Beaver Dam Argus from Beaver Dam, Wisconsin (2024)

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Beaver Dam Argusi

Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

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i 1872 1872 OHIO AND IX nr IfTeW Advertisem*nts MILLIHIU! OH Afillfl 1 OOTS SHOES ri 3 JSAMUEL J3BURCHARD Look at the low prices fur the next or One Dollar Hr to! Hi 1 I to I STOOL: 4 Lto 7 sanity I st 4 Ic A ji 'J 1 HUM 4'W Ij I ltoj "'i i ffl M1 i fj rol 14 A 5 ItMJJ ffO W1W j44 An Iowa girl dismissed her lover be i ar lanners pro easiou 1 he pins ioui iirqaoui oeneve hrtruitJit iir ihlftruwdT' ir? To the 'electors ofthe several towns wards and House Jamisliing Goods dv Ji As we go to press yds report comes TA SrTOQ toIT Vi i Lfrti 4fa iT jp General Election Notice NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that St thv gene ral electfen to be held in the several towns wards and election precincts in the state of Wiscon sin on the Tuesday succfeding tho first Monday be fncthe fifth day of November next the following ef gcra aiwto be elected tturitz Ten Elec tors ot President nadViee President of the United StetesfMW Represent life la Congress for the first Con 4 4 ihUCHy BOdTES'c MAKER LUSTER BRAND WARE $100 12J cutes 1215 cents 2s cents 25 cents $125 cents nor varl 20 cents per pound 15 cetit 5 cents 'T Having just returned from my semi annual visit ew orl and BcSstoni am now prepared to welcome the people of Dodge aruhneighboring counties to an exhibition of the Largest and Best Yrinv STOCK GOODS T' arw Together with Boots A Shoes In all styles All which will be snlil Cheap for Cash have a complete assortment of Stwpte Dry Goode adapted to the wants of the people coneistiug Lu r77 Ibotige Casuniy Conr3 in Probate la the matter of the proof oftbe last will and testa meat of Elearer Tefft deceased AW READING and filing an instrument in writing purporting to be the fest will and testament ef Eteaner Tefft date of the town of Hubbard in the county of Dodgr and State of Wisconsin deceased and also the rxcompanying petition of Joseph Cook' representing among other things that the said Klea ner Tefft lately died at her readenee in said town of Hubbard that the Baid instrument is the last will and testaunent of said deceased and that he the petl ttoner the identical Jofeeph Cook named and appointed by the said' last will as one of the executors thereof and praying that a day be appoint ed for hearing the proofs of said last will and testa BMnt ''4 vrz srj It is ordered that the proofs of said instrument be heaad before the Judge of this Coon on Monday the 23d day of September A 1872 at ll in the forenoon at Ins office In the City of Beaver Dam Sa said County And ft further ordered that public notide there of ba girea to the heira at law of said deceased and to all other persons interested by pnblishingta copy of this order for three successive weeks prior toe id day of heariog in the Reaver Dem Assn weekly newspaper printand pubjishedat BeavertDanv said Cv Dated August ITth If 40w3 A S00TT SLOAN County Judge T' i Grant 8699510 31S6900 5791 53 4991 20 318224 1426700 5707 a 652502 82733 $65842 21 WlgCOSSIX IT EMS Tbe Manitowoc Pilot reports that dur tffnrm rsf li advrti rr nnri intin 5 SHESMANy' Editor' 1 iiievr shuck uf Lihdje VrvBa BtAUK SILK DROWN SILK J'APANUSK SILK i'rhnch pjuhns 1 MOAAins ALPACAS El TEENS "MIIHINOS BMPRHS CLOTH 1 ct urns ASiinnn? BOMBAZINES i ARLINC WN POULINS 1 PL A IDS tlelNQ SHAWLS 1 6 TTeavy Water proof per Heavy brown Cotton yard wide flood I enifliei! Norton yard wide Good All Wool lnniieUr Cottou and Wool ltuaaels Good Bed Spreads 'Good Prints Cotton Batting Heavy Linen Towseadhr XWa la IMS Collars' Edging! cent per yard worth Scents A Good Woolen Coat A Good Pair Woolen Pauts A Good Vest A Woolen Good Carpet per Good Pair Boots 1 Thousands of other things equally ns Chewy If the above prices are not low enough I will soil them still less" I will VO you Miss Has the largest! and best selected ossortment of all and Winter Stylesf Millinery and Ladies urnishing Goods In fenesal sueh as 72" NT HATS ru bonnetsA RIBBONS SASH RIBBONS yl'LOWERS ff 1 1 REAL IMITATION pORSETS COLLARS AND CUS ZEPHYRS ANQ WOOLEN GOODS 'endless variety of Chignons Switches and Braids Aho Uosory Gloves 4c 'y Remember the place one door west of thq Musical Academy Beaver Dam October 12tlK 1872 l' 57yl 1 And many of thcin package of Importing Houses saving a Jobbers Profits and giving it to my Customers I have more goods than I know what to do with My store is full and still they come Rath er than stack out of doors I shall sell them at uh heard of Yj S4 pf 5 tl 0 LOW PRICES 4 77 GfRKEtEy as BusinessMan Greeley will not be 'a good business man claim the Grant oraches Why not asks Ike Even ing Express He has honesty he has in dustry aba has personal habits he tori ft and economy and he has i a By the use or all these bebuiltup one of the most prosperous' pf the world and success had been pre Then from poverty he became'JweH' educated and prosperous Conpare his progress irjltbis respect with Gen Grant who waseducated an engineer at the expense of the nation and who after his resignation from the 'the position of a clerk in a leather store1 at a salary a year? financialability? During' the jsrfmq lperiod Greeley entered into competition with best inindi of the country Mr Greeley has always sethis face in favor of the policy of earning money rather than obtain ing1 it by sharp He never has stood i debted tej ifriends or family for a ddllar of aid fSinceflhis apprenticeship His llis tory of TAe American Conflict netted him about $120000 because of its prodigious sale Do these facts indicate a lack of financial ability General Grant once sent to congress declaring that it was difficult for him to see how the tional del)t coqld be paid unless we should annex Sap Domingo' an island which never could pay its own debt He has identified phimself with the carpet bag governments at the south Do these things indicate financial ability? belief in thfe seperiorityof specie payments over suspeusipiji jj shared by every accred A large aud most complete stockof House furuiphipg vc may bt und at MARVIN'S WAREHOUSE 4Directly opposite the Bnnk Consisting a and Al? kinds of medium and! common urniture CLOTHS GILT TINT And COMMON! WALL 1 LACE and MUSLIN CURTAINS WINDOW SHADES and IXTURES 1 of all IJnds' TEAtoHiSSPEING BEDS IVI attress And ftll other Wads of of Looking Glasses ev 1 i 7 h1 And almost everything' tnreful and ornamental for furuixhinga house 'Wishing to reduce my stock I will soil at the very lowest prices for ciuh Cult and jtnd we me 1 ffl UNDEP TAKING jimminl rtf Anmtntof rf toindA swindle in 180U under 1 ttnaar Huehanan So 45690 461400 Kg miRtcffn hBMA 'J 4442JS 4 87300 jNoenstom house 492984 280188 bJvr 4 41900 309013 Mining Oet 10 72 I tls 4 i Amended Summons CIRCUIT COURT County of ATmeda Spaulding Plaintiff against Bartholomew Me Conaghy John McConaghy Hugh McCouagliy Mary Margaret McCouaghy Daniel MeCona gliy Eliza McConaghy jWHUam Smith and George arr defendants The State of to the abm named defendants nndeachofthtm: tiHlon are hereby enmmoned and required to an rwer the amended complaint in thia action which willbe filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court' of Dodge Cotihty at Juneau in eald County and to serve a copy of your ter Baid com plaint on the subscribers at their office in the Qty Ta milkly InvntaL An vat aGow Ul IHfllTEi Aua "U4HU un iva iuuuvuto of this ennimone on you exclusive of the day of buc services anJ if you fall to answer tbe said complai nt within the time aforesaid the Plaintiff in this act io will apply to Court for tha relief demand ed the complaint Dated at Beaver Dahl this 16th day of 1 070 ELWELL A LANDER Plaint'tTa Takx Noricx Tha amended Complain I in the above entitled was filed in the office of t'Je Clerk of ilie CKrinlt Court at Jnnean in eaidCourAty of Dodze on tlielSth day of July 1872 3 36w6 ELWELL LANDER 7iU for Pl ff jslv Ex Gov Curtin bus come out for Buckalew and Greeley Yerkes has coma out (of state prison) for Hartnanft and Grant ws A radic! orator in Detroit compliment ed a young mother upon her Grant bah v7wben4ibe replied that hetprobably came to that conclusion from seeing the child have a bottle iDsd Us ft 7 iWhlte Ware 8 lll lt st tf? UUD Gaiters Slippers Ever offered in this market I have a complete eortment of Gents Custom made KIP BOOTS I which will warrant to wear writ and not rip end dand give satisfaction to the purchaser every 1 time also low price BOOTS A SHOES 1 that are good as vnll as cheap 1 777 Boys and "youths Boots f' I Both in warranted Custom Goods and Sale Work gressional District comprising the counties of Rock Bacluej Kenosha Walworth aad Mangevdirtt I A representative CoiieAuauivtue easuiid fcoa greesiuuat Districtjivhipnsiug the eLuuiies ufJvffer eon Dane bank and Coin iubii I id A representative in Cougreea Tor the Third Con 1 greesional District cowprisiug the counties 1 Grant Iowa La ayette Green Richland and Crawford A representative in Congress for the ourth Con gfessioual District comprising the couuuesdof iMil waukee Ozaukee tind Washington ir i representative in Congress Hn the ifth Con gressional District comprising the counties of D4dge ond du Lac Sheboygan and Manitowoc A representative in Congress in the Sixth Con gressional District comprising the counties ot Green Lake Waushara Wappaca Outagamie Winnebago Calumet Brown Kewaunee and Door 1 A representative in Congress in the Seventh Con gressional District comprising the counties of Ver non La CrosseMonroe Jackson Trempealeau Buffa lo Pepin Pierce St Croix Kail Claire aud Clarld A representative in Congress in the Eighth Con gressional District comprising the counties ot (Icon to Shawano Portage Wood Juneau Adams Mar quette Marathon Dunn Chippewa Barron Boik Burnett Bayfield Douglas and Ashland Respectively in the pieces of Alexander Mitchell Gerry Hazelton Allen Barber Charles A El dridge PhiletuS Sawyer and Jeremiah Rusk whose several terms of office will empire on the fourth day of March next A State "Senator In the irst Senate District com prising the county of Sheboygan in place of John Jones whoseterm of office will jsxpire on the first Monday of January 1873 A State Senator in the Third Senate District (com prising the first Second sixth and ninth wanls of tbe' city of 51ilwaukee aud the towns of GraavilleJ Mil Waukee and Wauwatosa in the county of Milwankee in the place of rancis Iluebecbmrnn whose term of office will expire on the first Monday of JaMtary A State Senator in the ifth Senate District prising the county of Racine in the place ol Philo Bolden hooe term of offiice will "expire on the fiTBl i Monday of January 1873 i 'A State Senator in the Soventk Senate District comprising the1 towns of' Albion Blooming Grove Bristol Burke Christiana Cottage Grove Deerfield Dunkirk Dunn Medina Pleasant Springs Sun iPrai rie York and the City of Madison it the i county of Dane iu place of William Colladay i whose term of office will expire on tbe first Monday' in January 1873 1 vA StateSonator in the Ninth Senate District com prising the Qonuty of Iowa in place of rauds Lit tie whose term of office will expire on the first MOadav in JnmiM 1873 I A State Senator in the Eleventh Senate Dfetofet comprising the county of La ayette in place of Henry Magoon whose term ol office will expire On the first Monday in January 1875 4v i A StateSenator in tiie Thirteenth Senate District comprising the county ofDodge except tbcriftb and Sixth Wards eftbeclty xf' Watertown in place of Saterlee Clark whose term of office will expire on the first Monday January 18r3 I i A Stale Swnator tn the ifteenth Senate District comprising tbe county of Manitowoc in place of Carl A Schmidt whose term of office will expire on the first Monday in January 1873 ir A State Senator the Seventeenth Senate Dis 1 trict comprising: the county of Kock ru place of Charles Wlllharus whose term of office will joxpire on tbrfirst Monday in January 1873 4 A StaU Senator in the Nineteenth Senate District comprising the county of Winnebnw in place of Jame? II oster whose term of office will expire on tho first Monday iu January 1873 w1 A State Senator iu the Twenty irst Senate Dis trict comprising the counties of Marathon Oconto Shawano and Waupaca and the towD xfJBlck Creek Bovina Deer Creek EUlngtor HortonU Lib erty Maine Maple Creek Osborne aud Seymouriu the county of Outagamie in plaro of My run Reed whose term Of offied kill expire thafirstMouday in January 1873 A State Senator In tho Twenty Third Senate trlctoompriaing the county of Jeflersoth ntd the fifth and sixth wards of the city of Watertown in Dodge county in place of Woodman whose term of office will expire on the first Monday in January 1873 A State Senator in the Twenty ifthronate Dis trict oomprMngtho counties of Green Luke Mar quette and IV auriiara in place of aldo lint whose term of office will the first Monday in JatuarylS73 1 4A State Senator i the TwentySeventh Senate Dis trrcft comprising the county ol Columbia in pliwo of William Griswold whose term of office will expire on tho first Mor day in January 1873 i A Stale beiD cor in tho Twenty Ninth Senate Dis trict comprierng the counties of Adnms Juneau Vvr tage and Wood in place of Eliphiklet 8 Miner whnwe term of office will expire ut tbo fit's! Monday vf Juu uary 1873 A State Senator in the Thirty first? Senate District compviain the county of La Crosse in place of Angus Camerrn who term of office will on tlie first Mocdny tn January 1873 1 A State Senator In the Thirty Third Smale District Comprising tho conn ties of Oxaiikuo and VVarddugtau in place of Lyman Morgan whoso term of office ill or Ire on the first Monday In January 1873 A member of Assembly in each A8niblydistrict in tbo Stute and such county officer as uro by Lw required to be elected nt such election i 4 ff A proposition for an iUiicndmcnt the corirtitntfO is at the same tinio to be BUbnuiletlt to a voittof t0 electors pursuant to the provision ff chapta'r nf tho General Laws of 1872 approved March 2'4' and which Isas follows AN ACT to submit to tbo people an amend 4 article seven of tho constitution 1 KgUffittirb of ll linnnaf 1 session tor the uar jsTkiruposed jpfvd b) vote of tho irajority of tho inumbvn! sp 'tedto enh of the two houses an aun ndment zfuocourtllnikin of this 8 ato hi following U'vJnagej Jtanniwd by 'm senate Zinduisbvmb ytnuvwring Thnttion four of article ca Of the rtintitiilhn ihj auiohikd so us to road O' th a IO we Hertioni UJ The supremo court of thia staewith tha jurHdftthm nnd powers prbacrihe In uisconstitution shall fonril of one chief justice four JtbHcrB to be elected by the qnnlp Sectors bf theaUbJtt tiniva ond in suih innibas tlm legb Utnre may vide and such court vec lonstit rttd shaHl not be chnngml ordiscontinu by th0 kgntiaturn Thk chief justice and nssonato tirtint of cnrt now in office ah ill )ildl ffi adbuea for the remainder of tho ternu for whfet ti eyxere rcaprcrivoly(ftvd and until the etactibn qualHleijan nf the 'two additional Hrwoclntu ji sf cus herein provided for constitute thesnprw 10 court of thif tate leg islature hal I atit*hr nntnral 8frjun after tC adop tion ol this Kiiiendrne it provided ibj daw furhbeitlrct tiunoftbe two wall Jonal aasiciate Ju ticvit hereby required and their jneerssors nnd for the eletmn tim successor of chief justice and nssochjto jiutl cc now hi ffiQe Aiid fur chusrifying the woaddilioii al tusociiitcju tcea first elected mo that tbo term of officu of odu (: them shall bo tour years and of the other six Thoterm of office nfjthe chief ijiut tlce and of associate justice of the supnuhccont elected aft ji the adoption cd this ntnviiflment except hs herein otherwise provided Hhid sixyiih and WiiEk1 The foregoing proposed arnondnH'nt tp the coiidt tutiun of tho stale was duly rat Hied aod agreed tu the legislature of 1872 threAre ioi The ople of he State 15 facontdn roprospntod lu Rnr itA nntl niMfnibtv dii nu fnllti I Bruno Thu foregoing propuHOflt amendment to tho 4HiiUtuttanof thin state shall bsMubmitUMl to the peoplu nt a general election to be held on iTueeday eucceadiug the fleet Monday of Jvutrrmher W72 if the people shall appiove und ratify sue) air rd ment by a majority of the eh etorsn voting th nv said amendment shall become a part ortho kuijtitn tion of this state bb rrM Sectiox 2 The fur tn of the ballot in dirty to ap prove and rntifytsnid proposed amendin' nt I Mhati be "for amending thcr constitution incrensf hrkfie number of justices of the snrperrre' court ar A gainst said amenitatautagainst stnending th' cnNtilntion iu creasinu the number ofjuticcsuf whi'di shall be on aseparate bal oi endshtill be br posrted in is parateboxvW he jiro ridud ortbat pur pose and all pcrM qualified a afAny election in this state shall ho deemed 7qt oh ihhnustiou 8(0110x3fhfrfotea proving ami rarity ing or disapproving said nmrnUDrdt shall be eraintad ami returned by tho the election' spects as votes forfeit ioffi lfcr5 hre count! and aTt i turned and thaofficor 1 no designed by Uw to can vass the retUi na of fes State officers shill canvass the returns on this que? at the same Rime rad placq and nnkrju ne regulations and restrictions now provided bv law xbrcanvasHlngand declaring the returns yf rtcc'ions gtale oitt( jSiCtxom 4 Wit jn three days after the Jkjtarrqltia ticB of said ennvt shall be the duty of ihe can tiUBers to certif the riMinlt of Auid inuH the Governin' wb hUri! thereupon without delay xaake proclatnaiie a of the reBult btCTiox Secretary of State Is heirby requlr bd to include tbe Substance ofthis net Iu titfnnotive of tho gen dTlti election for the year 1ST2 1 S(Cjqx fij This act bhalhr takefiffect sod bo InJ i loxuL from RTVl and after itK T)AMtarn anti mibhcal I 4 Given uiider my hand and thdgrwt seal 1 Tj of the State of Wisconsin at the capital tn Xj Madison this 20lbof August 1872 hu BIlEBSr 'r 4 Becretaryof Slate 5 Grain Sc Produce All kind pnylncx) liken Iff ixchnire foi LAWK I 'V firt 1 i jvbrahara Hendershot a citizen of East I ii 7' wa accidentally shot and kill I cd Tuesday evening by Oscar Streator 4i 0 Daton late ef the Second Colora 'do Cavalry was' chocked" to death by a piece of meat at St Wendel twelve miles from 'Evansville Ind night Charles Miller a prominent 'wheat ibuyi er of WiaOua was instaully killed ou Wed nesday eveiuagby being thrown from his buggy The Manon Register ofthe 4th insL gays? Mr 'Ballard au ohl and respect ed citisen of IiinnIowaJ was killed' last Saturday by one of his horses licking him or tho bead while attempting fasten young man named Mat Pfeifer was futaily xkuJL w'hila hunUtig dueks near St A 1 JT1BU1' rU OdBUlUby Mjf va MM 5W niu6 a something and the charge striking im in the groin and abdomen He died a feat hours afterward a Hi In Grand Rapids Mich dariuea "Wed nesday night a small frame house occu pied byi Mrs! rancis a w)uiun about 50 years old was burned Tbb wo' man was alone and thb' evidenco before a 44 the jury indicates that she was rf She was burned to death As a she was au inveterate smoker it is suppose 4 ghe set to tbe building ahileintox 4icaiea' Bna wa in 01 ariRKtug a taking opium A TV '1 'In New Orleans on ednesday John Ax 5 Dam aaYiAliAAman aBknl A Ml ryu4uu AUiVU Oha3a McCormick wrr A Germain woman named Weis living 1 af tQcn murdered last Wednesday bva negro nanr ed Taylor who then robbed ilia houseJ even taking the shoes off her feet and taking them to tow sold them Right Hon Sir James Shaw Wells one Of the judges of tho Court of iCommon Pleas nn London a haN? lOgge BETWEEN NEW YORK CORK i i AND LIVERPOOL 4 The magnificent new and full powered Steamships of ibis Line offers unrivaled accommodations to al! clashes of passengers The steamers alike travelers secure the great advantage of having an equally good and fast steamer for each and every sailing Oceqni CeJtieAtlantici Republic Baltic Adriatic Majestic Britannic Sailing! from New York on Saturday from Liverpool om Thursdays Railing at Cork llurbor both ways1 Rates as low as any first class line or further information apply to 1 Western Oflke 9fl Market aijrfo jlagbii CwREX Agcnt STOLZ Agent Beaver Dam Wis' City lour eed Depot Now is theTime to 0 jour and eqd Cheap Beat Winter Wheat lonr j350 per hundred' Spring 300 i Pure Graham lourifresli) 300 i Choice ino Ground Corn Meal10 Common Aiea)ua 125 i ine Middlings 100 Shorts 90c 1200 per ton CORN 1 AND OATS AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES ft I Alllour warranted "If not good cau be returned 'v? Remember the Place Samuels lour eed Store BXAVps Dan Octlst lS72zp i Erebrought tot his Ctys My Goods are of the Best brands' NfiTOT STYLES Each article lias been selected with as much care and discrimination as though it was for my own family 1 use 1 have bought my Goods "nori adapted to the wauls of the people 'conrietiug pftrt of a' dflNE BROWN HEAVY BROWN COTTON i 4 DOUB1H WIDTH COTTON INE BLKXCUED COTTON BROWN AND BLACK DRILLS COTTON LANNLLS 1 CHOICE STYLES KINTN (Itnghams Delaine Checks Stripnd Demi Cotton adeS Jeans' Ciwdniers Broadch ths Docfcfe pinik lanuoN Vla uuolt'Tiilled 'nffaela Opera iannells Ladies Cloths Repeiluhts jauts Gains also ChatKiler CouRiliins A Mgr Burchard A goods 211 ol nbl' will to auiil tk in prices I AGENT 1 'OCisso'x Noodles a 1 AflD OR I WO: AYWARNER i 'A 1 1 I 1 Dress ami ancy Drv Gwxh and Trimlneiu iVulce CAMPAIGN I 1 f) I receiving tho best stork of ETHENGILL A CO 37 Park RowN PBA8LEE A CO 6 Beekman 8tNew York ROWELL A CO 46 Park Row NY JCnr COB A CO Tribune Baildings New York COOKCOBDRN CO S7 Dearborn 8tCIfcago ini BBasuggggg POB JTHEIDENT 1 GEO WOODS MR GANES Genl "State Agent Of Wfitortetown has secured the Agency for these re markable instruments iiihI the attention of the musi cal people called the Identify und Yftrio ty of the effect iu their144 1 Combination Solo Stops as welA'AS their nt Nicety of inish bo legaht'Design Vfil i LL Persons are lieruby prohibited to trust or har iX Lor 'my wifejMary lynnou my account as I pay no debts contracted by her after this date she having left my bed and board without just cause or provocation i 46w4 PATRICK LYNN" Oak Grove Sept 28th 1872! METALIC CASES WOOD5 CASKETS Constantly on hanL Shrouds urnished ant unen attended with Hearse on hort notice and tnu3 erate charges 1 Beaver Dam Oct Sth 72 Buffalo Robes Hr t7 4 Bap1 E0RSE 'f Jj BlJLtS Buckckin Gloves Mittens JPaperQoUars Shirts and jSrawors SQcLrfSs Jackets 4 i The best assortments of To P61iticiaris! Cornet Band THE 4 1 'r i The co*knet band Would announce to the Citizens of Dodge and adjacent counties that they ar prepared! toplay for all meetings during the campaign and would respect fully solicit engagements The Bond consists of 13 members have a nice wagon and are SECOND TO NONE outside of Milwaukee TERMS Tor whole day $65 for half a day $35 for evenings $20 Expenses lu all cases to be paid by parties procuring Band Andress 1 KOWEIt 35m3 Bearer Dam WUt Dodge County court Ln dProbote' In ths matter ef the estate of Daniel Ryan deeeased rN READING und filing the petition of Serah I Ryan administratrix of the estate of Daniel Ryan deceased representing ameng other things that she has folly administered said estate and pray ing that a time and place be fixed for examining and allowing her account of her administration Tt is wdered that said account be examined by the Judge of this Oourt on Monday the 4th day of No vember next ensuing at the Court House in the Village of Jnnean in thmCouaty And itie further ordered that a copy of this order be published for terse successive weeks prior to aitid day of examination In the Bearer Dam Argus a weekly newspaper printed at sJBcarer Dam in said County 46w3 Dated at Juneau the 2d day of October A 1872" A SCOTT SLOAN Cennty Judge I have a great variety of PLAIN SERGE POLISH BOOTS i SERGE OX POLISH BOOTS KI POLISH BOOTS' boots PLAIN BID POLISH BOOTS CUSTOM CAL POLISH BOOTSl POLISH BOOTS 1 SERGE BUTTON BOOTS KIT) BUTTON BOOTS KID OX A BUTTON BOOTS KID slippers I GOAT SLIPPERS 1 SERGE SUPPERS WEBB SLIPPERS ii' ci rrn (tj i 1 Summons IN CIRCUTTLCbURT Dodge John Griffith 1 Plaintiff against John tcbett and Maria iett his wife John Henry mid Caroliue Weber his wife Defendants the State of tViscontin Ike Difendanit abate i named v' f' 'i Yott are hereby summoned ami required to answer the complaint in this action which will be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court Con tityof Dodge nt the viilngeof Juneau raid county aud to servo a copy af your answer to the Sard Com piaint on the subscrila at'lds'IIicetin tlidvillffge of Columbus Columbia county Wis within days after tho service of this summons on you ex clusive of the day ofsucli service and if you fail to answer the said complaint within the time aforesaid the plaintiff in theaction wiilapply tojhe Ctiurkfor tho relief demanded indite complaint Dated July 111b 1872 fM4 4 CHAIN' i To thl defendants above 'i Take NotfcoTlmt tho tomplaint In this action was filed theefItceoftheClerkoitheCi cuitCourt Dodge Connty State of Wisconsin at tho village of i Juneau Dodge Comity on the 12lh day of July 1872 CHAPIN Bortg County In In the matter of the last ill and testament of Mgr 1 grot Dougherty deceased pl MARY JANE DOUGHERTY the Executrix nam ed atod in and by the last will atv tcstalnent of Margaret Dougherty late of the town Cambridge in the state of Massachusetts i having produced to tin's const a Copy of the lae' wfj aud testament of thq sail hLargaiet De ughe ty ceased und the Probate thereof duly auth nticated with a request that the some may bo allow e(j gedaiid reoordea in the Couty Court of raid of Dod It is ordered that the hearing thereof ip hadbefore the judge of this Court on Tth dny of October 1872 at IWclock A Mva the court house in tbo village of Juneau in enid ounty ofDode And i is further ordered tuat notico thereof be given to all persons inter e3te(I by publishing a cony of this orIer for three a warXKaa1ai in Beaver Danr Aaoos a weekly newspaper printed and published at Beaver Dan saidcounty wi Dated August 31m I '372 7 A SCQTT SLOAff County Judge SPICES GE0UHD AHD UU GROUND ffilRQAMTS RAISfiNS vvniinn vi fC Thin Ton over got before? Tarn bound to get rid nf part of my stock during tho next Tbirt Days Veople living at a distance wilbbe paffl fortiieiv ime and use of their Umma in Buying a bill oltiuuas of'' inc? All come and see my stock of CHE4P' Those who never liavofl eon conies Those ar ho have 1 been come again ri ft 1 SEWTOiJ 1 1 1 Beaver Dam Oct I 3 I forgot to toll you about my Big Stock o(T: silks 5 1 1 M) 1 'siiiwLs'4 fU 1 5 1 J0 1141 ij I' AND1 RIBBONS tr TTH 1 ithatri Rttntnons CIRCUIT COURT County of Murtha Row ley PluiutLil' lagainstr Waneu JI Rowley De fendant (j rf 1 1 The Slate of Wisconsin to the above named defendant! Yon are hereby sumnioned and required to nnswer the complaint in this action hich Is hel with served upon you and serve a copy of yum answer to tile Said compliiiut on the subscribers nt their office in the city of Beaver Dam within twenty days after the service of this summons ou yon ex clusive of the day of such service and if yon Jail toanswer the said complaint within the time aforesaid thoplnintiffin this action will apply to tbe Court for the relief demanded in the complaint Dated at Beaver Dnm this Gt li day of August 1872 ELWELL LANDEB to above named Defendant f' sThe complaint in the above entitled action is filed in theoffico of the Clerk of the Circuit Couit of Dodge County nt hisofficeinJuneau in said County Dated August 8tli1872 38w6 ELWELL A LANDER Atfys 'fA VM Sheriff 1 JOHN LESLIE T7' i Vn ti punru s' AUGVST 'Register of Deeds RICHARD 4 or County Clerk BARREN MARSTON or Clerk of tbe Circuit Court jt JOHN L0WTH I i Tor District Attorney '4 BILAS LA MORE AUX I rt ar Surveyor LORENZO SD LIVEIlJlORE ior Coroner a GEORGE McQUEENY 2Rot Members of Assembly'1 WIJLLRED ULLER? 7 4th SATTEKLEE CLARK 'fiA ERDINAND GNEWUCH i i' My nther my 1 out to usy son freely i Jfn yoftr old white Iit undiront tbH wore Tor Horoee 1 gg SgSBe1 1 Jt'rLf frtTL JBernffcra tle M1 Liberal Bepqbaii i jrti Convention Democrats and Liberal Republican if first Assembly district In the cornify of Dodge com prislngthe towns of Portland Elba Calamus eat ford ox Lake and Trenton are requested to meet In Canvenilou al ins uoam ii vy Dam on Saturday October 19th 1871 at 2 rTnt for the purpose of nominatirg a candidate to be Reeled to'ihe Assembly from tho raid district CMCKawMOJnre onJER TUB WMMITTEE tt Bn tMBSMt Chairman isf 1 I 111 1 1 ifo'd Aaembiy District Coavertion me Democrats and Liberal Republicans of Hit 4 Second Assembly District of tbe counts of Dodge comprising the City and tow a of Beaver Dam and the town ofLowoll are requested to send delegates to 3iimeot In convention at the Common rn tins at titlty of Beaver Dani on Thursday October 26t hut for the of nominating a cundi date for Member of Assembly for raid The town of Lowell is entitled to five delegates ths down 1 of Beaver Dam to three and each Ward of the city of Braver Dam to two delegatus a' aBEN 1 Chairman' Comiuitee! bi Tbe election itf i 1 for vics Rnr aWa BEJSHWirnMfc (MONS ANDERSON Ln Crosoe 4U Earps j0UH BLACKMilwaukee' fnrsi WYMAN 8A7NER WIworthsJteomed District A lit COOK Columbia TM Districts EOBG KING Green5 A 5Jbcrf R1NDSKOP Milwaukee gterth II HOTCHKISS Sheboygan Efofo ANTON KLAUS Brown Jitoatih ill LTON MONTGOM KRY Monroe I Vghih Zhrirfct MATTHEW ABLE toll Portage i Zcr Rrprtsmtatiw in Congress CIIABLES ELDHIDaE1 Eor Elate 'Senator ji rr nt Pleas London oniiniUe4 suicide himself for Greeley pbut being engaged in Thursday morning tmporeryja business hed not wish togo on the elec i a Lii TT Av lanu iicavva uo is vreeiey cnau 1 fol in these States at tbe elections on Tues day By an unlimited use of money and tbe most gigantic frauds it may be possi ble that tbe elections resulted in that way but the reports are of the senaatiocal order rind teller returns their cotn plexioa Indiana looks ieleae andj doubt ful aad Ohio have A ra mwvH AznAmfct 1 HvU Muauvic av nstuvm i the country Secretary Chase is more tbe cause he marche 111 nthnr of the views nsuallv nnt lorwarn ns than Greeley him fi ST a a A I a I ra seir LUiiv we miuu aav 8umed in if we had chosen and tht i I nnw is the uo 4a finnl amll wfieliiiWi trt bBO tv cv jAVtekwvii unO GreeleyJaSwlipy to the board so far as to reduce the amount of surplus jold to about $400001 )00 in buying up bonds If anybody can now show us wherein Grant is a better business map than Greeley let him prove itOrforeyerafterholdhis peace yf Kcef tn tbe Cnstom House The Times has found an in defend ing the big swindles in the small custom houses in most unlooked for quarter The Evening TPost the ci divant ree trade journal 'ipat excellence of the United! States ias taken up'a tremendous shille lab and is trying to demolish us ortu nately the Evening Post has to admit that dtrrifigsffes But it is the essence and the purpor of our expo neni wuiuii inuca wuu Tbe big shillelah wielded in palsied hands by tbe Evening Post has? the clincher to silence us forever viz i has existed since the pres Administration is not responsible for fit It was a fact under Pierce and Bu and it is therefore no discredit Surely tbe Evening Post must be aware that the same argument was advwrrced by its ally the Timos wbicjiwe have already answered by shew ing eqactly towhat degree this swindle did exist? upder Buchanan and how ranch it has been augmented inoe We will for the convenience of the Evening Posit give this answer once more Here it is 4 4 Cutton TioweSo reiiclrmmrs Bay Me Apaiacnicoift ia AiDeniHrie rt Alexandria VaM Beaafort NC Casting Bangor Me Georgetown Edgartown Mass Mid41etowxi Conn Total4k7J $30527 55 4 $6584221 Custom bouse swindletunderBuchanan in 186(j Custom house swin: die tinder Grant in 1871 $65 8422b EV cess'of swindle under Grant over tbe swin dle uuder 116 per cent Is this answer enough pays the Evening Post these' custom eases must I The reason of this is that these ports' of entry that by th'e forces of jia tore have been made ports into which goods cap be by vessels from abroad and through which thay can be sent ihto the country 'If customs duties are to be colleccted anywhere thereimust beau efiicient force for their collection at these small and remote ports otherwise a very large proportion of the brought rt to our shores would avoid the large ports Which are feuf in number there wOhld bew force for the collection of duties unprotected smaller ports' which In other words the duties received the foge port 'such as New York' Boston Pbila delpbia New Orleans San rancisco and the like' greatly upon the efficien cy' Of live service at numerous small ports' which are 5 remotenfrom the great centers of trade but notsoi remote that if unwatched or inefficientlywatched they would riot( wwm with smugglers We confess we liave some difficulty jin piercing through the cloudy expressions to 'the' exact ineiming of the Evening Post Nebulosity we grieve to say has oflate been characteristic of that journalBut tbe meaninig we suppose this thatthe outside ports nreso many Setters and poin ters whose mission it is to drive the game into the larger ports Wellythen if this issO why is more than thrice the amount re quited now than was found efficient in 1860 to perform the same'functions? Why for instance is the following swindle spin blusbjngly1 perpetrated A 'slMemphis'in Tennessee' is a port ehs try Jt is inland port it under Buchanan Whatever its commerce was then it certainly was no less than it is now as we will prove Now compare the swindle Memphis (Ten imports 18G0 Nil Officials employaldn i860' Salary Onq surveyor I' $350 Mimphis (Tenn) imports 18 Officials in 1871 I 7 Scw'JL' One inrveyor One Clerk 460000 One Messenger One special inspector 54800 Xt Is the Evening Post still ready to defend this swindle We defy find in the official returns 'ending 31 at March 1872 the name of Memphis in the list of i ports that gave a beturn' And ''wo refer tbo Evening Post to the report for 1871 'page 357'and there it will fiudhtbei list officials! with their respective salal ties Had 'this Administration not set up a claim fot' reform of corruption anda for purifying abuses our exposures would still have been deserved But in the face of its claim to honesty and economy such ex posures reflect nothing less than disgrace on the Adminstration as well as on its de fenders 1 The 'Evening Posf cites Sag Har bor as a port that yielded 1853 to 1860 only $455789 revenue and cost $6 24111 for collectings What pf thatuLWe have cited places where no was collected We now cite a place that yeilds no revenueis an inland city and still cost' $651403 beef eatera for one year1 We are content to leave the disposition ofthis ScandaLto the decision of the people We persist in charging the present Admin istration with it because it isiu the power of the Secretary to correct iq As for the Evening Post in its new character of de fending big in small custom houses it by no means fills us with aston ashmentiri When the foremost and' oldest' of ree trade newspapers is 80 anxious to swallow a cameL by tying to that the platform which chains the Administration and parly the that is to the rob bery of home industry wholesale re tail and for exportation iit foay well beexcused for i not strainingat the gnat'of ibig' swindles: in cmalLiCustom houses World aP A I 7 One tle Crertit M'oLilier lfriioJ doc 5 not deny' rom the Ponrtsmouth IL Times A of this' city whose veracity nb' One will question has 5 personal knowl edge that oue of the men named' id that list did receive sum of money in consequence of his interest in the Credit Mohilier If people are curious to know something 'of Senator Pattersonls tion with this business they may enquire of ex' Congressman Marston at Exter He can tell if he pleases so to do Hom Jacob might hhve told a 'tale and JWoulJ probably have done so if he had not' beenppointed to a fat office in Washington There are several men in who have for more than a year been aware that some such transactions had been car ried on and consumated I LIX' and fellow citizens my sktn is white but my heart is as black as this This speech 'was actually made by a carpet bagger addressing a col ored assemblage in South Carolina 1 5" Two notable events have occurred in i (( 'd' tiili ii boat! containing twelve oniSaginawriver uearsPortsniouth 'lastSaturday Three of tho men naniedHen i re Mix John and Jesse Yitopwh were drowned 11 i tjj? vrr i fur 1LI i team ran away throwing auKU'njjnt him' In the afternoon a tela 4ive named ox drove the runaway to the village for rfffie jpnrpose'of procuring a coffin for tbq deceased and in crossing the Itailroafl tracK a locomotive Colided with the wagon' and ox ani the' krS wer0''t5TM' An eastward bound train on therrliiwa Division of the Illinois Central Railroad Monday mornding ran over and instantly il billed a man named Henry itch near in while ho was lying asleep on 108 iracs ciKuqg auu iuujmg body in a frightful manner 1 i George Esty' a young man of twenty dwo was outshooting in Stearns county I 1 a jl a vala ra a la a tl VI A rtrt 1 4 on jumuj last auuujt miwi uw tuu tally wen off discharging the load Of ehot into his head and neck1 resulting in instant death i Anthony Mesch was shot and killed (in Sunday evening while atteuipt Jug to escape from two police who were arresting him for disorderly rcon I if GEORGIA SHE SPEAKS OB BEOBM 55000 Democratic Majority! ZV teergiaj ir uovruor and other officers on the 2d passed off quietly and peaceable Rod resulted in the rfectinu of StnitJ for Governor by 55000 mnjcri'y In the last gaberaatorialw elec "hGii iu 1868 Bullock who absconded with tSe siate unds was elected by the radicals byfcOOQ majority I This cliangeofjfiSjOOO votes out of 190000 registered and deafly I indicates bow the south will go in November' i i IP VI The Democratic Con yentionqf the sixtfi Assembly Ljistric jnet persuant to call at the the towD( bouseia tbe town of Lebanon on the of I October "1872 'Tbe Convention ti by tie chai An'an of Assembly District Coin 0 a ciqn! John was elect ed chairaan aud Driscoll' Secretary 'Qn motion tho clfoirthan appafntcd'a potiniLtee on credentials tie follows John Wilke Theodore Theeehj an4 'jphn the Conrention adjourned fib teeirininutesJl l'The convention beingi called to otder by i tue cu uiu Lawi ng yeasoM entitled to 5 seats in the convention as follows "Shields JDres ribll Striith' John Solon tLpbqnon or Th each Mjtr Weiler 7 Braunschweig Ashipdun John Dtlfti Robert Witligi Emmett Michael Abies red Peritz WplwJ 'Oil motion it was resolved that viva voce taken ifor ai candidate fo Membei pf assembly or tbe district which resulted aS fblldwiH 1( Giiewuchjreceived twelve votes Qn motion erd newuch was de cl a red tbe fananitnovs nominee of the con ventron'Ori motion chairs apnointed a tqommi(ttee'of Ipree fp tip purpose of appojnyng adistrictA committee re ported as follows LjSri ff ib 11 ichae'l JJtortouRobert Wittig GnewuclL "at large Ames itOnmolio'n iti Uhat the proceedings of the convention shail bp published the Dodge county Democrat and Beaver Dim ARaus1' 'Onmotion: the Convention adjbulhed 'sine ri Un' ui I larrw indtrn i) KENmKiWflw'i Wood vi lie McCracken Co Ky Sdptp 1 782 n'lERiENiil Having a fifr mo ments of leisure? I de vpq ipyjnonds oLPtodge county throughjrcMJji iQ give them sdme idea iof this best part of this true anl faith oil we avq tlipi 'orderqfthings on the iStyle ofnegrosrfreed ihowever and cati see how it would have bcentajrbver thpBouth' had'not flie groesbeen taught they were superior to their old masters as 1 they have ibeen south 'of IJere' theyf are're spectfnl and mostly industrious' andfyhe whites feel an interest in their welfare and them iu well doing jandl they stjll love and respect them as ofold 'This and Ballard counties are the great tobacco eouhtiesj'where' the best tobacco 0 the Union israisedv'Tpbaccois the staple of this end of tbe8tate and is the main cash commodity Paducah is the main market and tobacco' itbe foundation and ofjthat city' is'bn the south bank of the OhirRiver just 60 miles fromv the mouth at Cairo IU and is the county seat of McCracken County' and contains 10 '000 inhabitants? one fourth of whoin jam itfrq formed are negroesp wbich for most pari arenot thrifty as these the This is accounted foron of the worthless and shiftless them cob gregate in the or'largeyillages The Uniteij States has a garrisomwith troops smaH' number 'I Woodville is the next' largest place in the county aud ipf16 miles sou th wesl from the icily and vContainssi sufficient in Habitants to give them a charter of corpov ration with a Police Court Precident ana Council all of whom seem tabe very well iofonAedandgeutlemenly oflSceri rom here you enn seeas far as the fores! will allow fine fields of tobacco and coco? The mail facilities are not as good as tbe north The mail leaves vPaducah horseback Tuesdays Thursdays aud Sat days and arrives here at A assorted and rider goes on to Hinkleyillef Asrted again and goesto Blandville and'remainst oyer sight and re turns ou a direct route tha county to lhe place of starting1' 'J' 5 1 anBleandviUo ar4 Ballard county thpalter tbeVf6Unly seat and is ratherromantic in its surrqund inga in the wet season 'when tbe mud takeste romance off aud jf it does not start the tears will the sweat from the team fepctioniis'ta very? strictly clay soil So1 that ntaly and they do dig 1 or scqopoit larre places which holds the early and Iba latcr rainsft6give water to stock ibere being livery! Tew tWill you more soon anduifr apy'MQf 'your readers will show me the! particular things tbejtowish to knowT wilPIo'tid heat Icanto inform them 1 had nearly forgotten an politically that they don't kitowot but Grant man in 'around ox? near placej and in the west precinct of Bal lard county the Hue of which "this village There was but one Grant man or Vl "iu'tpfr PHritXKY? I itvf 7 7t The Greeley men have claimed tEx State TJeasurirJW tn Smith but he is a warm out spokea supporter of Grant' and Wilson and makes ito unoertain sound in the can vass rv Xa Crosse Leader Now Lute that statement a stretch of imaginatidnT '2 When and where have you heard that? sound the Liberal state Committee met at Milwaukee Mr Smith had no hesitancy In announcing in IrnnRA of rederick Drews near Mishicott was struck by tho subtle fluid a two year! the chief element required 1 a 1 ft to do so Boutwell OIQ vUHU ui JUU JUACYva uavtoM The Milwaukee Sentinel reports that on Thursday noon Mr Edward Jensen of fHesr Holsteio arrived on the noon train of the Milwaukee Northwestern railway In haste to leave tbe trainylie 'stepped out upon the platform ef his coach just as it jvas entering the "4oor and injooking out for a landing: place his head came in con tact with tbejdoor casing of the building The force of the collision dhrew lam" in between the 1 tide of of the large door and and the rear coach In this position he wis turned several times until the track was clear when he ground groaning with pain He died riday yiriiLLnir' 'Z Grant County DcwiocroZ rCportsfthat on Tuesday Ifternoorr a boy named Baboock was killed instantly by: the occi dental discharge of a gun The boy was out hunting pigqons with a double barrel ed shot gam hethad jdst firedat a flock birds fend while tlie act of reload ingithe Qtbr barrel the hammer of which was raised went ou hthcLcbarg entenijg the forehead the' eyes and causing'instintaneous death him 'tsi jTbe yWatertownb Repttblican sys A brother of Mt 8 of the town of Hebron "was pled by lightning Saturday night' the lightning was conveyed aloutj a metalic clothes liiie and enierea aae foquj wuvre me uujr wus siucp ing killingihim burning the bed be lay nearly to caches On'tbe night fallowing a girl at Palmyra was i struck by Jightning and? instantly killed'! Ini K7illiam Baijey of Kenosha died very suddenly ujesjay evening He was walk 'when he ujp'hii'ai fell to the sidewalk vUqjdv Juts AmIICJT UttU St CU AU AaDUV sha over tqeqty ruyearsmHo'4lwa8 albeut fofty eigbf years (E agdand leaves a(wife and several children i vj i JI' correspondent of the Oshkosh Northwestern says Kora Roberts yohngjady? about 19 years: of agecommitted suicide on! 'Eriday by taking '''SheVefused all anti dotes and the physicians were' obliged to cpmpcl take' fhem 'The Applelon Post 'says a boy eleven yeirs old Befdngiiig to1 Mr Weislermet 'With a shocking accident ast Tuesday a iter noon While playing about) the freight (train be fell upon the traek 'and before he' Ihad time to rem self one of the cars i run oyer hjtrq cutting one leg toff and the foot on the otheglimb near tbe 1 i 'The' La Learler that on 'k ij uiiuay rm iieriKuj vviu iu txvuvi a about 11 yeap waaiaccidentallp jShot by his ibrother'f'lt appears that tbe two brlhrt'Were iha room the bed while his brother Jay was setting rimmediatoly in front of tho tied foolin with an old revd? ver whih belongeS to'hitn was k'ent haneino in: this room He SRTS ho was at the time of lhe accideiit7aud xvas in the act of revolv irtg the whenhis thumb slipped from the' hammer arid the revolver wris dis charged fi On Saturday 7 i young Man named Gilesr while ebgagedsin clr's at the Union(depot? Milwau kee was and had one leg cut off and ihe otUeriSmashedwHe cannot live 4t aparly of six wre out in boat near Appleton on Sunday a man named James Sloped was accidentally shot through thoback bya gun in the bands of a com rade Leotard7 Murphy? He sur i Beayerj Dam Woolen luessrs luqueuriugej vjuuruuuru a Beaver Daiq have placed on exhibition fifty four pieces bf woolen goodsfrom their factory which is the most extensive dis play in thislinethat has ever been on ex hibition at any previour Sidle air in Wis consin Tie variety of goods con sista bf fanfcy cassimeres doeskins tricots beavers and fancy and opera flannels or several yeairs past this enterprizing firm has been showing improved goods al each succeeding State air and this year have aline of fabrics that are well nigh perfec' The colors are splendid The body of their have a peculiar softness as well as firmness' to the feel Some pieees of tricots and Pblack doeskins have not been burpasedj' even by imported in make style and They are for Some nieces of havy fancy' cassimeyes are well adaptedfor winter wear and pecu liarly heavy as well as fine in texture and highly finished? 'The styles aret superb Their open flannels are brilliant iii their color aud gyms in style and make iiThe goods fromitln's factory: took the first pre mium at the Slate air last year arid at this fair have been awarded all the special premiums that were offered by the first clrss clothing houses of Milwaukee and consists of $40 on doeskin $25 oncassi mere and $20 on flannels They alsotooR the Societys first premiums of $2 oivdoe Skins' blankets' and flannels and $10 atuLand a silverj medal 'for the display of woolen fabrics? which in cludes thatjaf shawls sdt is evident that the award these prizes is well deservedHs The same firm took the premiums at 7 Ji 4 OTTOMAN SHAWLS Jf 1 i rrtmlrig3llk! Vdreku Oulpure Lc Vruigt'H Gymp mid all the nw Htylui uf IriuiiLg fbMt they Hppottr jJwh 4 Ribbons Btw itilibunl Bonin1 1 ii jLMbb'M ubbwt aopbrv Curvta Hklrta Tltihibiirg Liuvu Jewelry BchAuU Hoik ry Glovu Ac Itr a 4 LADIES URS Alaska' ik ASTKACAN SETTS' rircu setts 4Liwellnr MJUanHW I WJ nMWVIWJ GREEN AND DRIED rtftn Barnet KT 4 A 1 a a tv vjy i LEMONS CONECTIONERY nTTiirdcI ruit Ji RESH' IS SA LT" WATE LIME county of Dodge fer tile purpoee tho ffcro jroing notice a A 7 1 fit tf a A wl A aT It 4 Tbo mart compete Grocery: 'Store In tbe City embracing vlinAlfr zWfta A'Vi'MS i Juneitn Wie August 221 1872 5 and election precincts vf the county ofliodgo fiJtjto' of Wisconsin tit' xou are nerecgr nounra wnt tii eitciiuu wvi held oh Tuesday November 6th A I187 2lu acveraliownfl wards and electicn precincts in said county of Dodge tiiepurpoee etfuurtbfu tho fore going IJUllVrt 5 Also for the MectJoniof a' Sheriff Intne place of Henry Bertram Vv hose term of office hr ill expire or the first Monday of January 1873 A County Treasurer of Mcetrjdge whose term of office will eApure on the first Monday of January 1873 Register of 'place of WiiUnm Oeetrcichj whose term or otnee avin expire on eaniMvwMj 5 A County Clerk in place of James 'TTiggifjs whQe oGhoice GrHITeas term of office wifi expire on the first MouiUy of Jan I AlVA vjY cK UAIJ LOtP ft Lowth whose term of office wiIHexpire first mon any ot January i A District Attorney fn of Chas sAjlen whose try TS 3 I Utt if A Clerk of the Circuit Coirri in place John TEAS uren nrn'M A SL I Ground "and Ungrdund Coffee Iaii no A nr ennADQ RSssUi UilHUEw OUUHlWfl i rt zs a term oi oince will expire ou aue uce uary a 1 Tia nl 4vti aA frrtll of office will expire on the firat Monday of January Ji 1873 whose term of office will expire on the firet Monday of January 1873 1 Alw a yrjmirihr of assembly in the first district of Dodge county comprising me viuagw nf Cbtlnrann Ellul ox tiake Portland Trenton and Westfordaod tbe mat ward of the village of Randolph in place of Mi duel Aduma whose term of office will expire on the finst Monday of A member of AssemW inthe Beeoncl A eee mb district of Dodce county comprising tbe city of Bv rtrant onf VhOtnwnM Ol Deliver BUI ftirazvra Airbiivin il Lowfa whose term of oi nfvto rn hra first MoDjlaV of JaBOarV A member of Assembly in the Third Aademi iL nf wiffP winntr eomnnsinc me sonm au iv us uivncnkVi ijiiKiii numct and Oak Grove in place of Alien IU Atwater whose term of office Will expire on the first Monflay of Jan urry 1873 7 A member of Aseerably in the four th A seemblf District of Dodge county compriring tbe towns of rn Rzit Trirmfra Therees and Wlllusmrtown in olacO of 3ilaa Lamoreaux whose teru of office will ex plre on the first Monty of January 187 A member of Assembly for theTifth Assembly triet of Dodge county comprising tbe tafrrns of Herr man Uubbard lluxtisfbrd and ItabfconJ iu place of George Schott whose term of office will expire on the first Monday of January 1873 A membercf ABfemblytbrlhe gjxthAblyPls trict of Dodge county cotuprisin the towns of Aanji ippnn Zmimett Lebanvnand Shields placebo John Solon whoso term of officewlll expire on the first Monday of January 1SJ3 1 The eiectfcnris to be conducted ToteflWturMirarfpRroratototow J4 41W10' 'EKeriff of Dodge CovntJ Wi I' i Shfe toML wLtw wHW' mfcE IWlfcwMbxBjfalL IfljA seforai if in i it ii 1 if I fD fiays! I'i fl RlS' rfl' Mjj An i 4 'I 3 1 dk MM ti se Pjpi 1 si'" t' jfi tv nw 1 1 (M Jfjt VW lbBs vfe' 9 ti'hi 51 fl1 1' fl jki 44' 4 IS a a ft Tji a 4 Jb 1 I At I i i ''7 i iv St 4 4 I rr lir H1I Rlilf MiHlIV Illri Jicg Jfl I INA ILITJil Til II M'Bi IK it I'T' I'.

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About Beaver Dam Argus Archive

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Beaver Dam Argus from Beaver Dam, Wisconsin (2024)


Why is beaver dam Wisconsin called beaver dam? ›

The city was named for an old beaver dam located in a stream flowing into Beaver Dam River. The area had also been known as Okwaanim, Chippewa for beaver dam. The community was incorporated as a city on March 18, 1856. That same year the Milwaukee Railroad reached the area, encouraging further growth.

How long does a beaver dam take? ›

Beavers have earned the nickname “Nature's Engineers” for their amazing ability to build a dam that is completely watertight in under 24 hours.

What happens if you destroy a beaver dam? ›

If a beaver dam is causing damage or is considered a nuisance, the dam can be removed without a permit, but only if no streambed or lakebed material is removed. Note that beavers are likely to rebuild the removed dam.

How deep is Beaver Lake in Wisconsin? ›

Beaver Lake is a 313 acre lake located in Waukesha County. It has a maximum depth of 46 feet. Visitors have access to the lake from a public boat landing.

How deep is Beaver Lake by the dam? ›

Mean depth is fifty-eight feet, and the maximum depth is 216 feet. The structure contains 780,000 cubic yards of concrete and 1.6 million yards of rock and dirt embankment. Storage capacity is 1.95 million acre-feet, which includes flood control storage.

Is the beaver dam bigger than the Hoover Dam? ›

A family of beavers in Canada has built a dam that's twice as wide as the Hoover Dam. This huge dam is kind of a click-baity promotion (it worked!) but the essence of the video is how beavers can help make landscapes more resilient to effects of climate change. It's so big it can be seen from outer space.

How deep is the beaver dam? ›

The 40 foot deep freshwater quarry has floating platforms, two rolling logs, diving and jumping platforms, and a rope swing.

What river runs through beaver dam, Wisconsin? ›

The Beaver Dam River is a 30.5-mile-long (49.1 km) tributary of the Crawfish River in south-central Wisconsin in the United States. Via the Crawfish and Rock rivers, it is part of the Mississippi River watershed.

What eats beavers? ›


Wolves, coyotes, bears, lynx and wolverine have been known to prey on beavers. Otters can sometimes get into the lodge and kill the kits; however, an adult usually stays with the young for protection.

Can fish swim through beaver dams? ›

Fish Passage

Beaver dams can act as a barrier (typically temporarily or seasonally) to upstream and downstream movement of fish. Too often, this is assumed to always be detrimental. However, for many native fish that co-evolved with beaver dam activity in the systems, beaver dams are passable and not a problem.

What is the lifespan of a beaver? ›

Beavers in the wild live about 10 to 12 years. They have been known to live as long as 19 years in captivity. They continue to grow throughout their lives and may reach 3 to 4 feet (0.9–1.2 m) long, including tail.

What is bad about beaver dams? ›

Beaver damage to trees. Figure 3. Beaver damage and the collapse of beaver dams can lead to structural damage of roadways and blocked culverts. Residential buildings are sometimes damaged when large beaver dams fail, generally due to rapid increases in water velocity.

Is it legal to destroy a beaver dam in Wisconsin? ›

Landowner, lessees, or occupants may remove beaver dams causing damage or a nuisance without any sort of permit, permission, or authorization from the DNR.

Is blowing up beaver dams illegal? ›

In general, no DNR public waters work permit will be required to remove beaver dams, log jams, or other debris by the use of explosives.

What is the deepest part of Beaver Dam Lake? ›

Wisconsin Lakes

Beaver Dam Lake is a 6718 acre lake located in Dodge County. It has a maximum depth of 7 feet.

How deep is beaver dam? ›

The 40 foot deep freshwater quarry has floating platforms, two rolling logs, diving and jumping platforms, and a rope swing.

What is the deepest freshwater lake in Wisconsin? ›

What is Wisconsin's deepest lake? Green Lake in Green Lake County has a maximum depth of 236 feet, making it Wisconsin's deepest natural lake. Wazee Lake in Jackson County, a manmade lake created from an abandoned iron mine, has a maximum depth of 350 feet.

Is Beaver Dam Lake clean? ›

DATA SUMMARY: Both phosphorus and nitrogen levels in Beaver Dam Lake were consistently well above the Environmental Protection Agency recommended guidelines. Nutrients feed harmful algae and reduce water clarity.

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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

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