The Intergalactic Confederation (2025)

Triggered by two recent articles from the Exopolitics website (1,2) I thought it was time to dedicate a page to ‘The Intergalactic Confederation’. But where to start? Perhaps by distinguishing them from a few other groups, councils and federations that I have mentioned before in other articles. A key player in current events is the Galactic Federation of Worlds, called the Galactic Federation of Nataru (3) by Oona from the Intergalactic Confederation.

The Intergalactic Confederation (1)

Thor Han, the main contact of Elena Danaan is a member of this Galactic Federation of Worlds. They – together with other groups, amongst them our own Earth Alliance – have fought diligently to remove the malevolent alien presences on various spots in our solar system and on Earth. After the defeat in october 2021 a beautiful message was given by Ardaana, the military commander of the Galactic Federation of Worlds (4).

In earlier articles I also paid attention to a few members of the Council of Five, which is another group that invests in creating balance in this universe: the Ginvo (5) and the Elmanuk (6). Then there is the Asthar Galactic Command (7), a military organisation that is part of the Galactic Federation of Worlds. If that weren’t enough there is a group called ‘The Council of Nine’ with which whom Elena Danaan would have had contact as well. You can read more about them at (8,9). And surely we mustn’t forget the Andromeda Council, or the Zenatae who would have instrumental in all this, because they foresaw what would probably happen some 350 years in the future if the Galactic Federation of Worlds would not have intervened (10).

Perhaps it is now a bit easier to understand the delegation that would have met with the Cabal leaders in Antarctica recently. Oona, from the Intergalactic Federation, a federation that goes beyond just our own galaxy said this about this delegation (1):

“Yes they [the Cabal] are meeting us and the delegation from the Galactic Federation of Nataru, Zenatae—two beings. Council of Five—one being. Intergalactic Founder races—five. Terran alliance—ten. The military forces of Terra, off-world—20 soldiers. They will not be taken straight away because they will need to uncast the rituals, rearrange all the bases of their society to avoid a collapse that will be chaotic. We do not wish for the humans of Terra, a monetary collapse. We wish a soft transition because chaos you have had enough.” (1)

The Intergalactic Founder races, are also called the Seeders (8).

The signing of the Jupiter Agreements (11) in july/august 2021, would probably have led to the arrival of the Intergalactic Confederation and the 24 Seeder Races into our solar system. This arrival is described by Val Nek through Megan Rose (12, 13):

“The Earth Alliance has completed its first mission to Ganymede, one of Jupiter’s moons…. This station was used as a meeting place for the Earth Alliance, the Andromedan Council, the Council of Five and a group of what humans of Terra would consider extremely advanced extraterrestrials. These beings can manifest themselves as extraterrestrial looking species, but in actuality they are more of a consciousness, a super-consciousness that have looked over this galaxy and many others for eons. As coordinator for this mission, I can report on my role and what I am at liberty to disclose.

The Intergalactic Confederation (2)

These beings travelled to this solar system to witness a birth of a new era, an era that includes the liberation of Earth. As the enemy conveniently reports that there are multiple timelines at play, in an effort to confuse the Terrans who are so desperately looking for liberation from hostile control, the truth is that this solar system continues on one timeline together, simultaneously. It is a timeline that benefits the entire galaxy and marks a successful end of war between the Terrans, the Federation, and the Orion group.

…. I can report that I was in charge of the Federation troops and organizing the troops of the Alliance. I must emphasize that while this mission was not one of war, it was equally important in the eyes of our ancestors, the superconscious, which some call an Intergalactic Federation. This name is for us to use, however, these beings operate at such a high level that they do not use words, language or anything of the sort to express themselves. It is by all means a translation of a frequency for our own understanding. This mission was especially important for the Earth Alliance. The leaders of the Earth Alliance and their respective space programs, which I can report will all be federated under a new name, which I will not disclose. The name was chosen after the meeting with the Intergalactic Federation.

… The Terran leaders were deeply moved by the experience. For the first time, their perception of reality, and the meaning, the purpose of leadership and guidance in this galaxy deeply touched their consciousness. The development of the Terran leader’s consciousness is something we have been trying to influence in a positive manner for some time, but especially recently, since plans are being made to hand over the responsibility of defending Terra with the production of the star fleet.

These Terran leaders, I can say with confidence, have been influenced by the consciousness of the forefathers, the fore seeders, in such a way, that the Federation and the Council of Five, along with the Andromedan Council have no reservation in their ability or ethical standards as it relates to being responsible for the safety and positive progression of the planet.

I will reiterate again that this message may be more important to the Terran people than any other message. I am aware that they have been concerned for some time, rightfully so, as to the ethical and moral standard of their leaders. We will continue to move forward. I salute you.” (13)


The Intergalactic Confederation (3)

Thor Han (TH) also mentioned the Intergalactic Federation (15) (E=Elena):

E: What is the next step?

TH: Connecting with the Earth Space Force and evaluation of the potential for a civilian contact. We usually don’t require their intervention but we recently requested their assistance to secure this timeline. You know, Terra is not like one of these stage 2 or 3 civilizations that the Galactic Federation of Worlds rescues from external interference. Terra is special. It bears the seeds they planted.

E: Can you talk about that?

TH: They are our forefathers. They seeded us, here in Nataru. Terra, like a few other places in this galaxy, has been for a long while one of their particularly loved grounds for experimentation about human development and consciousness. Such as in Mana(K62-Lyra). They are the seeders.

E: I understand they are a bunch of different races, aren’t they?

TH: Yes, they are very diversified but not as widely diversified as the life-forms they created.

E: How do you “create” life-forms?

TH: By hybridization. It is a great amusement for them but there is a serious underlying matter. They work in accordance with Source. Of course, they do NOT create all life forms; this is the creation of Source; but they rather play with the material to create hybrid races and populate worlds.” (15)

In the Seeders (17) Elena presents the names of the Seeder Races that are part of the Intergalactic Confederation. I will name them here as well. If you want to find out which of the twenty-four actually contributed to our genome see the page on the Intergalactic and Galactic Genomes (21). If you want to interact with other people on topics discussed on this website see (22). Below is the list in the order in which they are presented in the third disclosure book (pp 90-132). Only 21 of the 24 seeder races are mentioned. I don’t know what happened to the other three.

The Intergalactic Confederation (4)
  1. Pa-Taal (Biological Humanoid)
  2. Altean (Biological Humanoid)
  3. Ashai (Insectoid)
  4. Arag’Un (Reptiloid)
  5. Hoovids (Humanoid)
  6. Egoni (Humanoid)
  7. Z-Neel (tall white translucent humanoid)
  8. Mora-Triomme (Amphibian humanoid)
  9. Elarthians (Winged humanoid)
  10. Ormong (humanoid)
  11. Elyan-Sukhami (Feline humanoid)
  12. Khreg (humanoid)
  13. Ellii-Yin (humanoid)
  14. Akara Mantis (Insectoid)
  15. Etherians (humanoid)
  16. La’Neel (Small Grays)
  17. Gemmen (humanoid, 9th density)
  18. Meroa – Astamar (Humanoid)
  19. Nayal (Non-humanoid, translucent Octopus-like)
  20. Oyara – Maruu (humanoid)
  21. Ô (Plasmic, non-incarnate 12th density)

For now I hope this article provides some introduction to the Intergalactic Confederation (and many other groups currently active in the awakening of our little blue planet). The arrival of their consciousness would perhaps have led to the activation of certain huge ships buried in the surface of the Moon, Mars and Antarctica. For more on that read (2).

UPDATE 21 FEBRUARY 2022: The French Secret Space Program insiders Jean-Charles Moyen and David Rousseau confirm that there really has arrived a huge benevolent fleet in our solar system (16)

In The Seeders (17) Elena Danaan talks with Thor Han about councils and Thor Han said that both the Galactic Federation of Worlds and the Intergalactic Confederation have a council consisting of 24 members (and a 25th Law-Keeper (18)), adding ‘The Intergalactic Confederation also has a council of 24. These are not random numbers, you understand, it is founded on Universal Geometry” (17, p.69)

UPDATE APRIL 2023: In a contact video the Alteans speak about the Intergalactic Confederation too (19). Jade Lore also made a nice video on the Seeders, the Intergalactic Confederation (20). In december 2023 A Brazilian site presented a Brazilian version of this article (23)

(1) Part 2 – Cabal leaders go to Antarctica to surrender to Extraterrestrials & Earth Alliance
(2) Joint US China missions sent to crashed alien spacecraft discovered by Yutu 2
(3) The inhabitants of the various worlds in our universe decided to create their own names for their stars and planets. What we call the Milky Way is not called like this throughout the universe 🙂 They prefer the name Nataru. Elena Danaan was given a list of names of planets and stars and our translation to the names we gave them. You can find that list at: The Real Names of Various Stars
(4) It is time to Soar as Humanity and Add the last Stone to the Monument – It is up to UsNow
(5) The Ginvo from Procyon – CanisMinor
(6) The Elmanuk from Gliese 832 in the Grus Constellation and the Possible Link with A.R. Bordon’s TheLink
(7) The Ashtar Galactic Command and the AshtarCollective
(8) Contact with Council of Nine & 24 ET Seeder Races (article)
(9) Contact with the Council of Nine & Roddenberry’s Star Trek Future
(10) Alex Collier on the Andromeda Council & Human Liberation
(11) Update on Jupiter Meetings with the Galactic Federation of Worlds
(12) More on Val Nek at: Epsilon Erdani and Val Nek
(13) Update on Earth Alliance meetings on Ganymede with Intergalactic Confederation
(14) Contact with the Council of Nine and 24 ET Seeder Races (video)
(15) Earth Alliance Mission to Ganymede to greet ET visitors & inaugurate a Star Trek Future
(16) French SSP Insiders Speak out
(17) Danaan, E. (2022) The Seeders.
(18) This High Council of the Galactic Federation of Worlds is not mentioned often. Elena did talk about this council in connection with the amendment of the Prime Directive and when talking about the Tengri
(19) CONTACT Ep. 23 ~MESSAGE FROM THE ALTEANS~ April 20 2023
(20) The 24 Civilization – The Seeders return of the Gods
(21) Our Galactic and Intergalactic Genomes
(22) Telegram groups:Galactic Anthropology(general updates),Galactic Anthropology Study Group,Alex Collier and Andromedans Study Groupand theGalactic Anthropology Library. You can of course also comment below the articles here. There is also afacebook pagethat you can join. In October 2023 I started a Laura Aboli Archive to store the multiple ways the Deep State is losing its terrible grip on our world in a topic format with very topical subjects. See:Laura Aboli Archive. Elena Danaan also has her owntelegram channelwhich is accessible for most people. In November 2023 I started a new account on X (formerly Twitter):Galactic Anthropology
(23) A Confederação Intergaláctica

The Intergalactic Confederation (2025)
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