a total member ship'of a hundred thousand and a membership of eighteen thousand It ds expected that membership com prised of residents of not city of the1 surrounding territory as well will reach a total of Several thousand within the course of the next few weeks' dues are asked of members and the expenditures of the league are A 4 t( V'V from derived entirely from voluntary contributions A val of carp from the iaxe ana mereoy 1 sup and V' 1605500 Maintenance Repair of buildings and keep of grounds Repair of service Repair and replacement of equipment pioneer ox Lake Resident Dead George LeVan Miegsfather of Mrs Ellis Davis of thisvciy fid a resident of the village of ''ox Lake since died at his home there on Monday at the ageof 82 years and fol io wing abrief illness withneumdnia' Thedeceased was a son Of Mr and Mrs George Miegs and was born in' the state of New York March 27th 1853 On October 7th 1877 he was united in marriage with Adelaide Powers who preceded him in death'on' December 16th 1921 A He had served as president of the Village for two years andaaa trustee for twelve years or forty five years he was affiliated with the ox Lake Lodge of Odd ellows and was a char ter niember of the Rebekah Lodge' uneral services are to be held at his home at two tomorrow afternoon Rev Woodward of Ran dolph and Groff officiating In terment will he in Waushara ceme tery TRANSPLANT 15000 INGERLING SUNDAY BeavdrDam ConservationistsConduct I Successful Expert 'yinenfc at Minne Wonka Beach 4 to A "Mi A 'of A' Members of Beaver Dam Opriserva under the direction of their president A OVinz Sunday concluded a successful experiment in' the propagation of black bass at Miii ne Wonka Beach or Cry staTLake feast of this 1 city when they seined that body of water and removed about fifteen! thousand fingerlings which were transferred to waters 'of Beaver Dam Jake Propagation of the fish at the lake east of the city'fs to be continued with' the encouragement of the Wisconsin Conservation com mission and another brood of finger lings is to be reared during the coining year there for stocking' in Beaver Dam Beaver Dam Conservationists re ceived permission from the authorities in charge of Minne Wonka Beach to conduct thdir experiment 'and 2000 fingerlings were planted there in 1984 and a number of parent Jbass were procured from the state "department and planted in the lake Sunday per mission for! seining was granted and equipped With special seins of the commission a large number of mem bers of the organization worked prac tlcally all day in the removal of thefish The bass fingerling as indi cated by their 'doubling in size thrived oh the insecjt life attracted to the sur face of the1 water by the floodlights of thek beach It is also certain that the bass their part in lessening insect nuisance at the beach during the bathing season During September of last year about half of the fingerlings were removed and placed in Beaver Dam the re maining half being allowed to remain in "Crystal Lake Partitions were placed against the culverts at the north end "of thelake dividing body of water into two Twelve parent were plants ed in north section The svawn of theseparent fish was hatched in this area 'and during the lattejr part of July the partitions' were allowing the 'fingerlings the freedom of the entire lake The size of the fish removed Sunday varied The parent bass weighed three pounds the 1934 hatch were from i seven tot nine inches in length and the 1935 hath was from 3 to 4 inches in length Thousands the fish were left in laketo grow to a larger size for stocking purposes as they do not spawn until two years of age Some rainbow trout 1 about two pounds in weight a' few shinners were the only other species of fish removed from lake i Assurance has been given to the local organization that another extensive carp removal profgram for Beaver Dam lake would be Undertaken under the of the state conservation com i mission this fallj It is expected fur ther that the bass planted in lake Sunday will perve to diminish' the number of smaller carp in the lake as the bassseek them for food was the case at Crystal Lake where me stunners wnicn were uuunuam in that body of water previous to "the bass 'propagation! experiment there have practically disappeared Conservationist at wotk at( thebeach counted about three dozen ducks which were making their home at Crystal Lake Beach this fall Crystal Lake to be posted against hunting and fishing as the fish'and wild life propagation 'cpntinues there Local Conservationists Sunday were served with refreshments! by' their organiza tion as they continued with their work at lake 4' 'A'' organization founded a 'few years ago by a group of local citizens interested in the' development of Bea ver Dam lake and waters of the vi cinity into a has accomplished! much toward the reali zation of their aim and their efforts are' deserving of the! wholehearted support 4 of A the community (Already bullhead jishihg for which Beayj Dam lake? gained nationally promi nence in years gone improvement" The fiiiNf irApppnwc CUKBWGUHER febiiities is always he TOYVLUME 75 I Three Injured When Locomotive jsr jl oinKes var Three persons were seriously in jured at Burnett this morning when the car in which they were riding was strucic by a lone locomotive proceed ing north from Horicoh'on the Mil waukee road The accident occured at fa 'street in the village The injured persons are Julius riese of Rolling Prairie owner and driver of the car Nrs CartSchweinkner and Jasper Merritt of Burnett Schweinkner was thrown clear of the automobile and riesef and Merritt were taken from the wreckage' of the car which the locomotive carried for a4 distance of two hundred feet down the track According to the stojy toldatthe Schweinkner home the car was haul ing' a trailer filled with potatoes which were being transferred from the home to the cellar of a neighbor across the track A of the! engine crew who witnessed the accident stated that th'car seemed to Stop by the side of the tradk and then suddenly moved forward directly into the path of the' oncoming loco motive The car an old style ord1 was Jef a mass of twisted wreckage The locomotive was In charge of Conductor? Arthur eh I gineer Richard Chatneyfand fireman Max Chesnow' i The attending physicians that Merritt's injuries consisted' of three fractured ribs bf the ankle broken laceraitionsfbf the scalp and possible internal iuries Mr injuries consisted of a fractured right ankle and skull' frac ture 'i 4 Mrs injuries consist of discolatiori of the right shoulder dislocation of the left ankle' fraetiirp of two ribs on the right side skull fracture lacerations of the scalp and lips The condition of all of the' in juried is considered this afteijnddn as being critical Discuss Plans for Carnival Members of the Kiwanis Club at their meeting Tuesday noon discuss ed plans for the holding of the annual carnival for the benefit of Minne Wonka Beach Ben Blanc was flamed general chairman of the event which is to be held at the Armory and will be assisted by the: following commit Planning committee Grace Wich man Blanc Location Art Sherman Construction and Grounds Ganske Kapelle Starkweather Huston Kel ley Lewis Ticket Sales Wegner Hammond Kohl Kommers Hough Concessions Volkmann Boe ttge rei tag Brzonkala Canniff Hammer Schwake Donations' Keller Martin Griesbaum Clark Morgan Hoefs Thompson Yasger Malinburg Huth Jack McCabe Hartzheim Ziegler' Wichman Luedke Bahr inance Ja cobs Claude McCabe Auction Dowe rA Lowell Woman Taken by Death Mrs Pauline Moore wife ot xkeii at'her home town of Loweirat' Saturday Knn on I 4ROnn morning following an illness oiLtwo 36000 I She was a daughter of Mr and Mrs KztESsC'i' 5 TT 494000 Instruction fl a to Salaries of principal and 594400 7141000 314573 240000 25000 487000 Capital' Outlay 1 Band equipment 20000 Science agriculture grades 1OQOOO Stoker 29500 Woodworking equipment 137000 A 286500 Grand Total 11472265 Less estimated 2908636 Ax I1 Local levy 8563629 Estimated Receipts State county aid el mentary schools 1703400 State high school aid 29000 Speech correction aid 101400 Agriculture 117000 Tuitidh 729836 A e't ocationalschooituel Beavers and Berlin in Tie A 4 a jj tyr rjw lAixiiit 21 1111 AmriHv luoLnaii 1 4 ai wk ha AnhTi 4 wia a Vll SVUi Ten conference last ri day night played to 20 t6 tie in one of the most exciting games yet played here While 'the game ended a tie there were many among the fans who believed that it should have'ended in a victory for the local team The dispute arose over a sixty yard run to' a touchdown byHeft of Berlin The run was made down the side line and those 'question the validityof this touchdown fllaim that the run ner twice stepped out of bounds in his dash for the goal 1 Colliganfor the Beavers starred in Jast riday game when he grabbed the ball after kickoff at the opening of the second half and was off to a ninety yard run to a touchdown! I The visitors scoring soon after the start of the game when Heft who plays at right half for Berlin grabbed the ball and managing elude his pursuers and was off to a six ty ybrd run and touchdown 1 There was a good crowd out to witness the game the student body attending in Jarge numbers 'k Husting Dies at Oshkosh Bonduel A a prominent ond du Lac attorney and a brother ofUnited States' District Attorney Husting died at Mercy Hos pital in Oshkosh last week Thursday' death resulting from injuries re ceived in an automobile accident sev eral duys preceding' The car in which Husting was riding was struck by a truck when he caihe out upon the A vertebrae was fractured resulting his death a few days lat er His widow three daughters a son four brothers and a sister survive him The funeral services were held at the Masonic Temple at 'ond du Lac at 1:30 last Sunday afternoon Interment was in a cemetery at ville vk '4 I NTIMBER49 Tempera tunes for tlie' month a of September in this viciity were slight ly above the average for same month last 'year 'standing at 6366 de degrees V5 The ten year aVeragie is 6429 degrees! The warmest tempera tune othe month was 90 degrees on the 18th and the coldest was on the '28th and 'The total rainfall was 187 inches as compared with 499 in September lastyQark? I Se veralltomes were' set' fire when the furnace' was rekindled In sure to be sure is Baker 217 Third sty Beaver Damr superintendent Salaries of teachers Retirement A i SubHsof instruction 1 Commehcementexpense 1 Library books Insurance Travel alldwaiite Jure taut AMnnnnrD Altfl if rllilAvlaVLilV ORMED Organization Spoils or Respect 'f or and Compliance LawsX J' City Nation it 2 i An organization known as the Bea veE Dam: Law and Order League has recently been 14 perfected for this city and officers of the same have been chosen following its 4 incorporation Charles Staehle former mayor )f the city has been selected as president of Vthe body with' rank Geisinger as vicef president and Sterri as executive secretary arid treasurer Directors chosen for the are Mrs Gloude ms' Lester pearderC" J' Boothroyd Ja Roedl jA Schmtitzler Charles Knaup' and Henry Opitz The purposes And objects of the League stated in articles of in corporation are as follows: encourage Citizens to respect an tbez (Constitution of the 'State of Wisconsin and the UnitedStates and the laws of our cooneratp wtH rv maintain law and order? 5 4 sj Jr 3 combat Communism and other influences that wish to achieve their ends by: violence 1 this" community 'better place in which shair7tbe non partisan non sectariari It shali 1 recognize the right of any group! or groups to organize and to proceed by any and all legarme'ansTQiattain their ends pZ C4'V 4 a 1 An announcement of organiza Ction further explains purpose in' the words i'We in no Sense of the word become a vigilante committee be cause we equally condemn the unlaw uL employment of force and intimi dation whether it be exercised by a vigilante committee or by communists openly preaching violence Our or ganization believes that" we' have am ile and laws 'to copd: wi th anyand every situation and there fore the attainment of any objective yvbi thyin itself never justified by the use 'of forceviolence or intimidation which' constitute a vio lation of law and the tearing dowmbf the foundations of our Membership is open to altirrespec all Proves atal 4Ge6rge Christman 68 of the town of 'died at his home there Monday as the result of injuries he' received when he fell down a flight of stairs He was a son of Mr and Mrs Peter Christman and was born in the town of 'Portland In 1897 he was married tot MarthaiKohls who preceded him in (leath last December1 He had been a 4 tive of religious or political Jbeliefs resident of the town of Portland all arid jnembers are asked to subscribe to' his life One son Leroy a brother arid the following' code I 'Believe 1 in our constitutional guarantee of life liberty! and the pursuit ofhappi nessM i tha'Calrliuman property and'po litical rights as those rights are given each citizen by bur constitution and laws should beprotectedV 5 I to 5 As Ta good citizen I believe that thqse'rights Can be preserved by law and its enforcement my moral sup to Beaver Dam and Order'League and apply? for flilembership' therein" Similar' organizations have been formed elsewhere in the state Mil West Street and East Mackie Street Proj ect is avorably Tuesday Night Thbt common October meeting held Tuesday evening acted favorably upon the installation pf concrete curb! and gutter Vonf West ucuwccH niru streets 1 arid on Mackie street be tween Spring aW Jackso'nXstreets Proper cijty authorities were in steucteato apply to the federal gov eJnment fori federal aid in the con striction of "these two projects al though because: of the lateness of the seasonit is felt that be done' now until4 the coming Wpring is to have a roadway of thirty feet be tween: faces of curb and Mackie street isK tohave a 36 00 1 roadway Cost of construction above "any goy emment aid procured is to as sensed againsVabutting property In both cases property owners petitioned or the curb and gutter resolution adopted Tuesday night? provides that applicatibn be made for federal fundststo apply ton the cost of construction of asanitary sewer bn York street between Liberty And Car roll streets The remaindei the cost Of the cohstructibn of theXsewer wbuld be paid by property owners sewerwas orderedj bugt at the request of the Union Realty company owners of 22 effected lots and con tairied in their petitionXsV y7 1 A Glass drink license was ordered tlihg Wojriqj hfld a payment of $60 to the! Band Mothers association for a municipal concert authorjzed The board of public works returned to the council? without recommends tiori antordinance whitH seeks pre vent the? distribution of handbills in the city ea Kober ts was employed as a caretaker at the city dump grounds' at a salary of thirtydoIIarsVey month Apetitioni for a street light at the' cor nep of Liberty and PleasantZ streets was read and' referred to comiriittee bn street flights? V1J 4 '7 Considerable time was devoted to? a A 5 1 discussion protection for that city in the vicinity of Beaver Dam Junction It ex JV' plained that police At the present' tiine are making visits to that part of the city at regular 'intervals 3 8314975 Miscellaneous 1 7 100000 agricdl i er iinni nimr ft io 1 bnUUL DUJUUEi 1 1 1 lADOPTEDBY BOARDs gM 4 TVr Total Expenditure Estimates fdr Public Schools for Year 1936 Placed alt $11472265 Vfl A '2 The board of education at an ad journed session of its meet ing held the (first of the week gave final approval to a public school bud get for the coming year which calls for total expenditures of $11472265 and the report of the board embody ingHhis budget was ordered certified to the comriion council for inclusion in the 1936 city budget Of this total estimated amount need ed for next year $2968636 will come from! sources other than direct "taxa tion on city property and the remain der will be a direct tax against city property? The figures! include $2 85600 for capital outlay rin connection with the purchase of band equipment wood working equipment and other similar expenditures Maintenance figures in this budget include the cost of decorating the walls tofWashington and Madison schools toiletsj at the Wilson school tubes for the boiler at the Washington school replacement of typewriters! renovation of Equipment and an em ergency repairfund The 1936 budget is $582212 higherhan that for 1935 when the total was The budget figures in detail are as follows for the coming year: General Control Expenses of Board of Edu cation Salary of superintendent and clerk 434666 Expenses of superinten office 46666 ftPRESEKT 7 indications federal: Authorities Called fxRprntetives of last week arrested two men on a vag rancy charge when they yiblated the arterial regulations at intersec tion Jif Jlightways 33 to 67 by failing" to stop The car in which they riding bore California license plates but taeyj claimed residence in Miri neapolis A key to' a Waupun hotel room was found on the person of tone rt 4: 4 viuu uu vvaui pun showed that they were registered at the hotelindicated and that thev 'J va iwowiner1 cars ai taatfaceJ 3 It was believed? that the two were engaged Sin interstate automobles and the federal authorities were noti fied of the arrest and detention ofthe twbIrivestigation by thbm sho'w ed that federal authorities had rec pAo Pab but they were aot wanted onany federal charge and so were vM a 'f' Mrs Kennedy Dies at Colum if a DUS Kennedy of widow of the Tate John Kennedy! passed away in death at Ste hospital in Columbus at 5 50 last" Thursday morning September 26th She was preceded in death by her husband nine years ago born in 1 Columbus Wis August 1859 She is survived by the following nirie childreii and a number of brothers and sisters rank and Joseph Kennedy Mrst red Stange' ana mrs ueorge Kohl of this 'city' John and 'Lea Kennedy5 of 'Detroit! Mich Mr Herbert Hay and Sarah' Kennedy of Chicago and Charles Ken nedy 5 on the 'old homestead at Lost LakeMwA'v uneral services were held at St if a i 4 church "in Los Lake at' nine Saturday morning and were conducted by Bev Vorman Inter ment was in St cemetery Ex Sheriff Lehmann Wins Dam Suit A juryincircuit court at Jiineaus Mpnday? rejected the suit of the Deer field 1 Creamery company of Deerfield! Wis? against Henry Lehmann former sheriff of this countyfpr $800 diatnag es as the result' ofhis "attaching carload of dry milkbelonging' to' the creamery Jn 1934 The seizure was on a writ of at tachment issued by federal court at Madison bh' property of the De Hy Products 1C0 Hrieh in business in' Ju neau The De Hy company was ship ping the milk to Deerfield The action grew out of difficulties between' the" De Hy coinpany and the Producers Co operative' Co of Juneau Industrial Cases to be Heard? A calendar of cases 'arising under4 the Wisconsin Compensation Insur ance act willbe heard at the city hall lere on riday rof next week' Oc tober 11th These cases tare as fol ows: elix Voelmer vs Jack Employers Mutual Insurance Co Charles Naeser vs ox Lake Brewing Travelers 1ns Louis Piehl vs ox? Lake: Brewing Company Travelers Madgic Lannon Quarries Corp rvi I r4 impossible of ac rvf nii va laomitable 'spirit says? fir a ir vrustav uroan and jvas oom 1 the town of Lomira an this county 1965? She made her home there for a num fnr? the nast Aicht ler husband and three JasRobertandBelva ereS hi1 4 1 at Lowell of to to? WMfe to jr toto? to feW 1 fl A to I ti tIMJli llE ito toft to? 1 to to tototo i jp st 1 1 1 1 'h I Air 4 flT 9 A A J5 tf'Jti AWJ 4 xBfc Il I a st 1 i 1 1 I I 1 a fl 2 i to! 1 toj III tof to toWli to to to 'I to tofl I fei Ji iW to to toa tol to1 to to to? tog 1 to to i tototo to to to to "to to to toto A to 1 i' to to tof to sHA Ito if 1 13 to to to to" toto'to 4 v'tototoj toto to to I tototos tototoc to to 1 4 I to'!" i 4 vid? Lm Bto to 1 1 to Sv 3 tog awg A 7 Xs 1 35 to tot £1 fjAto tfto 'l tov to 5 A i to i tot to A 1 to toto to? to 1UUUO A A A4AW JL tol a i fl'll to a fl lx to to tof toto' to 'J 1 I to 4 tLiusTirr a 7nTinTXiaTniniv UK UTUMnniW to: to fl to tofxflv to 2 xTto rW fj to to lx Vta 44J to A sito sfto to to to 3: sWE Xsf 'bf 4 i to to Jtol ife totolto rf vto ft flL tor MA ftxi a 1 rnw GAtn i 7 ta Jtfuap toA fl Sto i Vschool 4 4 individual in shaping i Ai Other revenue? A wlBSWBii OitaBwldiwOayjifemiKmesS monev to to 90 ftMJUt: tot's meeffthemeedsnfiTn r'?" to and even A qrerthe laftrn hers Monday ewaing i 'SLk oipreingumeswiin ineaia 2i to 1 01 a ravines threesisterstahd 5 7 toJ wv TO TT riM rv in a a i a ii LA The funeral services 4 ifeteformedlclmrcl VasVfiVto to to to to a A to i WetRAB BirtzheimbinricAAtoHih eontinuataonAoftaeworfcofinBeaver 1 'V A DamConservatiomsts for asfmvnore ft to a eSatURjarteoin uretitaw '4Trx 8w sMBSh A 5 batamyand turesrisingiwo feet above the water 'to '4 v' heshaA 11 7' I 'SS 4 I I.

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Beaver Dam Argus from Beaver Dam, Wisconsin (2024)


What is beaver dam, Wisconsin known for? ›

Located in central Wisconsin, Beaver Dam is a lakeside city ideal for fishing, boating and spending quality time with family and friends.

Is beaver dam Wisconsin a good place to live? ›

Beaver Dam is an awesome place. The people are diverse in race, age, experience, and education. Everyone often stays for decades and Beaver Dam has been a home to many for well over 100 years. It's a great small town to grow up in with the ability to walk to school and hang out at one of the many parks.

How did beaver dam, WI get its name? ›

The city was named for an old beaver dam located in a stream flowing into Beaver Dam River. The area had also been known as Okwaanim, Chippewa for beaver dam. The community was incorporated as a city on March 18, 1856.

Is there a beaver dam that can be seen from space? ›

ALBERTA, Canada – Far in the northern reaches of the Canadian province of Alberta is a beaver dam so big that it's literally visible from space.

What is the crime rate in beaver dam WI? ›

Beaver Dam has an overall crime rate of 8 per 1,000 residents, making the crime rate here near the average for all cities and towns of all sizes in America. According to our analysis of FBI crime data, your chance of becoming a victim of crime in Beaver Dam is 1 in 118.

How clean is Beaver Dam Lake? ›

DATA SUMMARY: Even though Beaver Dam Lake's microcystin toxin levels were consistently below guidelines for human health, the high variability of these levels indicates strong potential for future risk.

What are the negatives of beaver dams? ›

Raising the surrounding water table and flooding the immediate area can push sediment and organic material into irrigation ditches, spoiling agriculture in the surrounding area. Floods caused by initial dam building can also damage valuable timber in the area surrounding the dam.

Is beaver dam worth visiting? ›

Beaver Dam State Park displays a natural, primitive and rustic beauty that offers a peaceful environment to any outdoor enthusiast of hiking, camping or fishing.

Can you swim in Beaver Dam Lake, WI? ›

Beaver Dam Lake in Wisconsin is a beautiful and serene lake located in Dodge County. It is a popular destination for fishing, swimming, boating, and other recreational activities. The lake is approximately 6,718 acres in size and has a maximum depth of about 7 feet.

What river runs through beaver dam, Wisconsin? ›

The Beaver Dam River is a 30.5-mile-long (49.1 km) tributary of the Crawfish River in south-central Wisconsin in the United States. Via the Crawfish and Rock rivers, it is part of the Mississippi River watershed.

Why did the beaver dam bridge collapse? ›

The bridge was situated on Quebec Route 198 and connected the Quebecois municipalities of Murdochville and Gaspé. The bridge collapsed on May 22, 1963, due to flood damage and killed 6 people, all mine workers heading toward Murdochville.

Where is the largest beaver dam on Earth? ›

Wood Buffalo National Park is the largest national park in Canada. It's known for wood bison, whooping cranes, and for having one of the largest inland freshwater deltas in the world - the Peace-Athabasca Delta. It is also home to the largest beaver dam in the world.

Are beavers aggressive? ›

Do Beavers Attack Humans? Beavers are not dangerous if left alone. However, they will stand their ground and confront a threat. If trapped or cornered, a beaver will attack a human.

How many beavers live in 1 dam? ›

How many beavers live in a dam? There's no set number – a dam and lodge could hold anything from a pair of beavers to 10. However, generally, only one family of beavers live in one area (they'll even fight other families that wander into their territory).

What are some fun facts about beaver dams? ›

Beavers build watertight dams made of woven sticks, reeds, branches and saplings caulked together with mud and rocks. The dams form slow-moving ponds that reduce stream erosion and provide brand new habitat for small fish and other aquatic wildlife. Rocks make up a large part of dams.

Why is beaver dam important? ›

Beaver dams benefit a multitude of other species, including cold-water-loving trout and salmon. Beaver ponds store cool water in summer, creating habitat for the region's important native fish species, like endangered steelhead and spring Chinook.

What is the Beaver State known for? ›

Oregon is known as the "Beaver State." Beavers are our state mammal, as well as the mascot of our state university. It is shameful that they can be killed at random, in unlimited numbers by anyone. Beavers are not pests -- they provide many valuable environmental services.

Why is it called the Battle of Beaver Dams? ›

It is designated because: warned by Laura Secord and an Iroquois scout, a force of Iroquois from Caughnawaga and the Grand River defeated an attacking American force near Beaver Dams on 24 June 1813; the American defeat left the British in control of the Niagara area for the remainder of 1813.

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Author: Neely Ledner

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Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.