FFXIV: Every MSQ quest from A Realm Reborn to Dawntrail (2025)

Table of Contents
Table of contents A Realm Reborn Starting City: Gridania City: Limsa Lominsa Starting city: Ul’dah Levels 15 – 20 Levels 21 – 30 Levels 31 – 40 Post-ARR MSQ quests Patch 2.1 – A Realm Awoken Patch 2.2 – Through the Maelstrom Patch 2.3 – Defenders of Eorzea Patch 2.4 – Dreams of Ice Patch 2.5 – Before the Fall (Part 1) Patch 2.55 – Before the Fall (Part 2) Heavensward Level 50 Level 51 Level 52 Level 53 Level 54 Level 55 Level 56 Level 57 Level 58 Level 59 Level 60 Dragonsong War 3.1 – As Light Goes, So Goes Darkness Post-Dragonsong War 3.4 – Soul Surrender 3.5 – The Far Edge of Fate (Part 1) Stormblood Level 60 Level 61 Level 62 Level 63 Level 64 Level 65 Level 66 Level 67 Level 68 Level 69 Level 70 Post-Stormblood 4.1 – The Legend Returns Shadowbringers Level 70 Level 71 Level 72 Level 73 Level 74 Level 75 Level 76 Level 77 Level 78 Level 79 Level 80 Post-Shadowbringers 5.1 – Vows of Virtue, Deeds of Cruelty 5.2 – Echoes of a Fallen Star 5.3 – Reflections in Crystal 5.4 – Futures Rewritten 5.5 – Death Unto Dawn (Part 1) 5.5 – Death Unto Dawn (Part 2) Endwalker Level 80 Level 81 Level 82 Level 83 Level 84 Level 85 Level 86 Level 87 Level 88 Level 89 Level 90 Post-Endwalker 6.1 – Newfound Adventure 6.2 – Buried Memory 6.3 – Gods Revel, Lands Tremble 6.4 – The Dark Throne 6.5 – Growing Light (Part 1) 6.55 – Growing Light (Part 2) Dawntrail Level 90 Level 91 Level 92 Level 93 Level 94 Level 95 Level 96 Level 97 Level 98 Level 99 Level 100 Post Dawntrail 7.1 – Crossroads

Final Fantasy XIV is a truly expansive MMO. There are hundreds of hours of Main Scenario Quest (MSQ) content, and that’s without counting side quests, content not related to the story, or duties outside of it. There’s a whole world to get lost in, and it can seem a bit daunting, but it’s not so bad if you break it down into manageable chunks.

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Table of contents

  • A Realm Reborn
  • Post-ARR MSQ quests
  • Heavensward
  • Dragonsong War
  • Post-Dragonsong War
  • Stormblood
  • Post-Stormblood
  • Post-Shadowbringers
  • Endwalker
  • Post-Endwalker
  • Dawntrail
  • Post Dawntrail

A Realm Reborn

FFXIV: Every MSQ quest from A Realm Reborn to Dawntrail (1)

Between level 1 and 15, you’ll have different quests depending on where you start your journey. You’ll need to complete 160 – 160 MSQ quests (Ul’dah gets one extra, for some reason) to get through the bulk of ARR.

1Coming to GridaniaBertennant
New Gridania
(X:13.6, Y:14.1)
1Close to HomeMother Miounne
New Gridania
(X:11.7, Y:13.5)
4To the BannockMother Miounne
New Gridania
(X:11.7, Y:13.5)
5Passing MusterGalfrid
Central Shroud
(X:23.4, Y:19.9)
5Chasing ShadowsGalfrid
Central Shroud
(X:23.4, Y:19.9)
7Eggs over QueasyGalfrid
Central Shroud
(X:23.4, Y:19.9)
8Surveying the DamageMonranguin
Central Shroud
(X:25.5, Y:19.3)
9A Soldier’s BreakfastPauline
Central Shroud
(X:27.2, Y:20.8)
9Spirithold BrokenGalfrid
Central Shroud
(X:23.4, Y:19.9)
10On to BentbranchMother Miounne
New Gridania
(X:11.7, Y:13.5)
10You Shall Not TrespassKeitha
Central Shroud
(X:20.3, Y:22.0)
11Don’t Look DownOsha Jaab
Central Shroud
(X:18.9, Y:20.5)
11In the Grim Darkness of the ForestTheodore
Central Shroud
(X:17.6, Y:19.1)
11Threat Level ElevatedRoseline
Central Shroud
(X:18.9, Y:20.6)
12Migrant MaraudersEylgar
Central Shroud
(X:20.1, Y:21.7)
13A Hearer Is Often LateLothaire
Central Shroud
(X:22.4, Y:26.0)
13Salvaging the SceneArmelle
Central Shroud
(X:25.0, Y:28.1)
14Leia’s LegacyLuquelot
Central Shroud
(X:20.2, Y:21.6)
14Dread Is in the AirLuquelot
Central Shroud
(X:20.2, Y:21.6)
14To Guard a GuardianMother Miounne
New Gridania
(X:11.7, Y:13.5)
14Festive EndeavorsLewin
Seat of the First Bow
(X:3.5, Y:3.4)
14Renewing the CovenantMother Miounne
New Gridania
(X:11.7, Y:13.5)
15The Gridanian EnvoyKan-E-Senna
The Lotus Stand
(X:6.2, Y:6.1)
15Call of the SeaBartholemew
Ul’dah – Steps of Thal
(X:10.7, Y:12.9)

City: Limsa Lominsa

Classes: Marauder, Arcanist

1Coming to Limsa LominsaRyssfloh
Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks
(X:10.4, Y:11.1)
1Close to HomeBaderon
Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks
(X:11.0, Y:11.1)
4On to SummerfordBaderon
Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks
(X:11.0, Y:11.1)
5Dressed to CallStaelwyrn
Middle La Noscea
(X:25.6, Y:17.0)
5Lurkers in the GrottoStaelwyrn
Middle La Noscea
(X:25.6, Y:17.0)
7Washed UpStaelwyrn
Middle La Noscea
(X:25.6, Y:17.0)
8Double DealingStaelwyrn
Middle La Noscea
(X:25.6, Y:17.0)
9Loam MaintenanceGurcant
Middle La Noscea
(X:25.5, Y:17.2)
9Plowshares to SwordsPfrewahl
Middle La Noscea
(X:21.4, Y:15.3)
9Just DesertsStaelwyrn
Middle La Noscea
(X:25.6, Y:17.0)
Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks
(X:11.0, Y:11.1)
11Thanks a MillionWyrkrhit
Middle La Noscea
(X:15.8, Y:16.4)
11Relighting the TorchFraeloef
Western La Noscea
(X:34.5, Y:31.9)
11On to the DrydocksH’naanza
Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks
(X:10.5, Y:15.4)
12Without a DoubtAhtbyrm
Lower La Noscea
(X:26.4, Y:33.7)
12Righting the ShipwrightHaldbroda
Lower La Noscea
(X:20.7, Y:38.7)
13Do Angry Pirates DreamAhtbyrm
Lower La Noscea
(X:26.4, Y:33.7)
14Victory in PerilGhimthota
Lower La Noscea
(X:24.8, Y:35.1)
14Men of the Blue TattoosGhimthota
Lower La Noscea
(X:24.8, Y:35.1)
14Feint and StrikeBaderon
Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks
(X:11.0, Y:11.1)
14High SocietyReyner Hansred
Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks
(X:11.1, Y:6.0)
14A Mizzenmast RepastBaderon
Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks
(X:11.0, Y:11.1)
15The Lominsan EnvoyMerlwyb
Command Room
(X:3.5, Y:3.4)
15Call of the SeaBartholemew
Ul’dah – Steps of Thal
(X:10.7, Y:12.9)

Starting city: Ul’dah

Starting classes: Gladiator, Pugilist, Thaumaturge

1Coming to Ul’dahWymond
Ul’dah – Steps of Nald
(X:11.9, Y:8.2)
1Close to HomeMomodi
Ul’dah – Steps of Nald
(X:11.6, Y:9.6)
4We Must RebuildMomodi
Ul’dah – Steps of Nald
(X:11.6, Y:9.6)
5Nothing to See HerePapashan
Central Thanalan
(X:22.9, Y:27.8)
5Underneath the SultantreePapashan
Central Thanalan
(X:22.9, Y:27.8)
6Step NineCicidoa
Central Thanalan
(X:23.1, Y:27.7)
8Prudence at This JunctionRoger
Central Thanalan
(X:19.4, Y:20.6)
9Out of House and HomeWarin
Central Thanalan
(X:20.8, Y:18.5)
9Way Down in the HoleZuzumeda
Central Thanalan
(X:20.7, Y:18.3)
10Takin’ What They’re Givin’Momodi
Ul’dah – Steps of Nald
(X:11.6, Y:9.6)
10Supply and DemandsDadanen
Western Thanalan
(X:22.6, Y:17.3)
10Give It to Me RawDrunken Stag
Western Thanalan
(X:26.2, Y:18.2)
11The Perfect StormDrunken Stag
Western Thanalan
(X:26.2, Y:18.2)
11Last Letter to Lost HopeFufulupa
Central Thanalan
(X:22.6, Y:17.1)
12Heir Today, Gone TomorrowLeofric
Central Thanalan
(X:23.3, Y:16.0)
12Passing the BladeLeofric
Central Thanalan
(X:23.3, Y:16.0)
13Following FootfallsFufulupa
Central Thanalan
(X:22.6, Y:17.1)
13Storms on the HorizonNunuzofu
Western Thanalan
(X:17.9, Y:16.0)
14Oh Captain, My CaptainMerilda
Western Thanalan
(X:14.9, Y:18.9)
14Secrets and LiesFufulupa
Central Thanalan
(X:22.6, Y:17.1)
14Duty, Honor, CountryMomodi
Ul’dah – Steps of Nald
(X:11.6, Y:9.6)
14A Matter of TraditionOwyne
Heart of the Sworn
(X:6.1, Y:6.0)
14A Royal ReceptionMomodi
Ul’dah – Steps of Nald
(X:11.6, Y:9.6)
15The Ul’dahn EnvoyRaubahn
Ul’dah – Steps of Nald
(X:8.4, Y:8.9)
15Call of the SeaSerpent Officer
Old Gridania
(X:8.0, Y:11.1)

Levels 15 – 20

After this point, everyone will complete the same MSQ quests regardless of their starting city state or class. From this point, I’ve noted any duties that are unlocked through the MSQ.

When it comes to “The Company You Keep”, you’ll only complete one of the quests listed below and then a specific follow-up quest, depending on which Grand Company you choose to join.

15It’s Probably PiratesBaderon
Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks
(X:11.0, Y:11.1)
15Call of the ForestBaderon
Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks
(X:11.0, Y:11.1)
16Fire in the GloomMother Miounne
New Gridania
(X:11.7, Y:13.5)
The Tam-Tara Deepcroft
16Call of the DesertMother Miounne
New Gridania
(X:11.7, Y:13.5)
17Into a Copper HellMomodi
Ul’dah – Steps of Nald
(X:11.6, Y:9.6)
Copperbell Mines
17The Scions of the Seventh DawnMomodi
Ul’dah – Steps of Nald
(X:11.6, Y:9.6)
17A Wild Rose by Any Other NameMinfilia
The Waking Sands
(X:6.9, Y:6.1)
17Unsolved MysteryIsembard
Eastern Thanalan
(X:13.9, Y:23.6)
18What Poor People ThinkIsembard
Eastern Thanalan
(X:13.9, Y:23.6)
18A Proper BurialIsembard
Eastern Thanalan
(X:13.9, Y:23.6)
19For the ChildrenIsembard
Eastern Thanalan
(X:13.9, Y:23.6)
19Amalj’aa Wrong PlacesIsembard
Eastern Thanalan
(X:13.9, Y:23.6)
19Dressed to DeceiveIsembard
Eastern Thanalan
(X:13.9, Y:23.6)
19Life, Materia and EverythingMinfilia
The Waking Sands
(X:6.9, Y:6.1)
20Lord of the InfernoMinfilia
The Waking Sands
(X:6.9, Y:6.1)
The Bowl of Embers
20A Hero in the MakingMinfilia
The Waking Sands
(X:6.9, Y:6.1)
20The Company You Keep
(Immortal Flames)
Flame Officer
The Waking Sands
(X:6.8, Y:6.3)
20For Coin and Country
(If you chose Immortal Flames)
Flame Personnel Officer
Ul’dah – Steps of Nald
(X:8.3, Y:9.0)
20The Company You Keep
Storm Officer
The Waking Sands
(X:6.8, Y:6.2)
20Til Sea Swallows All
(if you chose Maelstrom)
Storm Personnel Officer
Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks
(X:13.1, Y:12.7)
20The Company You Keep
(Twin Adder)
Serpent Officer
The Waking Sands
(X:6.8, Y:6.1)
20Wood’s Will Be Done
(if you chose Twin Adders)
Serpent Personnel Officer
New Gridania
(X:9.8, Y:11.0)
The Waking Sands
(X:6.9, Y:6.1)
20We Come in PeaceVorsaile Heuloix
New Gridania
(X:9.7, Y:11.1)
20Sylphic StudiesRolfe Hawthorne
East Shroud
(X:16.7, Y:27.1)
20First ImpressionsRolfe Hawthorne
East Shroud
(X:16.7, Y:27.1)

Levels 21 – 30

21First ContactRolfe Hawthorne
East Shroud
(X:16.7, Y:27.1)
21Dance Dance DiplomacyYda
East Shroud
(X:21.9, Y:25.6)
21Forest FriendPapalymo
East Shroud
(X:21.9, Y:25.6)
21Presence of the EnemyKomuxio
East Shroud
(X:21.9, Y:25.6)
22Brotherly LoveKomuxio
East Shroud
(X:21.9, Y:25.6)
22Spirited AwayKomuxio
East Shroud
(X:21.9, Y:25.6)
22Druthers House RulesBuscaron
South Shroud
(X:18.1, Y:19.8)
23Never ForgetBuscaron
South Shroud
(X:18.1, Y:19.8)
Upper La Noscea
(X:14.7, Y:24.4)
23Like Fine WineTeteroon
Upper La Noscea
(X:14.7, Y:24.4)
23Sylhpish ConcernsBuscaron
South Shroud
(X:18.1, Y:19.8)
23Nouveau RicheBuscaron
South Shroud
(X:18.1, Y:19.8)
24Into the Beast’s MawBuscaron
South Shroud
(X:18.1, Y:19.8)
The Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak
24A Simple GiftBuscaron
South Shroud
(X:18.1, Y:19.8)
24Believe in Your SylphKomuxio
East Shroud
(X:21.9, Y:25.6)
24Back from the WoodVorsaile Heuloix
New Gridania
(X:9.7, Y:11.1)
24Shadow of DarknessMinfilia Warde
The Waking Sands
(X:6.9, Y:6.1)
24Highbridge TimesHihibaru
Eastern Thanalan
(X:20.2, Y:21.3)
25Where There Is SmokeHihibaru
Eastern Thanalan
(X:20.2, Y:21.3)
25On to Little Ala MhigoHihibaru
Eastern Thanalan
(X:20.2, Y:21.3)
25Tea for ThreeGisilbehrt
Southern Thanalan
(X:17.8, Y:13.4)
25Foot in the DoorGisilbehrt
Southern Thanalan
(X:17.8, Y:13.4)
26Meeting with the ResistanceMinfilia
The Waking Sands
(X:6.9, Y:6.1)
26Killing Him SoftlyMeffrid
South Shroud
(X:25.6, Y:20.6)
27Helping HornMeffrid
South Shroud
(X:25.6, Y:20.6)
27He Ain’t HeavyMeffrid
South Shroud
(X:25.6, Y:20.6)
27Come Highly RecommendedMeffrid
South Shroud
(X:25.6, Y:20.6)
27The Bear and the Young’uns’ CaresGundobald
Southern Thanalan
(X:16.9, Y:14.4)
27Wilred Wants YouHermfing
Southern Thanalan
(X:16.9, Y:14.3)
27Big Trouble in Little Ala MhigoGundobald
Southern Thanalan
(X:16.9, Y:14.4)
27Back to Square OneGundobald
Southern Thanalan
(X:16.9, Y:14.4)
27Terror at FallgourdMinfilia
The Waking Sands
(X:6.9, Y:6.1)
28Ziz is So RidiculousAideen
North Shroud
(X:21.8, Y:26.7)
28Seeing Eye to Winged EyeIvaurault
North Shroud
(X:21.8, Y:26.7)
28Rock of RancorAideen
North Shroud
(X:21.8, Y:26.7)
28Power of DeductionMedrod
North Shroud
(X:21.7, Y:26.7)
28Secret of the White LilyAethelmaer
North Shroud
(X:19.6, Y:25.3)
28Skeletons in Her closetUrsandel
Old Gridania
(X:11.9, Y:4.5)
Haukke Manor
30Wrath of the TitanMinfilia
The Waking Sands
(X:6.9, Y:6.1)
30Tales from the Tidus SlayerTrachtoum
Lower La Noscea
(X:35.6, Y:15.9)
30Hungry Hungry GoobbuesTrachtoum
Lower La Noscea
(X:35.6, Y:15.9)
30The Lominsan WayTrachtoum
Lower La Noscea
(X:35.6, Y:15.9)
30Nix ThatWheiskaet
Eastern La Noscea
(X:32.6, Y:30.5)
30A Modest ProposalWheiskaet
Eastern La Noscea
(X:32.6, Y:30.5)
30Trial by TurtleLandenel
South Shroud
(X:16.8, Y:28.2)

Levels 31 – 40

31The Perfect PreyU’odh Nunh
Southern Thanalan
(X:14.3, Y:29.9)
31When the Worm TurnsU’odh Nunh
Southern Thanalan
(X:14.3, Y:29.9)
31There and Back AgainU’odh Nunh
Southern Thanalan
(X:14.3, Y:29.9)
32The Things We Do for CheeseWheiskaet
Eastern La Noscea
(X:32.6, Y:30.5)
Brayflox’s Longstop
32What Do You Mean You Forgot The WineWheiskaet
Eastern La Noscea
(X:32.6, Y:30.5)
32An Offer You Can RefuseShamani Lohmani
Eastern La Noscea
(X:21.6, Y:21.1)
32It Won’t WorkShamani Lohmani
Eastern La Noscea
(X:21.6, Y:21.1)
33Give a Man a DrinkShamani Lohmani
Eastern La Noscea
(X:21.6, Y:21.1)
33That WeightDrest
Eastern La Noscea
(X:14.0, Y:30.3)
33Battle ScarsDrest
Eastern La Noscea
(X:14.0, Y:30.3)
33It Was a Very Good YearShamani Lohmani
Eastern La Noscea
(X:21.6, Y:21.1)
33In the Company of HeroesY’shtola
Eastern La Noscea
(X:32.6, Y:30.5)
33As You WishWheiskaet
Eastern La Noscea
(X:32.6, Y:30.5)
34Lord of CragsRiol
Upper La Noscea
(X:31.0, Y:24.0)
The Navel
34All Good ThingsY’shtola
Upper La Noscea
(X:30.0, Y:23.1)
35You Can’t Take It With YouMarques
Eastern Thanalan
(X:11.2, Y:21.3)
35Bringing Out the DeadEluned
Eastern Thanalan
(X:11.5, Y:22.2)
35Bury Me Not on the Lone PrairieEluned
Eastern Thanalan
(X:11.5, Y:22.2)
35Eyes On MeMarques
Eastern Thanalan
(X:11.2, Y:21.3)
36He Who Waited BehindIliud
Eastern Thanalan
(X:11.2, Y:21.3)
36Cold ReceptionVortefaurt
North Shroud
(X:15.4, Y:25.4)
36The Unending WarLudovoix
Coerthas Central Highlands
(X:24.9, Y:28.5)
36Men of HonorJocea
Coerthas Central Highlands
(X:25.5, Y:29.8)
36Three for ThreePortelaine
Coerthas Central Highlands
(X:24.8, Y:28.8)
36The Rose and the UnicornCarrilaut
Coerthas Central Highlands
(X:24.7, Y:28.8)
37The Talk of CoerthasHaurchefant
Coerthas Central Highlands
(X:26.7, Y:17.4)
38Road to RedemptionHaurchefant
Coerthas Central Highlands
(X:26.7, Y:17.4)
38Following the EvidenceHaurchefant
Coerthas Central Highlands
(X:26.7, Y:17.4)
38In the Eyes of Gods and MenHaurchefant
Coerthas Central Highlands
(X:26.7, Y:17.4)
38The Final Flight of the EnterpriseHaurchefant
Coerthas Central Highlands
(X:26.7, Y:17.4)
39Ye of Little FaithBrunadier
Coerthas Central Highlands
(X:11.9, Y:17.4)
39Factual FolkloreHaustefort
Coerthas Central Highlands
(X:12.9, Y:17.5)
39The Best InventionsCid
Coerthas Central Highlands
(X:13.1, Y:15.4)
40Influencing InquisitorsCid
Coerthas Central Highlands
(X:13.1, Y:15.4)
40By the Lights of IshgardAlphinaud
Coerthas Central Highlands
(X:12.7, Y:16.5)
40Blood for BloodAlphinaud
Coerthas Central Highlands
(X:12.7, Y:16.5)
40The Heritic Among UsDrillemont
Coerthas Central Highlands
(X:12.8, Y:17.4)

Levels 41 – 50

41In Pursuit of the PastAlphinaud
Coerthas Central Highlands
(X:12.7, Y:16.5)
The Stone Vigil
41Into the Eye of the StormCid
New Gridania
(X:11.3, Y:13.6)
41Sealed with ScienceLamberteint
Eastern Thanalan
(X:12.7, Y:23.4)
41With the Utmost CareHahasako
Eastern Thanalan
(X:21.4, Y:21.9)
41A Promising ProspectLamberteint
Eastern Thanalan
(X:12.7, Y:23.4)
42It’s Probably Not PiratesCeana
Western La Noscea
(X:27.9, Y:27.0)
42Representing the RepresentativeCeana
Western La Noscea
(X:27.9, Y:27.0)
42The Reluctant ResearchedCeana
Western La Noscea
(X:27.9, Y:27.0)
42Sweet SomethingsDavyd
Western La Noscea
(X:16.1, Y:30.7)
42History RepeatingDavyd
Western La Noscea
(X:16.1, Y:30.7)
43The Curious Case of GiggityCeana
Western La Noscea
(X:27.9, Y:27.0)
43Better Late than NeverHedyn
Old Gridania
(X:8.7, Y:8.2)
44Lady of the VortexCid
New Gridania
(X:11.3, Y:13.6)
The Howling Eye
Ul’dah – Steps of Nald
(X:10.3, Y:11.1)
44Casing the CastrumY’shtola
The Waking Sands
(X:6.8, Y:6.1)
44Eyes on the EmpirePortelaine
Coerthas Central Highlands
(X:24.8, Y:28.8)
44Footprints in the SnowPierremons
Coerthas Central Highlands
(X:14.3, Y:35.2)
44Monumental HopesWedge
Coerthas Central Highlands
(X:7.4, Y:28.9)
44Notorious BiggsWedge
Coerthas Central Highlands
(X:7.4, Y:28.9)
Coerthas Central Highlands
(X:7.5, Y:28.9)
44Getting Even with GarlemaldGlaumunt
Mor Dhona
(X:22.5, Y:7.5)
46Drowning Out the VoicesCid
Mor Dhona
(X:22.0, Y:7.7)
46Acting the PartGlaumunt
Mor Dhona
(X:22.5, Y:7.5)
46Dressed for ConquestSark Malark
Mor Dhona
(X:22.5, Y:7.5)
46Fool Me TwiceGlaumunt
Mor Dhona
(X:22.5, Y:7.5)
46Every Little Thing She Does Is MagitekCid
Mor Dhona
(X:6.0, Y:6.0)
46Escape from Castrum CentriCid
Mor Dhona
(X:6.0, Y:6.0)
46The Black Wolf’s UltimatumMinfilia Warde
Ul’dah – Steps of Nald
(X:10.3, Y:11.2)
49Operation ArchonMinfiliaThe Waking Sands
(X:6.9, Y:6.1)
49A Hero in NeedAllied Communications Officer
Western Thanalan
(X:12.1, Y:11.9)
49Hearts on FireCracked Fist
Northern Thanalan
(X:22.2, Y:29.8)
50Rock the CastrumEdelstein
Northern Thanalan
(X:20.8, Y:22.1)
Castrum Meridianum
50The Ultimate WeaponRaubahn
Northern Thanalan
(X:15.5, Y:16.9)
The Praetorium
The Porta Decumana

Post-ARR MSQ quests

The following quests were added in patches following the initial release of A Realm Reborn and set up the story arc for Heavensward. They are all level 50 quests.

Patch 2.1 – A Realm Awoken

The Price of PrinciplesMinfilia
The Waking Sands
(X:6.9, Y:6.1)
Moving OnMinfilia
The Waking Sands
(X:6.9, Y:6.1)
All Things in TimeF’lhaminn
Eastern La Noscea
(X:20.7, Y:21.5)
Laying the FoundationMinfilia
The Waking Sands
(X:6.9, Y:6.1)
It’s Possibly a PrimalSlafborn
Mor Dhona
(X:21.9, Y:7.8)
Hail to the King, KupoVorsaile Heuloix
New Gridania
(X:9.7, Y:11.1)
You Have Selected RegicideE-Sumi-Yan
Old Gridania
(X:6.0, Y:10.6)
Thornmach (Hard)
On the Properties of PrimalsRaya-O-Senna
South Shroud
(X:18.6, Y:27.1)
The GiftedMinfilia
The Waking Sands
(X:6.9, Y:6.1)
Build on the StoneMinfilia
The Waking Sands
(X:6.9, Y:6.1)

Patch 2.2 – Through the Maelstrom

Still WatersMinfilia
The Rising Stones
(X:6.1, Y:5.2)
A Final TemptationThancred
Western Thanalan
(X:22.6, Y:17.0)
The Mothers of ExilesThancred
Western Thanalan
(X:22.6, Y:17.0)
Promises to KeepRaubahn
Ul’dah – Steps of Thal
(X:10.8, Y:12.3)
Yugiri’s GameAlphinaud
Ul’dah – Steps of Nald
(X:11.7, Y:9.6)
Why We AdventureHozan
Western Thanalan
(X:11.5, Y:14.3)
All Due RespectAlphinaud
Ul’dah – Steps of Nald
(X:11.7, Y:9.6)
The Sea RisesMinfilia
The Rising Stones
(X:6.1, Y:5.2)
Scouts in DistressFalkbryda
Western La Noscea
(X:22.7, Y:22.7)
The Gift of EternityFalkbryda
Western La Noscea
(X:22.7, Y:22.7)
Into the Heart of the WhorlMerlwyb
Western La Noscea
(X:13.1, Y:13.4)
The Whorleater (Hard)
Lord of the WhorlEynzahr Slafyrsyn
Lower La Noscea
(X:24.5, Y:33.1)
When Yugiri Met the FraternityZanthael
Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks
(X:11.4, Y:10.9)
Through the MaelstromYugiri
Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks
(X:8.9, Y:14.3)

Patch 2.3 – Defenders of Eorzea

The Great DivideMinfilia
The Rising Stones
(X:6.1, Y:5.2)
Desperate TimesAlphinaud
Ul’dah – Steps of Nald
(X:11.7, Y:9.6)
Shock and AweTerrified Refugee
Central Thanalan
(X:25.2, Y:15.4)
Reap the WhirlwindTerrified Refugee
Central Thanalan
(X:25.2, Y:15.4)
Ul’dah – Steps of Nald
(X:8.4, Y:8.9)
Stories We TellAlphinaud
Ul’dah – Steps of Thal
(X:10.7, Y:12.9)
Lord of LevinMinfilia
The Rising Stone
s(X:6.1, Y:5.2)
Levin an ImpressionSerpent Lieutenant
East Shroud
(X:21.9, Y:25.7)
The Striking Tree (Hard)
What Little Gods Are Made OfSerpent Lieutenant
East Shroud
(X:21.9, Y:25.7)
Guardian of EorzeaMinfilia
The Rising Stones
(X:6.1, Y:5.2)
Recruiting the RealmAlphinaud
The Rising Stones
(X:6.1, Y:5.2)
Heretical HarassmentMinfilia
The Rising Stones
(X:6.1, Y:5.2)
When the Cold Sets InHaurchefant
Coerthas Central Highlands
(X:26.7, Y:17.4)
Brave New CompanionsSlafborn
Mor Dhona
(X:21.9, Y:7.8)

Patch 2.4 – Dreams of Ice

Traitor in the MidstMinfilia
The Rising Stones
(X:6.1, Y:5.2)
Back and FourthIlberd
Ul’dah – Steps of Nald
(X:8.6, Y:9.0)
Coming to TermsAlphinaud
The Rising Stones
(X:6.7, Y:6.1)
The Intercession of SaintsAlphinaud
Coerthas Central Highlands
(X:26.7, Y:17.0)
Strength in UnityAlphinaud
Coerthas Central Highlands
(X:26.7, Y:17.5)
Dark Words, Dark DeedsDrillemont
Coerthas Central Highlands
(X:12.8, Y:17.4)
First BloodDrillemont
Coerthas Central Highlands
(X:12.8, Y:17.4)
The Path of the RighteousDrillemont
Coerthas Central Highlands
(X:12.8, Y:17.4)
For the Greater GoodAlphinaud
Coerthas Central Highlands
(X:3.4, Y:21.2)
Tendrils of IntrigueAlphinaud
Coerthas Central Highlands
(X:26.0, Y:28.4)
Chasing IvyIlberd
New Gridania
(X:10.2, Y:11.6)
In Flagrante DelictoIlberd
New Gridania
(X:12.2, Y:13.2)
A Simple PlanMinfilia
The Rising Stones
(X:6.1, Y:5.2)
The Instruments of Our DeliveranceMinfilia
The Rising Stones
(X:6.1, Y:5.2)
The Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Hard)
The Road Less TraveledMoenbryda
Coerthas Central Highlands
(X:3.3, Y:21.2)
Eyes UncloudedAlphinaud
Coerthas Central Highlands
(X:26.7, Y:17.0)
The Reason RoailleMinfilia
The Rising Stones
(X:6.1, Y:5.2)
Let Us Cling TogetherAlphinaud
Northern Thanalan
(X:17.3, Y:18.8)

Patch 2.5 – Before the Fall (Part 1)

Good IntentionsMinfilia
The Rising Stones
(X:6.1, Y:5.2)
Bait and SwitchIlberd
Eastern Thanalan
(X:21.1, Y:21.1)
Best Laid SchemesIlberd
Eastern Thanalan
(X:21.1, Y:21.1)
The Rising ChorusTataru
The Rising Stones
(X:6.0, Y:5.9)
The Keeper of the Lake
Aether on DemandAlphinaud
The Rising Stones
(X:6.0, Y:6.0)
On the CounteroffensiveEdelstein
Northern Thanalan
(X:20.8, Y:22.1)
An Uninvited AscianEdelstein
Northern Thanalan
(X:20.8, Y:22.1)
The Chrysalis
In Memory of MoenbrydaMinfilia
The Rising Stones
(X:6.1, Y:5.2)

Patch 2.55 – Before the Fall (Part 2)

Mask of GriefMinfilia
The Rising Stones
(X:6.1, Y:5.2)
Defenders of IshgardAlphinaud
The Rising Stones
(X:6.0, Y:5.2)
The Wyrm’s RoarAlphinaud
Coerthas Central Highlands
(X:18.5, Y:15.4)
Committed to the CauseAlphinaud
(X:6.0, Y:6.1)
Volunteer DragonslayersMinfilia
The Rising Stones
(X:6.1, Y:5.2)
An Allied PerspectiveTataru
Mor Dhona
(X:22.1, Y:8.3)
The Steps of FaithMarcelain
Coerthas Central Highlands
(X:18.1, Y:14.9)
Broken Bridges
Administrative DecisionMinfilia
The Rising Stones
(X:6.1, Y:5.2)
An Unexpected AmbitionMinfilia
The Rising Stones
(X:6.1, Y:5.2)
Ancient Ways, Timeless WantsTataru
Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks
(X:4.6, Y:11.4)
Where We Are NeededMinfilia
The Rising Stones
(X:6.1, Y:5.2)
The Least Among UsUnsettled Scholar
South Shroud
(X:17.3, Y:28.6)
A Time to Every PurposeMinfilia
The Rising Stones
(X:6.1, Y:5.2)
Come, But Not GoneMinfilia
Ul’dah – Steps of Thal
(X:11.1, Y:11.6)
The Parting GlassMomodi
Ul’dah – Steps of Nald
(X:11.6, Y:9.6)
Before the DawnHaurchefant
Coerthas Central Highlands
(X:26.7, Y:17.4)


FFXIV: Every MSQ quest from A Realm Reborn to Dawntrail (2)

Once you’ve made it to Heavensward, you likely have a good handle on how to find your next quest, so from here on out I’m going to drop the locations and just state the NPC who starts the quest. I’m also going to break down the quests into their individual levels to help you keep track.

There are a total of 94 Heavensward MSQ quests to get through, not including Post-Heavensward story arcs.

Level 50

Coming to IshgardAlphinaud
Taking in the SightsAlphinaud
The Better HalfHouse Fortemps Manservant
Over the WallArtoirel
Work in ProgressRedwald
The First and ForemostRothe
From on HighThierremont
Reconnaissance LostRedwald
At the End of Our HopeArtoirel
Knights Be Not ProudArtoirel
Onwards and UpwardsEmmanellain
An Indispensable AllyLaniaitte
Meeting the NeighborsLaniaitte
Sense of UrgencyMarielle
Hope Springs EternalMarielle
A Series of Unfortunate EventsHonoroit
A Reward Long in ComingEmmanellain
Divine InterventionHouse Fortemps Steward

Level 51

Flame General AffairsAlphinaud
In Search of RaubahnHigiri
Keeping the Flame AliveHozan
To Siege or Not to SiegeAlphinaud
Alphinaud’s WayAlphinaud
In Search of IceheartAlphinaud
From One Heretic to AnotherExpedition Leader
Sounding Out the AmphitheatreAlphinaud
Camp of the ConvictorsAlphinaud
Purple Flame, Purple FlameEstinien

Level 52

Where the Chocobos RoamYsayle
Worse than DragonsMarcechamp
The Trine TowersYsayle
Gifts for the OutcastsYsayle
The NonmindAlphinaud

Level 53

A Gnathic DeityYsayle
Breaking into HivesAlphinaud
Lord of the HiveYsayleThok ast Thok (Hard)
Mourn in PassingAlphinaudSohm Al
Beyond the CloudsAlphinaud

Level 54

Mountaintop DiplomacyAlphinaud
Moghan’s TrialMoghan
Mogmug’s TrialMogmug
Mogwin’s TrialMogwin
Moglin’s JudgementMoglin
Leaving MoghomeMoghan
The Road to ZenithMoghan
Waiting for the Wind to ChangeMoghan
Heart of IceMoghan
The Wyrm’s LairAlphinaud
New Winds, Old FriendsEstinien
A General SummonsTataru
Awakening in Ul’dahAlphinaud
A Brave ResolutionAlphinaud

Level 55

Ready to FlyAlphinaud
Into the AeryEstinienThe Aery
The Song BeginsEstinien

Level 56

Unrest in IshgardEstinien
He Who Would Not Be DeniedHaurchefant
Ill-weather FriendsAlphinaud
The Spice of LifeAlphinaud
Noble IndiscretionsGibrillont
A Child ApartGibrillont

Level 57

Fire and BloodAlphinaud
A Knight’s CallingHildaThe Vault
The Sins of AntiquityAlphinaud
In Search of the SoleilLucia
Into the BlueAlphinaud
Familiar FacesAlphinaud
Devourer of WorldsLonu Vanu
Black and the WhiteAlphinaud
Bolt, Chain, and IslandAlphinaudThe Limitless Blue (Hard)
A Difference of OpinionAlphinaud
One Good TurnCid
An Engineering EnterpriseAlphinaud
Aetherial TrailTataru
Lost in the LifestreamAlphinaud
Tataru’s SurpriseTataru
Onward to SharlayanY’shtola

Level 58

A Great New NationY’shtola
Golems BegoneSlowfix
An Illuminati IncidentSlowfix
Leaving IdyllshireSlowfix

Level 59

Matoya’s CaveY’shtola
Forbidden KnowledgeMatoyaThe Great Gubal Library
An Eye for AetherMatoya
Hour of DepartureAlphinaud
The First Flight of the ExcelsiorAlphinaud
Systematic ExplorationCid
In Node We TrustGuidance Node
Chimerical MaintenanceGuidance Node
Close Encounters of the Vith KindGuidance Node
Fetters of LamentGuidance Node

Level 60

HeavenswardGuidance NodeThe Aetherochemical Research Facility
The Singularity Reactor

Dragonsong War

All quests introduced from patch 3.1 to 3.3 are officially known as the Dragonsong War MSQ quests. As with ARR Post-MSQ quests, these are all level 60.

3.1 – As Light Goes, So Goes Darkness

An Uncertain FutureAlphinaud
Breaking the CycleAlphinaud
Another Time, Another PlaceAlphinaud
In the Eye of the BeholderKrile
A Little Slow, a Little LateAlphinaud
Dreams of the LostAlphinaud
Against the Dying of the LightLucia
As Goes Light, So Goes DarknessLucia

3.2 – The Gears of Change

As It Once WasTataru
The Word of the MotherAlphinaudThe Antitower
This War of OursAlphinaud
Staunch ConvictionLucia
Once More, a FavorEmmanellain
For Those We Have LostEmmanellain
A Spectacle for the AgesLucia
For Those We Can Yet SaveAymeric
Causes and CostsAlphinaud

3.3 – Revenge of the Horde

The Man WithinHouse Fortemps Knight
An Ally for IshgardAlphinaud
Winning Over the WyrmAlphinaudSohr Khai
An End to the SongAymericThe Final Steps of Faith
Heroes of the HourAlphinaud
Litany of PeaceAymeric

Post-Dragonsong War

The following quests are all level 60, and set up the story arc that continues into Stormblood.

3.4 – Soul Surrender

Promises KeptHouse Fortemps Knight
Shadows of the FirstAlphinaudXelphatol
Two Sides to a CoinAlphinaud
Unlikely AlliesBloeidin
The Beast That Mourned at the Heart of the MountainGa Bu
Beneath a Star-filled skyAlphinaud
When We Were FreeAlphinaud
Honorable HeroesPapalymo
One Life for One WorldAlphinaud
An Ending to Mark a New BeginningAlphinaud

3.5 – The Far Edge of Fate (Part 1)

Tidings from Gyr AbaniaTataru
An Envoy for IshgardLucia
An Allied DecisionAymeric
Griffin, Griffin on the WallAlisaieBaelsar’s Wall
Louisoix’s Finest StudentAlphinaud

3.56 – The Far Edge of Fate (Part 2)

The Obvious SolutionAlisaie
The Greater ObeisanceAlphinaud
Fly Free, My PrettyYda
The Far Edge of FateAlphinaud


FFXIV: Every MSQ quest from A Realm Reborn to Dawntrail (3)

There are a total of 122 quests to do in order to complete the Stormblood MSQ, not including those added in Post-Stormblood patches. Like before, let’s break these down to individual levels.

Level 60

Beyond the Great WallAlphinaud
Lyse Takes the LeadLyse
The Promise of a New BeginningConrad
A Haven for the BoldAlphinaud
A Bargain StruckAlisaie
A Friend of a Friend in NeedM’naago
Signed, Sealed, to Be DeliveredM’naago
Best Served with Cold SteelRaubahn
Let Fill Your Hearts with PrideM’naago
A Familiar Face ForgottenMeffrid
The Prodigal DaughterMeffrid
Hard CountryGriseldis
Death by a Thousand RocksAngry Coeurl
A Life More OrdinaryMeffrid
The Color of Angry QiqirnMeffrid
The Black Wolf’s PupsLyse
Homeward BoundMeffrid
Where Men Go as OneConrad
Future Rust, Future DustBeves
A Dash of GreenAhelissa
Ye Wayward BrothersAnanta Battlemaid
Token of FaithSwarthy Resistance Fighter

Level 61

Crossing the VelodynaAlphinaud
In Crimson It BeganPipin
The Fires FadeRaubahn
Bereft of Hearth and HomePipin
Divide and ConquerConrad
Lies, Damn Lies, and PiratesAlisaie
Tales from the Far EastAlphinaud
Not Without IncidentLyseThe Sirensong Sea
The Man from Ul’dahAlphinaud
Where the Streets Are Paved with KobanHancock
By the Grace of Lord LoloritoHancock
A Good Samurai is Hard to FindAlphinaud
It’s Probably a TrapLyse
Making the Catfish SingLyse

Level 62

Once More, to the Ruby SeaGosetsu
Open WaterSoroban
Boys with BoatsTansui
To Bend with the WindSoroban
Confederate ConsternationAlisaie
The solace of the SeaAfumi
The Arrow of MisfortuneKajika
The Last VoyageAranami
Alisaie’s StonesHirase
Under the SeaRasho
Of Kojin and KamiSoroban

Level 63

In Soroban We TrustSoroban
Forever and Ever ApartLyse
In Darkness the Magatama DeamAlisaie
The Whims of the DivineAlisaie
Breaking and DeliveringAlisaie
The Lord of the RavelAlisaieThe Pool of Tribute
Tide goes in, Imperials Go OutLyse
A Silence in Three PartsGosetsu

Level 64

Life After DomaGosetsu
A Glimpse of MadnessLiberation Front Guard
The Stubborn RemainderYugiri
The Ones We Leave BehindYugiri
A New Ruby TitheYugiri
The Will to LiveYugiri
Daughter of the DeepYugiri
Path of No ReturnGosetsu
The Time Between the SecondsYugiri
All the Little AngelsIsse

Level 65

Here There be XaelaYugiri
The Search for Lord HienYugiri
A Season for WarCirina
An Impossible DreamCirina
Stars in the DarkHien
A Warrior’s WelcomeCirina
The Heart of NationsCirina
A Trial Before the TrialHien
In the Footsteps of Bardam the BraveHienBardam’s Mettle
The Children of AzimLyse

Level 66

The Labors of MagnaiBaatu
For Love of the MoonHien
Sworn Enemies of the SunMagnai
The Undying OnesGosetsu
A Final PeaceGosetsu
As the Gods WillGosetsu
Glory to the KhaganHien
In Crimson They WalkedHien
The Hour of ReckoningHien

Level 67

The Room Where It HappenedAlphinaud
How Tataru Got Her Groove BackTataru
Seeds of DespairAlphinaud
The Limits of Our EnduranceAlisaie
Broken Steel, Broken MenTsuranuki
The Doma WithinLyse
On the Eve of DestinyHien
The Die Is CastHienDoma Castle
The World Turned Upside DownAlphinaud
The Swift and Secret DepartureAlphinaud
While You Were AwayAlphinaud
Rhalgr’s BeaconRaubahn
The Fortunes of WarConrad
Rising Fortunes, Rising SpiritsConrad
The Lure of the DreamAlphinaud
The Lady of BlissVajraEmanation
The Silence of the GodsVajra

Level 68

The First of ManyAlphinaud
Strong and UnifiedM’naago
Hells OpenAlisaie
Heavens WeepAlisaie
The Road HomeAlphinaud
For the Living and the DeadAlphinaud
Above the Churning WatersLyse
The Path ForwardLyse
With Tired Hands We ToilAlphinaud
Where Courage EndsLyse

Level 69

The Price of FreedomAlphinaudCastrum Abania
Raubahn’s InvitationRaubahn
Liberty or DeathRaubahn
The Lady in RedLyse
Upon the Great Loch’s ShoreLyse
The Key to VictoryAlphinaud
The ResonantLyse
The Legacy of Our FathersAlphinaud

Level 70

The Measure of His ReachRaubahn
StormbloodPipinAla Mhigo
The Royal Managerie


The following quests were added between patches 4.1 and 4.56. There are 40 in total, each of which is level 70, and they set up the story arc for Shadowbringers.

4.1 – The Legend Returns

Arenvald’s AdventureLyse
The Darkness BelowAlphinaud
The Mad King’s TroveAlphinaudThe Drowned City of Skalla
The Butcher’s BloodArenvald
Echoes of an EchoLyse
A Sultana’s StringsAlphinaud
A Sultana’s DutyNanamo Ul Namo
A Sultana’s ResolveNanamo Ul Namo
Securing the SalteryNanamo Ul Namo
A Blissful ArrivalAlphinaud
Return of the BullRaubahn

4.2 – Rise of a New Sun

Tidings from the EastLyse
The Sword in the StoreAlphinaud
Hope on the WavesYugiri
Elation and TrepidationYugiri
Storm on the HorizonHien
His Forgotten HomeAlisaie
A Guilty ConscienceAsahi
Rise of a New SunHien

4.3 – Under the Moonlight

Gosetsu and TsuyuAlphinaud
Gone Like the Morning DewHien
Fruits of Her LaborHien
Conscripts and ContingenciesHien
The Primary AgreementHienCastrum Fluminis
Under the MoonlightAlisaie
Emissary of the DawnAlisaie

4.4 – Prelude in Violet

Sisterly ActAlisaie
Feel the BurnHienThe Burn
Shadows in the EmpireHien
A Power in SlumberHien
The Will of the MoonY’shtola
The CallY’shtola
Prelude in VioletAlisaie

4.5 – A Requiem for Heroes (Part 1)

Soul SearchingAlisaie
A Defector’s TidingsAlisaie
Seiryu’s WallHien
Parley on the Front LinesHien
The Face of WarLyseThe Ghimlyt Dark

4.56 – A Requiem for Heroes (Part 2)

A Brief ReprieveHoary Boulder
A Requiem for HeroesResistance Fighter


FFXIV: Every MSQ quest from A Realm Reborn to Dawntrail (4)

There are 106 quests in the Shadowbringers MSQ, continuing the story set up in the Post-Stormblood questline.

Level 70

The Syrcus TrenchTataru
City of the FirstCrystal Exarch
Travelers of NorvrandtCrystal Exarch
In Search of AlphinaudCrystal Exarch
A Still TideSzem Djenmai
Open Arms, Closed GateAlphinaud
A Fickle ExistenceAlphinaud
City of Final PleasuresEulmore
Free to SightseeAlphinaud
A Taste of HoneyAmiable Maiden
A Blessed InstrumentAlphinaud
Emergent SplendorAlphinaud
In Search of AlisaieCrystal Exarch
City of the MordCassard
Working Off the MealCassard
A Desert CrossingTesleen
Following in Her FootprintsTesleen
Culling Their RanksAlisaie
A Purchase of FruitTesleen
The Time Left to UsTesleen
Tears on the SandAlisaie

Level 71

The LightwardensCrystal ExarchHolminster Switch
Warrior of DarknessCrystal Exarch

Level 72

An Unwelcome GuestManager of the Suites
The Crystarium’s ResolveCrystal Exarch
Logistics of WarSzem Djenmai
The Oracle of LightLyna
Il Mheg, the Faerie KingdomThancred
Sul Uin’s RequestSul Uin
Ys lala’s ErrandYs lala
Oul Sigun’s PleaOul Sigun
Unto the TruthThancred
Courting CooperationUrianger

Level 73

The Key to the CastleSul UinDohn Mheg
A Visit to Nu MouUrianger
A Fitting PaymentWyd Aenc
Spore SweeperYs Gyuf
The Lawless OnesWyd Lad
The Elder’s AnswerWyd Lad
A Resounding RoarUrianger
Memento of a FriendSeto
Acht-la Ormh InnSetoThe Dancing Plague
The Wheel TurnsThancred

Level 74

A Party Soon DividedManager of the Suites
A Little FaithUrianger
Into the DarkUrianger
A Day in the NeighborhoodY’shtola
A Helping HandRunar
Lost but Not ForgottenRunar
Saying Good-byeRunar
Stirring up TroubleY’shtola
A Beeautiful PlanY’shtola
An Unwanted ProposalY’shtola
Put to the ProofUrianger

Level 75

Into the WoodY’shtola
Top of the TreeCymet
Look to the StarsAlmet
Mi Casa, ToupasaAlmet
Legend of the Not-so-hidden TempleAlmet
The AftermathAlmet
In Good FaithUrianger
The Burden of KnowledgeAlmetThe Qitana Ravel
Bearing With itY’shtola

Level 76

Out of the WoodY’shtola
When it RainsManager of Suites
Word from On HighAlisaie
Small FavorsLyna
The Best Way OutThancred
Free TradeThancred
The Trolley ProblemZhun Zun
Rust and RuinThaffe
On TrackMinfilia
Down for MaintenanceJeryk
The Truth HurtsJeryk

Level 77

A Convenient DistractionThancred
A Dirty JobGuthjon
Have a HeartGuthjon
Full Steam AheadMagnus
Crossing PathsMinfilia
A Fresh StartRyneMalikah’s Well
More than a HunchRyne
Return to EulmoreManager of Suites
A Feast of LiesUrianger
Paradise FallenThancred

Level 78

The LadderAlphinaud
The View from AboveUrianger
In Mt. Gulg’s ShadowAlisaie
A Gigantic UndertakingAlisaie
Meet the ThollsTristol
A-Digging We Will goXamott
The Duergar’s TewelKorutt
Rich Veins of HopeCrystal Exarch
That None Shall Ever AgainAlphinaud
A Breath of RespiteChai-Nuzz

Level 79

Extinguishing the Last LightChai-NuzzMt. Gulg
The Crown of the Immaculate
Reassuring the MassesManager of Suites
In His GardenKatliss
The Unbroken ThreadLyna
To Storm-tossed SeasUrianger
Wating in the DepthsThancred
City of the AncientsY’shtola
The Light of InspirationY’shtola

Level 80

The Illuminated LandGrenoldt
The End of a WorldAlisaie
A Greater PurposeAlphinaud
The Dying Gasp


Post-Shadowbringers MSQ quests are broken into two categories, with the first wrapping up the Shadowbringers story between patches 5.1 and 5.3, and the second setting up the story of Endwalker between patches 5.3 and 5.55. All of these quests are level 80.

5.1 – Vows of Virtue, Deeds of Cruelty

Shaken ResolveTataru
A Grand AdventureCrystal ExarchThe Grand Cosmos
A Welcome GuestAlphinaud
Good for the SoulBeg Lugg
Nowhere to TurnKai-Shirr
A Notable AbsenceAlphinaud
For the PeopleAlphinaud
Finding Good HelpChai-Nuzz
Moving ForwardChai-Nuzz
Vows of Virtue, Deeds of CrueltyAlphinaud

5.2 – Echoes of a Fallen Star

Old Enemies, New ThreatsKrile
The Way HomeKrile
Seeking CounselAlphinaud
Facing the TruthLyna
A Sleep DisturbedCrystal Exarch
An Old FriendY’shtola
Deep DesignsY’shtola
A Whale’s TaleUrianger
Beneath the SurfaceUriangerAnamnesis Anyder
Echoes of a Fallen StarUrianger

5.3 – Reflections in Crystal

In the Name of the LightManager of Suites
Heroic DreamsEirwel
Fraying ThreadsRyne
Food for the SoulTataru
Faded MemoriesThancred
Etched in the StarsPeculiar Crystal
The Converging LightY’shtolaThe Heroes’ Gauntlet
Hope’s ConfluenceCrystal ExarchThe Seat of Sacrifice
Nothing UnsaidY’shtola
The Journey ContinuesAlphinaud
Unto the MorrowUrianger
Reflections in CrystalRyne

5.4 – Futures Rewritten

Alisaie’s QuestKrile
The Wisdom of AllagG’raha Tia
Reviving the LegacyG’raha Tia
Forget Us NotAlisaie
Like Master, Like PupilY’shtolaMatoya’s Relict
The Admiral’s ResolveAlphinaud
The Search for SicardAlphinaud
On Rough SeasAlphinaud
The Great Ship VylbrandMerlwyb
Futures RewrittenAlphinaud

5.5 – Death Unto Dawn (Part 1)

Unto the BreachAlisaie
Here Be DragonsAlphinaud
Righteous IndignationEstinien
For VengeanceRestrainment Node
The Flames of WarG’raha TiaPaglth’an
When the Dust SettlesAlphinaud

5.5 – Death Unto Dawn (Part 2)

The Company We KeepAlisaie
On Official BusinessAlphinaud
Death Unto DawnKan-E-Senna


FFXIV: Every MSQ quest from A Realm Reborn to Dawntrail (5)

There are 108 quests included in the MSQ for Endwalker, ranging from level 80 to 90. With Post-Endwalker quests wrapping up a decade of storytelling and moving on to a whole new story arc for Dawntrail.

Level 80

The Next Step to SailAlphinaud
Old Sharlayan, New to YouKrile
Hitting the BooksKrile
A Seat at the Last StandAlisaie
A Labyrinthine DescentAlisaie
Glorified RatcatcherKrile
Deeper into the MazeAlphinaud
The Medial CircuitAlisaie
The Full Report, Warts and AllAlisaie
A Guide of SortsAlisaie
Estate VisitorAlisaie
For Thavnair BoundThancred
On Low TideThancred
A Fisherman’s FriendMatsya
House of DivinitiesEstinien
The Great WorkMatsya
Shadowed FootstepsNidhana
A Boy’s ErrandNidhana
Tipping the ScaleZeynuha
The Satrap of Radz-at-HanThancred

Level 81

In the Dark of the TowerKrileThe Tower of Zot
The Jewel of ThavnairThancred
The Color of JoyAlphinaud

Level 82

Sound the Bell, School’s InKrile
A Capital IdeaKrile
Best of the BestMaxima
A Frosty ReceptionTataru
Tracks in the SnowEmmanellain
How the Mighty Are FallenLicinia
At the End of the TrailJareck
A Way ForwardAlphinaud
The Last BastionJullus
Personae non GrataeJullus

Level 83

His Park MaterialsJullus
No Good DeedJullus
Alea Iacta EstJullus
Strange BedfellowsLucia
In from the ColdLucia
Gateway of the GodsLuciaThe Tower of Babil
A Trip to the MoonG’raha Tia
Sea of SorrowThe Watcher
The MartyrArgos

Level 84

In Shadow’s WakeThe Watcher
Helping HandsThe Watcher
A Harey SituationThancred
A Taste of the MoonLivingway
Styled a HeroLivingway
All’s Vale That EndsvaleGrowingway
Back to Old TricksThancred
Setting Things StraightUrianger
Heart of the MatterGrowingway
Returning HomeY’shtola

Level 85

Skies AflameTataruVanaspati
The Blasphemy UnmaskedAhewann
Amidst the ApocalypseMihleel
Beyond the Depths of DespairG’raha Tia
That We Might LiveAlphinaud
When All Hope Seems LostMatsya
Warm Hearts, Rekindled HopesAlisaie
Simple PleasuresEstinien
Under His WingMatsya
At World’s EndRadiant Host Soldier

Level 86

Return to the CrystariumG’raha Tia
Hope Upon a FlowerRyne
Petalouda HuntHythlodaeus
In Search of HermesHythlodaeus
Ponder, Warrant, Cherish, WelcomeHermes
Lives ApartHermes
Their Greatest ContributionEmet-Selch
Aether to AetherHermes
A Sentimental GiftHermes
Verdict and ExecutionHermes

Level 87

Travelers at the CrossroadsHythlodaeus
A Past, Not Yet Come to PassVenat
Witness to the SpectacleVenat
Worthy of His BackVenat
A Flower Upon Your ReturnVenat
Hunger in the GardenHythlodaeus
Words Without SoundEmet-Selch
Follow, Wander, Stumble, ListenHythlodaeus
Caging the MessengerHythlodaeusKtisis Hyperboreia
Thou Must Live, and KnowVenat

Level 88

As the Heavens BurnKrile
Outside HelpLucia
Going UndergroundFourchenault
No Job Too SmallAlphinaud
Wise GuidesUrianger
Agriculture ShockCookingway
Sage CouncilUrianger
Hither and YarnsUrianger
Once ForgedG’raha Tia
Bonds of Amanan(ite)Kokkol Dankkol

Level 89

Her Children, One and AllFourchenaultThe Aitiascope
A Bold DecisionKrile
Friends GatheredTataru
Unto the HeavensOjika Tsunjika
A §trαnge New WorldAlphinaud
On Burdεned ωingsUrianger
A Test of WιllEstinien
Roads Pαved││Sacri┣iceAlphinaud
F//εsh AbanΔon┨ΔCoph-coodg
Where Kn∞wledge LeadsUrianger

Level 90

Vic┨οry ̈ ̈ ̈╳, │̆││ε LostG’raha Tia
┣┨̈//̈ No┨ΦounΔ•••G’raha Tia
Hello, WorldG’raha Tia
Forge AheadAlphinaud
You’re Not AloneAlisaie
EndwalkerAlphinaudThe Dead Ends


There are a total of 44 Post-Endwalker quests added in patches 6.1 to 6.55. These work to wrap up the last 10 years since A Realm Reborn, and also pave the way to the new story of Dawntrail. These are all level 90 quests.

6.1 – Newfound Adventure

Newfound AdventerTataru
Bountiful RuinsTataru
Friends for the RoadEstinien
Alzadaal’s LegacyY’shtolaAlzadaal’s Legacy
A Brother’s GriefY’shtola
Sharing the WealthVarshahn
Bridging the RiftVeteran Radiant
Restricted ReadingMontichaigne
Void TheoryY’shtola
A Satrap’s DutyY’shtola

6.2 – Buried Memory

In Search of AzdajaVarshahnThe Fell Court of Troia
Shadowed RemnantsVarshahn
Where Everything BeginsZero
Groping in the DarkEstinien
Nowhere to RunZero
The Wind RisesZeroStorm’s Crown
Return from the VoidVarshahn
A World with Light and LifeY’shtola
Buried MemoryVarshahn

6.3 – Gods Revel, Lands Tremble

Once More Unto the VoidVarshahn
A Cold ReuniionEstinien
Kindled SpiritAlphinaud
An Unforeseen Bargain1st Legion Soldier
King of the MountainAlphinaudLapis Manalis
A Dragon’s ResolveVarshahn
Paths BarredZero
Desires UntoldNahbdeenMount Ordeals
Gods Revel, Lands TrembleZero

6.4 – The Dark Throne

Currying FlavorVarshahn
Going HaamUriangerThe Aetherfont
Like Fear to FlameUrianger
The Fallen EmpireJullus
Bonds of TrustJullus
Lunar RendezvousUrianger
The Red Side of the MoonUrianger
Abyssal DarkZeroThe Voidcast Dais
The Dark ThroneY’shtola

6.5 – Growing Light (Part 1)

Seeking the LightVarshahn
Appealing to the MassesRyne
In Defiance of FateZero
Back to ActionRyne
Down in the DarkVarshahnThe Lunar Subteranne
The Abyssal Fracture
Reunited at LastVrtra
Growing LightY’shtola

6.55 – Growing Light (Part 2)

When One Door Closes…Varshahn
The Game is AfootG’raha Tia
The Coming DawnG’raha Tia


FFXIV: Every MSQ quest from A Realm Reborn to Dawntrail (6)

The MSQ of Dawntrail has exactly 100 quests, and the patches are currently ongoing. This will be updated as and when new quests are added in later patches.

Level 90

A New World to ExploreOjika Tsunjika
The Nation of TuliyollalWuk Lamat
A City of StairsWuk Lamat
A Saga in StoneKrile
The Rite of SuccessionErenville
To Kozama’ukaHelpful Hanu
A Festive PeopleWuk Lamat
The Feat of ReedsWuk Lamat
A Well-mannered ShipwrightLinuhanu
The Lifting of WingsWuk Lamat
Knowing the HanuhanuWuk Evu
To UrqopachaApproachable Pelupelu
Traders of HappinessWuk Lamat
The Feat of GoldErenville
Mablu’s DreamWuk Lamat
A Premium DealWuk Lamat
Wuk Lamat in the SaddleWuk Lamat
Knowing the PelupeluMablu

Level 91

The Success of OthersWuk Lamat
For All TuraliWuk LamatIhuykatumu

Level 92

A Leaking WorkpotErenville
Lending a HelphandRakorok
The Feat of PotsKoana
A Father FirstWuk Lamat
The Shape of PeaceWuk Lamat
Lost PromiseKoana
A Brother’s DutyKoana
Feeding the RiverKoana
Sibling RescueKoana

Level 93

History’s KeepersWuk Lamat
The feat of ProofAlphinaud
The High LuminaryWuk LamatWorqor Zormor
An Echo of MadnessAlphinaud
Pointing the WayErenville
The SkyruinErenvilleWorqor Lar Dor
The Feat of IceThancred
The Promise of PeaceErenville

Level 94

The Leap to Yak T’elAlphinaud
Village of the HuntWuk Lamat
A History of ViolenceKoana
The Feat of RepastKoana
A Father’s GriefAlphinaud
Taking a StandHunmu Rruk
Into the TraverseWuk Lamat
City of SilenceWuk Lamat
Blessed SiblingsMiilal Ja
Scale of TrustAlphinaud

Level 95

Mamook SpeaksWuk Lamat
The Feat of BrotherhoodWuk Lamat
Road to the Golden CityKetenrammThe Skydeep Cenote
Dawn of a New TomorrowPeshekwa
Ever Greater, Ever BrighterKrile
The Long Road to Xak TuralErenville
Saddled UpErenville
Braced for TroubleErenville
Blowing SmokeErenville
Law of the LandErenville
On TrackErenville

Level 96

One with NatureErenville
And the Land Would TrembleErenville
No Time for TearsWuk Lamat
Pick up the PiecesAlisaie
Together as OneWuk Lamat
In Yyasulani’s ShadowAlphinaud
Putting Plans into LocomotionG’raha Tia
A Hot CommodityIyaate

Level 97

All AboardWawlikaVanguard
The Land of LevinWuk Lamat
A Royal WelcomeAlisaie
A Day in the LifeSphene
On the CloudSphene
Gone and ForgottenErenville
Embracing OblivionCahciua
Solution NineWuk Lamat
The Queen’s TourSphene

Level 98

Her People, Her FamilySphene
Scales of BlueWuk Lamat
Gives You TeethTassos
Little FootfallsWuk Lamat
Drowned VestigesWuk Lamat
Memories of a KnightOtis
At a CrossroadsOtis
The Protector and the DestroyerWuk Lamat

Level 99

A Comforting HandWuk Lamat
Unto the SummitCahciua
The Resilient SonCahciuaOrigenics
A New FamilyWuk Lamat
In Pursuit of SpheneWuk Lamat
Through the Gate of GoldWuk Lamat
Those Who Live ForeverWuk Lamat
In Serenity and SorrowG’raha Tia
The Land of DreamsCahciua
A Knight of AlexandriaWuk Lamat

Level 100

The Sanctuary of the StrongCahciua
The Taste of FamilyKrile
Leafing Through the PastKrile
An Explorer’s DelightCahciua
In Search of DiscoveryCahciua
A Journey Never-endingCahciua
DawntrailWuk LamatAlexandria
The Interphos

Post Dawntrail

All quests added in patches 7.1 onwards will be added here as soon as they’re available. These are all level 100 quests.

7.1 – Crossroads

A Royal InvitationBol Wuruq
Alexandria MournsGulool Ja
In Search of the PastG’raha TiaYuweyawata Field Station
Among the AbandonedKrile
Guidance of the HhetsoGeode
The Warmth of FamilyKoana
CrossroadsWuk Lamat

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FFXIV: Every MSQ quest from A Realm Reborn to Dawntrail (2025)
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