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- Publication:
- Beaver Dam Argusi
- Location:
- Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
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- 3
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Good New fo Unemployed rj 4 ai 1 MV lil 1 I 7ss rK I Hs' a VW i i i Ul i I "5 1 SILVER nT WARE 7' f1 OA 1 I't VV tl ZJ I 4 5 i ah Ve axv 5 AIM Wi i 1 i THORP 0 Ilb Landen had no if I to givPERECT SATISACTION and SEErV AS LOW All persons desIrons rf fng aft ageftcy intln foi i Should send en theji jl 7 4 Kh wr INDUCEMENTS 'I i Iff OUR 4 i 4 'JI Wn t) ind tcje GROYER fci BAKER5 A 1 4 I 1 i is IT sjvf If'Mla it i liSjft lr lit 1 ft 41 I fr OJl WZ: ordei iCERTIs: Proprietor 1 i TTl iT7 SBi THHrARaUSt fc vf i I nt ids 1 1 I in i 3X 30 24 26 3 A i li c4 TuitU Ip'S1 r' 44S ij ip 4j uf '1 ru Z' 1 r'P i 5 A WH di Li I relative this i fiji Xj ir 4 I 7 i Pt hnft A ORIGINAL PLA 1 I 5 4 SW4 BV mehns of'wlncli fe'cail accommodate dtis A 1 Vt ft 4 fi tomcrs witli any aTrixobot of 4t' e'kWJAi fr 1 lUi IH I tr5 051 A 'f Kart lT 4 4 1 PsJ i di: i a Mi Hl 1 'Ph to gr a Of allsizes taken 'At COLORED IK OIL All other kinds of Pictures taken on the i "ST If I 1 1 wok warranted TO SUIT or no pay required 'W i) BABCOCK I i i lru i i I i til yd i ft i ASdct sjff Wi UT iw nh of atetfC Affigtfto '( f'J rL 4 'si nt Ptesseg which is eapatle Of tirakirfg 7 Dry Goods! Millinery HATS CAPS BOOTS SHOES I 'iK ft rH CROCKERY GLASS WARE i Svjc jCaV'm cjL Drugs and Patent Afedicines r)? Is 7 fit IVhicIi afford 4 ivr nleteassortm xMAD i la Ckc Is Tab! 4 I jwr 7 fyi'' tvt I j73 IL 2000 IMPRESSIONS PER IIOtR i i ah 4 H'ti 43 nin 8 iWjl 17 txV JTT SL li y'xC ivr 1 7 4li I KUd' vM yp 7f Containing I I 7 Ktfw Orleans CKcap '7 7 T7g 7 7 him77 W' ON I tr I i It ne ve'sHirliS its task: I II 11 I an it will ever ass AGRICULTURAL LMPEEM ENTS 17V 4 7 7 77 AINTS QIJLS WIN TUf pehtiii rnish BruSDcs i 1 1 7 17 a Win with in endless of Goods beyond entu merationwiU compose as good an assorted stock as caji be found in any Country Town and prices which CANNOT AIL TO PLEASIl In additi to the above stocKjof jgooasyLhiiye good assortment oj PEADY MAPE CLQTPlTkG v7 4 a 1 i u' till Vl Jk VUUU X1 pl 1J 11 Uxl A I luLAt I AJO 11 Cl LI l3 1 I A wuld A 1 1 KA 1 1 "I ws 5 Zp I IT i 1 1 1 4 V'rt A I I aL rk 'ft Ir tl" ''1 7 1 1 1 AA1 1 1 ULl XJ lUr IHP ix niVJ JI VU CASSI5I ES COTTOxN A ES H'R ChirkPeter "BrbwnJohn Smith i jsmunr wtinam a bteeir Kobe leiwitnn iiepn '7 77 RM XWeIijL i tile Business TteVwseff my facihtiei Jor ods are SECOND TO NONE Grateful for the 125 tatronage bestowed on me and soliciting a gtiu i72 circle of fvBdw 1 respectfully invite yonr attention 5 17 State of Visconsin Tlodge County Circuit Ji WILLIAM 'against Michael Dowlingl oIn pursuance of a Judgment of foreclosure andsule made and entered by the Circuit Court of Dodge Coun ty Wisconsin in the above: ntitled action oli the Jlth day of October 1855 I the undersigned Sheriff of the County of Dodge shall expose for sale ands sell at publics 1 suction at the William TeH House the City Wiitor town Dodge County Wisconsin on the 31) Hr day 7 of JTuly 3iext at 2 in the afternoon oLthat I day the following described mortgaged premises or so i much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said jwdg ment interest and costs to wit: the north weft qmirti i' of south east quarter of section no 14 in township uuni her nine (9): north of range nvrm ber fifteen (1 i)east pon 1 tailing forty acres of land bethe same more or Uss '4 i Dated Sheriffs office pdge County isconsin April f9th 1861 7 IG BROWER I 2B 3mJ Sh' riff of Dodge County i Attry for Plaintiff i1'' je 12 rr 7 $2 p'jl 1 EMTLOVMENTr I pmsAGENTS iW ANTED We wijl $25 17 all ve) Agentsor givea commission ti nl a rs sc free A dr ees MachiI CompanxJ' AMES? Cenei'aLtAgent' 1 Ji7 231yt! 1 I 1 1 I SnP ii 'DT7TrTT A IV ATJPTTx good block wiir sooa be erected'iri TMfcjiWiwofeicrjvrr jc pM1? aseffiC'ient agit shsuldbev arid I KA 77 77 7771 t6jjb' DfsfbsEir'o'ON i 7 47 OTIC E7777b ils '1 2'1 'i of Dogs In th'e Town of Beaver: Dataware I mfti Red that the law: againbt Dors will be a lha LvZ Ah narl 1 '7: 7 7774 'p' lif 7o4 ri 7 7 4jr i $1VT 7M tfvT A WRENCE'S ENTERPRISE 7 7 7 The oubserilwr will cheei fullyiseiid (free charge) to all who desire it! thcjcppy of a Stji pee Recife by hicb he cored bf tt dire disease Consumption fc ri 5 offerers with Co pti Asth a 5 Diutls oc jany ij iong he sincerely hopes (Will? try this satisfied' if theydqiso theywillj be more than satisfied with the result Th ankfulor his own com plete trestoiatipnhe to place in the evervsufferer the'ipeausbf'cure Those the with full directionsirc will please'call on or address1 ReV Wm John StreestNew 71 IUK iffi Url'ft HJ home a ssbc 10 1 0 A vlnetotent Tiutttutton 'established by special 1 do'iomeiilfor the IlMef of the elckand distressed affiicted tDith' Virulent and Chronic Diseases ttnd i for the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs' Tk DIG AIffADV IGB given gratis by the Acting' Sur lVJLgeon i7i' Lak VAbUARLE REPORTS on SpertbatonhtBa and: oth erBweises of the Sexual Organs and on the NEW iJShe riffs Pore'clositredle 7 IDodge Circuit Court 11 i Charles II Stewart George Bl Cushing and tamiu A Hegeman Plaintiff against George £1 Cone AL Cone Jamt Bonne I Hei ry WLliams 'Leg tir j' Wilcox John Perrv John Eacker Daniel Jona i rrcs 7 a t5 t'l I 'jt'IpC'i't'tl'f 7777 ro7 4 fC 4 A is i 4O URfiESf 7 BEST JOB OICE sj 1 i VwUi' Ji 1 4 viiisiifj 7 "77 1 1U fori AZ fi i DODGE CQUNTY jy i 5JpZr gi rs i sirpj witjr Am 1 0U2? 4 unr 1J ALX KISDS REEN'fEA '7 1T2 iLake Street Clicagoy: yfc 7' fl ft Li IN iyT v7 1 A Esn supply of Non Explo ljl'isive Kerosene Clear 'as Water 1 cti net gallon at tne 'i 5s ITT NJ fa VARIETY STORE 7 Sunii ions for Relief Circuit Court Dodje County lAVilhelm Geruke against Dorothea Geruke JI The State AViseonsiD to the above nam ed defend bo 6 tf ft js: You are hereby summoned and required to Answerr the complaint in this actionwhich was filed in the office of the cleik of of 21st day of May A 1861 and serve a of your answer on me my office in the? vil lage of May vi lie Dodge Con 11 iscon ef7 witlyn twenty days after the service hereof ex elusive of the day of such serviced and if you fail to answer the complaint as' aforesaid plaintiff will apply ta the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint 5 i cd May 21st T( CHARLES ALLE1Y Plfis'Atty 26 6w 7 Mayville Wis i C' stanakI) AL rLi 7 4 7 ifi it nk i 4 mMv corn 7 7 rpifE' 'Advertiser 'havihg 'been restoredjto 1 1 health in a few: wceks by: very simple' remedy after having suffered several years with affection: nud that' drehd disease" Consumption is? anxious to tO' his' fellow sufferers the means jof cure To all who: desire it the will send a copy tof the (prescription used (free of i charge) with directions' for preparing and using the samei which stheyY a' Sure Cure for Consumption! Asthma advertiser in seudingtbe Prescriptions iff to benefit 1 they afflicted spread icformaliont be nd be hopes' every sufferer wjll try iL? itkwill icost th em nothing and may prove a blessing Parties wishingfthe prescriptipnwill please address 'Rev'EDWARD A W1LS0N7' 1 1 sz' Williamsburgli 7 New York I i 4 1 er' i Wondeful Remedy a 1 'lU 7" 1 'p? AAVONERULVGEL 4 SUGAR COATED 7 77 BEAVE CURflEUT' PRICES! Wheat Club a is 65Q7O lour hundred $2 25 ats' busheici 17020 CbruA do in the ear 16 i do parley 7777777: Pork' $'171 Dressed Hogg a JO Beans' 9 iAi Ll i' 5075 Potatoes No sale II ijve 5o4 oo Wood cord (dry) $200 tint i i iSBelosy alist of the "banks now cui reht in thisState? irqfiiwirigfpni? fist wjll the list of (discredited '7' 7VClIRREiYr WISCONSIN BANKS Ba nk of Beloit zff ronticrffiahk Bank of ror Lake German Bank Bank of the Interior Ginen Bay Raftk Bank of Jefferson Hudson City Bank Ba Mad ty ft dwa Co nt yp Barffe Bank of Miiwauke ij i Jefferson County Bahk Rank of Mbnroe' Bank of Moneka' Kenosha' Bank of the Nprth West Bank of Othosb lOakwobd Bank Bank of du ChienTIOshkosh Comfaercial Bafck Bank of Ripon "Prairie City Bank Bank ofSaeboygan Racine County Bank Bank of Sparta cKoek County Bank Bank eAi I TRolkiRivcr hank 4 Bank of Whitewater Rockwell Bank of Weyau Sauk City Bank Bank of WtaNnttd Sxuk Cjmi ty Bank 4 vv i iJ Cl 74 7 I Quilting JD'atfieeLx5esses 7 pI 4' 1 I i 4 fl' SJtrirJL'i etc jsi i A'mkli 1 a'Cmsse County Bank YL Manitowoc Com tvBank Moiroe County Bank Mt rcantHe Bank Bank Nortbfru Bank: Northwestern Bank: Oconto Co Bank i Osborn nk 1 I Tor tare Co 1 ank 't1 Ree'sburgh ank Premix River Rank UirkilCl LL State Stock 1 ank i Bank Waupun Bank era County Bank ago County Bank' IJiLL HEADSj 7 i A 7 1 Til am 71 7 wvKn P' £'k'Wil7? i I 7 7 And any wfevVry1 variety df tf xrt rt hltHi A igswi COARSE AND INE PRINTING 7ct tf' i'7' c1 ril 'o taT 'f vl r7i I 7 £1J jC Niei Dried Apples Peaches Cur sins '1' rft 1 1 IfL asfj 4 Teas in 7 Comity and 7 47' hCoffes i 1 Ll 9 4 XsA WRKKtt'JSrt vis Ynewo i Ibs 3VE rixio i X'vjiTS 1 b1X ir 4 i i 'i it 7 dealer in PIAild ORTES' MELOOEOMS LI GU 1 TA RS '4? 5'7s 7anD stf 1 gf 1 JBnsical 1 ustr aments' Every Description ir i No? 40 Cl ar It Near Lake ciU 1 i 1 1 CHICAGO a tl ILLINOIS I Old Pianos taken in exchange for new ones 4 Pianos tof Xenkv jA large assortment of 4 and Music Bobksrlii constantly on "handJ 1 't Jlffr ueaiers jLi acners anu seminar jea suppneu uu tus most 11 orders addressed tcr A JTudadn IligginM 40 CiarkM Clticnero4 1 III will receive prompt attention fi A Tt Wtf ty RINGS BLOCK iUP STAIRS 7 r7 7 17 15 Tr JT hf 71 a HI rt 7 1' 7 I jf Im? vTsyt The Arp hM tirculsixatf arid being cial iaper ytineounty js tne it ifor Advertisers '0hariUT is authorizediAgefttit A VXE A MYolNGCOTfl 7 xd 7 WATCHES ant JEWKLKY carefully re paired and wanaqted A Complete assortment of? 77 1 s'j hf 5 i 0 3 7 7 constantly on hattft and for aale cliea) Gold pens repointed on short notice 2 The: highest'price in CASII iM gold and silver fl Place the CITY DRUG glORLLr GOI0'ANI SILVER' JpCATtNCI 7 Done to order en jshbrt nbtfeo" af 'ClTyj DRT'f? STORE by ur thorp: The best family Cathar 'iM tic in the WORLD used twenty years by five mil Hons otrEiisoNsannual 1 Aly always giv satisfac 11011 eoiuaiu noinmg in jurious patronised by7 itne principal nysieians and Stirgeons in thellN A ion: elegantly cmUed with sue ar Larsre Boxes 4 i 25 Cents 5 Boxes Oxe j' ull direct jrs with Piirh 7 ranted superior to any PilLbefdre the public 1 sh 1 Kid Strengthening five hours pains weaknesses of the side and backhand Rheumatic complaints in an eqtifilly short period of time? Spread on beautiful white fembgA 'Skin 3 their use subjects the wearer to no inconvenience vand each one will wear from one week to three Price iSf Cents J' 1 Sugar Coated Pills and Kid Plasters aolff by druggists and merchants ir 11 parts of the States Cab ad as Add South America and ed by calling forthem by their full name 7' 14 ly Dr L' HERRICK A CO Albany' i 1 SPECIAL NOTICE i pi r) aX 11V tum ixv (nixi 1 1A 11 sC I ich has thus far attbndhd'the of 7 I tr 'J S'l A Enables the? publisher id announce tiia't the commeffdem'eflt bf the 2df olunjeivNcwr i eatures Literary and Artistic wil) be introduced increase the value nd i interest bD thel find fully proud position unanimously accoided to ita he leading 71 ft Comic Journal of Am ricie y1: 5 7 'if Issued Regular ly every Wednesday ff Tnd is for sale by all Jiewinien and i iffice ofPublication Ndvf 13 Nassau street 7 i Three doljtire annum in advance 11 VO 0411 kjl VV j17 '7 1 7 jTwo cdpies of air be' sentto ne addfess for 00 7 ive copiesjt Ji2 oo ft 7 oo An extra copy will be aTWed tolhe 4 plof every Chib of fiv copier paper is 'electrotyped andiboclnmbewi Aav be proettred at tiw 1 Co Centra! Rank of Wisconsin Second Ward Bank Citv Bank qf Present Shawahaw Bank '7 Colombia Bank? Btate Bank' Commercial Bank State ink of Wisconsin Corn Etcbange Bin St ('rofx Valley Bank gft 1 I I Mr! I a I TVm a torn a A'uiiGiJit 7 'Pano County Iank Suu Prairie Bank 6 I rZz5 nr i railtk 1'111 'UUJuVf tu VUlxnujt AclJrt khnrn BankS'7 Waukesha Cohnt Bank armers Jleehndicg Bank Wiac'nsm Marne and re ort st City Bank Co Bank BIMCSH'1 I' tnyan I aik 'Rank of Albany I gjlank rl Bankof Appeton vJ Bank Inlrff I 1 1 ntaa GlinTU Beloit Sa vings'B 'ftk Ak Shore" 1 ranirof Beaver iain ond da Lail Bnnkiof ytoricoft North' Anierica Bank of rs'anktof Mani'ow'oe ink of Columbus Bank of Gi ien Tay aiik Of RaC'ne ink of Gr nt County Bnk of Portngevi Cifv Bank of Kr a City ank Bi'a er'Dam iUftyiof lsenin ChtppewgfcA'sik Bank Clm It (Tinfttv Rank Dmige CountyIwfc Bi aWisJonsn inery Bank Hinckley vs 1 ank Two Rivers Wxd Co 'nik fiHall iuk1 Waushara Co ank lJ ur i a 7 7'i 7 7 7 7 7 Of any Office in the i County ye would call i the attention i of persons engaged in every 7 7 1 777 7 7 7 'J kind of Businpeaito cur facilities for doing if i 777 7 'nfU 4 ui f'tf 17 kinds of ff 'I i ''Ai7: 7 7 1 777 vij 7 7 i' if1'' 7'7 'Al fuH rh'U lb S'! 1 7 nariivs at otacc ehtffosTng it three ftent stamp io ytty by rMffrt mall 1 7 ii trc 7 ff it i i Up 7 77" 7 77 7 p7 7 7777 7 77 TI 7 rr 1 '5 i 7 1 i 1XDTHE 7 TTI'sAs 7f l'' 5 7'Rv7i 7 7L7H 7 p7c 7 fj As 1 ds! 1 4tJ vi tiak'A 7 'checks GenerarAgents 7 WM i a D'gVwtl 77771 i 7 MAY TTfeS 777 aXiYRNGbTN RlST 7' Cjty PiMi StPanlx 7 '1 CrosiJOA rLU portage CTy 4:35 A A tf 1 1 A rf bleav AJL AM 3Hm64? THL' A 5 10: 15 A Aft IltD 4 At tr9 45i I 4705 A Rob't ton Tien rw iv Steven Al alker Josephsbuyfort standa Van Shck 3 iJBy virtue of a judgment and rendered in the above entitled action on the 29' day of March A 1861 I shall on the 16th day ofAugust 1 A 1) T8(M at 2 4'eM cf'O' vrf koy the Till In the fth Ward ef the city Watirtowiv i in said ounty of Dodge expose ssle and sell at pub lie auction to the higbesttbtddtisjall ifribedsrval estate bysatd judgement ord red to be wli sir lo itr commencing twenty one (21) rods north ef tho tiH southeast! corner tlie'soutli wert quarter ol tbe iquth east quartibot sectmnehiitytwo (32) in townshipbi number nine (9 ofiraneenuinl er thirteen lSys east thence 'runhinirnoith loirr 5 (4) rocs tb Kie st frs ten (10) rods thence south fonr 4) rods thence fast ten (10) rods to the'place beginning containing forty rods of land the same being situated in4 the town of Portland County of Dodge aud i tate of Wisconsin Me yTth A 1861 ''I BROWER Sheriff of Dodge CoutvWR Hall Attorney 23 3m 4 oreclosure Sale 7 1 Circuit Court Dodge REDERICK UEHUNG'against Gottlieb Schnssse Louisa Schnassqxhis wife Augdst1 Schnasse lor entfne Schna'ssefi hia 'Wife'' Lorin Williams iCharlea lVilliamy David Cunniaghaui and Sidneys Blanchard By virtue of a judgment of foreclosur and sale deled by said Court in the above entitled action orr the 5ttvday of April 1861 1 shall expose for sale and sell to hoi highest bidder at public auction on the 2Gl tl dayof uly 4831 at 2 in xhe afternoon at the oiirt House in the Village of Juneau in said County the following described pieces 'or parcels of land lyingand being situate in the Ward of the City of Water town County of Dodge and State of M'isconsin to wit Lot number thirteen (13) in Block number nineteeniflO) aS masked on the mapor plat John Addition to file City of Watertown as surveyi by Judson Prentice and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds ofi tho County ol Podgealso a certain Islnd lying in Rock River southwesterly of the above named lot and describe A ed by the riame of on said Judon Pr the aforesaid City of Watertown saving" afed reserving to! John Cole the" right of damag the overflow lands around sthe boundaries of said Is land according to the deed executed by John Cole to Gottlieb Svhnassee bearing date the thiiteeutlday of July 1855 1 7 i jyitedsheritrs Office Dodge Countv BROWER Sheriff oi Dodge County: Baird'S tE inner PIITb Jin 1U 4 the aours of itlirevai)(I' foQr clock we were awakened by the icryof and onl going to the i spot fronj whence the names proceeded found that' it was thei rowjof)kwiings owne4JbsB Bloss cst ol thepiark House The ffirstiKwas occupied as his rurnituro we believe Was insured for lOOHoDUCliThe have not learned next was oc i ii a cupieu uy uie iumuui vt9 VkJ anl believe ftH'f'trasostxc'cptfthe safe which of course 'savd The 7 1 2 d'L aAvl tree iinzl Lv Ikfl Up vvvuj'iv vi is viivwi 4 in office Snd' ewe fifre sorry 16 the slarser Tiortion vras' consumed and not iusuredMrxHuntingtfy has moved the reraa4ft'7j As anv Other i establishment crib living profit A Beaver DamMay 84 1861C! 23tf reasons we17' jo4 i 7'7 VER BAKERVi 7 1 jt zl' zt t' III! 1 1 "1 br Pam Lt' 7 'p 4t bJ I t' 'is! iRi wiS ''f "f''T SEWING MSCHINE I 77:3 Has gained its wide spread popularity and its innutner able sales throughout the world which pter50UC0 fam Hies in the United States aionfc Who use them are ready to endorse: i 1 It makfs the onlyseSim forthbdCby fst Sewfng Ma chine in which each sti ch is independently locked nd without dependence upon the other stitebesforstrength i 2 It makes the only seatnu that aJmitj of the thread being cut at every tch witho ut injury to the se im inWeat ir 1 bl 3 1 i It is unnecessary to fasten the eodsoC seahas made 1 by this machine: Thi is donef by the nf ichine itself without the use of the hand needle 1 4 Tlie Grover Baker stitch isAhe only one formed om two ordinary spools and without winding fromthe spool into a shuttle from three to five times for the under thread 1 4 7 I)' i "I 5 A seam fhiis formed is mote "elastic th ah any Other niadebya Sewing Machine is consequently veryvaluable iu all goods that 'aretto be washed andstretched I under the iron 6 The machine is adapted th all varieties of fabrics serving each equally wyllfand requiring' no adjustment for any kind of sewing other then the adaptation needles and thre 4 7 It isHiore easily Tsepfifi rfider fltatLar'y Other chine and need not be tken apart to be oiled 8 The machine sews comm spool cotton silk and linen thread" with equal facility 7 ft7f Hl a The machine is so simple that an intelligent child order yeirS 7 t0' 10 5 Bv reason of its simplicity of construction and tj ease of management it is adapted the wants Vl mv iAusuj 'AU families 'wHO faave toWahe R' SECOllTEST NOTICE' Satinets or Summer wearA A'nd 4 'j A r4 4 i I 7 Competent and Experienced Cutter SWith these facilities I will guarantee to furnish en tire! Hstisuu tion bv GARMENTS 'ELD MADE CUTTING DONE IN GOOD STtLE I 9 4 'si ST i so fT 4j7 J7 oreclosure Sale 7 State of Dodge Circuit Cour EORGE ElffSS? against Evan Jones and Julia 'JT Jones his wife Abraham 'Ackerman Ebem aer Cauldwell Thomas William A 'CauldwbllfViSi Henry Diblee Richard Clark Addison Bick" ford David 8 'Williams Oliver Tweedy Elias Dexter flany Thomas Leggett Assigne Ch uncey Moore Ro bertSr Emmor Height Dewitt Stowell JoaephN Ely ChaunceyWi Brown Joseph Lockwood Ichabod 1 Gage Iji ram Dater( Daniel Hanford Olis Pierson ll'yf4 Otis Uriah JI Lee Thomas Murphy ranklin GAvery Mi' Ebeuezerjl Jones and Jlnry Abraham Acker man and Edward Smith 'Executors of the Asst illSe if' and testament of Ruehen Smith deceas9dyfDefendauts i4j( ''CJndgmeht'ofTforecIosure and sale) 4 iln puvsuance of a of foreclosure and 'aale Pde aud entered by the Circuit Court of Dodge ty Wisconsin in the above entitled action on the 27tini day of March 1861 i I the undersignedT sheriff of the County of' Dodge ehall exposo lor sale and sell to the gnest bidder at public auction at mv office in th'e city Beaver Dnm Dodge Countv Wisconsin 'on ITtli day of August 18'61 at 10 in' the' iortjDooQ tout day tLe following Hcnbtd gaged premises or so much thereof as may be neebssary to raise the amount of said judgment interest and eoiftsBI' together with the expenses of sale ito wit: the realfestate io wit: lying snd being Au the County of Dodo and State of Wisconsin and desciibed as fbllovrs ws the south west quarter of the north east quarter south eat quarter 'bf the north west arter of section number nine (9) 'in township vnnmlM tbir'een (13) iJT' uitui oi range uutnver iuiruen (10 containing rigpty acres of land also the west half of the south east quarter and the east halt ol the'south vest quaiter of isection: number flve (5) in townshin numbe thirteen (13) nqrthk 01 range nuuna Lnirieen i jo ear excepting anu r' Servr i ing outtf said last mentioned parcel Tof land off from the north! west corner thereof three acres twenty tour rods and south' and twenty rods' ast andwestS4x ited herlfTs offifce Dodge County Mar 10th 1861' 23 3al' GEORGE BROWER Sheriff Dodge Co Wise allier then) Jii to earnin' ns as lko nhcaJ' arich Wisconsin' will 51 I' 'I' or the draft Loys at'e ffcltnig scarce for I the JiarY'sl tfit IJLrut iouncipatriptie girh i 'll: King their Tlrat looks like what we rry'JcpH? cu Jjfrft 1 I pr kleX The pecial election for Mayor passed ThesdiVy last and was the' kl6d we r' ever sawjso much sothatthe inspectors: had scarceiy jany thing! to btff freacTxi he news fjiccalate pjSonahe public tiff tirs walk' the rooms tpC relieve thejnselvcs of siitiug sojong Lhe vote was ve'r I ght II Landen had no is coi seqiicndy iclected The following is the vote by war ds: 1st Ward II Lander 2d ward'JJ Lander 3dvrard( IfA'V Lander '4th ward IL Laiidei Nof Ta Wote bcing jcastainst Mr' I Jv At 0 Having purchased the Tools and leased Aho Blnck smith 4or 'onie' time can ied on by Mrt Givens in Juneau I can assure my cusrtomers that I am prepared Vo de yous 4 KLACKSMITniNGT It 'I i uidf Tn a satisfactory manner and at prices io suit the times I Respectfully Subscribed I "CHARLES DAMEREE Juneau May T5tbr 1861 limb ft75V7VV'VVOV r'kiV 7 SECESSIONISTS ROOTED 1 1 A 1 I 7 I I 7 t(SSisrUaa has been laying jdleover Malone i groce rpwl The Post Office ebuild ing vwaSinextand out ThfinnexU" was ttfjEWTjKnt ft'whichC Talced $800 4 and wae values his wopety at D1 1 jtr ftv 1 i5 and was iusureh for 'The hre broke cut in the bacsrroomoi i tfcvb ut vijj vv uum 7: iiciuui jr vj Uenws iHjuoua iL tn Uifniliyenfurced andlhat unless thefc on Much qUd iee5dentali on the work of an jiicetiihaiy rUedXptiy paw they wiffbedfaTt wAth accOkd credra nqot say UTbe buildings wdre small cbinriowi and we dre Ldpes '7f2a7e raro' 4 Bt rr'lot 'io I (Iourf SaltPaihts roils Colors 5 4 1 s' Ji4n 4 fullest Stock sold atlo west prices always on i 'H hand i I 'if 4 Goods delivered in anv ef the City vkek of Kstr iAWKirrCE 1 1 ji vri 1 7 City DagtfeiTcan Roe ms 4 'O yz 4 a 4 V1 rk 1 never Niuraa 11a vtvoix' And what wages? A little ofl Xll Dwtll 'itrareee ed 1 This polished that little a A table an easy And the 'song it sings a Ialare brings Like an old forgotten air To insttre prompt and jdircet QfSE GLEVANSyii 439Chetnut 5treet I 0 0 1 i 1 Utt jruf 1 1V RL 'K ikf fflCTs S''1' i rf I I A riA 1 S'Jr a'hfir oo "7 7 AVATCBLES JEWELRY jl na A I qT i'rwfi ri vA wyv isTK i rwi 1 PEJfA iVEffiTE MPL 0YMEN7T "fTTE will employ 'Agents to sell a new anuvalqijb'e either on commission or tit a HbcrabBjfttryf usefutamdlucntlivg The article is required iu every family or nartieulars andcnmplete instructions enclose eS and adpmss HARRIS Boston Mass A sirdkin hams' alt pork but tdv4(sf 4 fr 7 1 4T I idTR 1 rr 4 I 1 4i i i LAWRENCE'S 1 51 71 'fVviilvU OlrVLiJ HlUU' 11 UUUtlOj 4 I rf v5? TrY nJ 'r' 4S 7 4f 7 Kerosenei 1 I ci? 4" "5 Gfc 4 I 'f 1 r4 i 1 i A Ctg'argJfhfst 3 lErands a fd 4 wlW i i AT 7i' 2: 17 '7 ic 3 1 ij Begs leave to inform his friends and the peo ple generally hat he just received' and lias now on hand Sa larger and general 4 Lki J4 1 1 llARimARIT 8 Consisting of 'the following1 articles I Iron54SlceIaiIsPWagon Boxcs Shelf Goods Glass Stoyes TIN ANDiJAPAN4ED WARE 1 i Together with a large and general stock of i VoJ i As icuif ttral 1 iiBplenients I 4 fn everything trsnajtykept in IRST CLASS II ARBW A RE STORE f'i Rf 1 Illi Also a large and splendid lot of 'j Those Wishing anything in will find it to 'their advantage GI VE US A CALL I 1 v' Before purchasing elsewhere hk we are bound 't 1000 Chances to Make Money i 4 snw tyjHXrmJi bard fM 4t tn izX cyepieiiragewivesjj lhj v' a if i 1 X'!" HgTJie Gth RegimenbWis Volunteers wiirieaVe CAmp mol'ri ing next for theseatof war Tbcy will 4 go tjVTwayfofl Mjl wankce lo Cliiqa'go thence ovir the Chicago Pennsyjfafasr" llarrisburgh ft pin bejo roi eolla A 0 tion willUie given thefti in'Milnaukee Oh 1 Alinnio iriiLsketsandiiaceoutremcpts Twilh be 'delivered to 'I' jirgus GiAjeuiucrab' V'4 ft jjlp IRAI vr Regi men Mfisgo sin ltd tj1 tfie fief of he' 7ih ancLf8th AV isconsin Regiments lias I Ifeen thesPresi dvntylonO Aba'S Noble to Igatlier then) ii'ito lamp ns'fast t( Ii 1 Landcri A I 4 a 1 I i SSLaw very? interesting law suit'" has peuding herr before tiichard" between a man in Wau AX 1 'f pun cbyi the name oft Hathaway jand an other i ill i I ti ee a in na i It appears Cummings Iiadid one re '44 5 i is pairing for eteam mill in AV tiupun iu which Il a 1 a a ad Be a 0 ri i ni a t'scenis that Cummings did notreally no ho she had beentr usting and after Having been known tofbe a partner being unpjijetq recovey tiling at lasf Hitched into (Hathaway whoa! Kr? rlV ir A 5' fthat he was not a member of the The4 suit AT fi' nasnbeqg progress two days andltwo nights of pettifog to 'gelose on Thursday 4 irightft lastl' ri The verdict'oft the jiiry wasf cause of 5 i 4 41 4 4 ina liii June Jj 3:15 A TU(j 2:05 A Reaver DarnJ 8:46 A Jt fV 2:80 A City '5: 15 A if 4:30 A Hl 10:15 A St 11 'nTj Sj30 A Conaeotiig with tmS the' Bef lln also with Chtyago sA North Chicago ami Oshkoshv 4 vlEOyiN iriV OtnnnCTI SuperiteiirienU bgiraenijeft Wednesday' noorr for Washingtpmyq V' 1 1o JohnBronEsqforji chpicfc JJt of currants i Chicago 2ff5ir''Iiffsbloalit out'tih'eQi paper hv I vv i'V I a ri a iifl thiswayof express)ngmysin cerct "thanks io those wTwso mobly yLrnc oJenie'nLuonftThnilsday inbfning ii fx I 'tdlers in''fca mp should bb careful when lhey iite' other conveyance tbey ear Ifie faist senUby i privateoCOnreyanceXhet are apt to 'sdtn'c times Te'ch tlffl J1 spp ft ii I R' 5 9 ft 1 4 4 7 'r Si PROMPTEST MANNER i 1 tfip 4 All Jobs forked on good Good I "I Ink nd at tliO' 5 47ra I cj I rn it tx i L' iIl ri ih Lowest OSSIOIC THCC9: i 1 1 i JT I 1 kt 1 'rt I fe 5 4 '2'50d 'AGENTS 'WANTED 11 7 1 cr i 4 'I I 'U i' 'l ffjRE'MlVAl I i it Read 1 for tlie SpringiTraile!) a full etddk of all klhds of rt WttuAi At On hand and constantly 'receiving afresh supplies 1 ready for any orders in the wpy of vf vz'dh 'i house or baiLbilLs ScconAsyidr Cemrioih V'rii Hx' trill BEK i 'A 1 I nglesL constant! on Irrtnd3' ry i4 1 r2 SAWED EAVETRptGHS Sea i I Call at the Depotj the Depot' 'i B' in 2Qtf LOUNSBURY Agewt dfrj pi ri ft rf( I iIe DIMES3wSi4 fcanTVUin vJ DiTV mJ 1 fi Mt i NE W'ft SPR IWnflEK MX 2 iff nnt Rffidlpnt RR it ehnntrl Ktf nrfd wo triiRt that thlCOT the co ssi ty tjf in i fd ic i 1 i rift the detaston of fires and we bope' that at the yefy ''llie tbht so pie 'nfa i ta ke rtier lcffd' nnd not havftl every shouting TRAINS GOIG TV I ((Ij Alttrl nrlrinor' in'his dWD'Way 3Ve hone i hs PauiEx iiJ hn as jd ueh aV a Hooktand Ladder 40 12 05 jitisT? Cdmpany mhy 'oe organizes 11 uoimqg re v'? 3 1 oa i i iff 1 Twenty ftvS to sixty dollars andexpepses month will be paid by the Erie Sfewl'ng i ny to their Agentsfor selting Ei Sewing Machine This is a new and so simpleZin Itstconslructlpni: that a child can Ierato pperate it bjlif hr tstruction It is equal to any amily Sewing Machine inlise apdi they take iheprenuritn over the ifty anff One HuhdrfedP DcAlar machines T' The prree lars The Company wish to employ Agents in every county in thwUsifed AddressJ for Eete Sercing Alachine James General Agent hfilbrtpOhto di find 'ur 'ff'iJ TIL Oh men'who think myl re very dear 1 Anti tftiy them not fcn 'ychir frWex 1 O'h have no fears of their 'wearing cut They will last th'einall their lives! jr Click Click So pleasant and pretty and pert of wort witlra double thread5 They sew as well as a shirt! ft1 ia ll CA ViAUt' VI REEDIES employed tn tbc Dispensiry sent in sealed better envelopes of Two or: three Stapipstor postage Howard Association je Nova South 9lh Street Philadelphia Pa flyl tub sat nr rrh i rom the St Louis COMMERCIAL LIST HILT noxayebut givesnre noaitnanaoeau ty to the decaying falling and dead restoring as if by magic that which was supposed to be irrecoverably lost THeads nearly bald and others yearly white Jare dally being changed to their pristine beauty and faces covered with pimples are rendered as smooth as an in and bfutftiirrg the' use Hair Restorative' As i Cactiox Beware of imitations as several are already in the market called by different imes TToa nnnu nnls the words Professor Wnftd HairRes tnniti'vc Dvot "cf Louis Mo an 1'Kew blown into the bottle 'Sold 1 all Drpggigtsand (Medicine Dealers by all ancy and Toilet gLbds dealers the XTnited Stat nfld Canadas 17i jS' I I LA Traveling 'Agents antdr 's 3 rvV r' 1 'f a I a i 4 A 'W jt I 'WiS tL Lr J5 1 11 i Si 11 Wlsr I rS I i 4 i a 4 rs A 3 'T 4 1 ifc Sjsass 1 It 3 "fa 4 1 4f La mt: 4 I ft WJk5 I i "ft A A fl I 4 fi 4 tl '2p I 1 b'iife'S If :3 I Vi3 1 1 Vf 4 jl 20 55 2 i I' TriS a me 'trill ite i4 s'? H'7 1 7:: J4''s4r I I i I ft II 1 I'i I fcfif Alt 5 Je ft ITr 41 best inediui 4 Art irja f'i SO I Si rsLL am 1 ST I nv Tu MS 7 mi 9 SWl SSS5T A 4V Wwa ws Ji a r'k 3 i nr 4 1 11 J7W L'x i Xie 1 4 I i1 "V4 £4 to'7 winiCTftiii Ag ipTi mxl 1 5 I.
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