Beaver Dam Argus from Beaver Dam, Wisconsin (2024)

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Beaver Dam Argusi

Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

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Ila General tieclioiSwiVotice I Oft sing O' Safe I iW Vfl fl I ''J i Jj1 1U5 i Utt Ww Ud CiL A uro' MdQTWlO ox tha rii riendship Lamartine Met omenOakfield rXown oTcamrDw (Sunte Wfl lb norlj 0 4 3 82 13 20 37 House urnishing cods 4 11 91 13 83 35 2 7 93 96 ei 'A The ort Atkinson IThtonfecbronieles 1 Unknown 8 20 30 99 SAVE ctSlertian after May 20tblb3 i 25w TOWNSEND JONES i CO 1 fel 4 Lt PERSONS indebted to cs by note or account JOSMlIhER MUR isWSK burned feirMbudity morning kill si 81 73 19 00 95 9 5 91 64 50 68 00 74 20 20 2 52 '4 80 10 40 4 84 1 94 9 70 9 42 8 82 2 24 3 4 3 0 67 90 22 98 10 24 3 04 33 06 03 93 03 02 91 64 87 2 71 4 60 1 69 15 64 16 7 0 2 42 OTE WISCONSIN School Books top numerous to nuntlon TRASK 21 63 14 fO 73 Thatlt is fors the interest of every cash buyer in come and purchase 4 fr a 1 1 5 4 4 THE GOODS MUST BE SOLD t8 72 14 28 1 2 28 honest KV 4 tef 4 8 7 3 883 0 20 5 I tfl Affenut tor "this Paper fc: PRTTTKNGILL Co St Park PBAS1EE a CO 6 Beekman St Sew Tork18EO ROWELL CO 40 Park Rew YsJOT COB CO Tribune Building Kr York COBURN 00 St Dearborn St Chicago 12 11 12 65 '4 '55 16 16 19 'JI lb1 444 4 '4 4 f6 04 87 3V 67 63 13 63 64 in ay 12 01 41 62 13 5 16 4 30 30 CrockeryJess than Chicago Wholesale Prices ''Groceries 'cheaper than any concern iuthe country My stockist large' assortment good "kt 4 fcS'3' a Dress Goods' Silks and Sha wls jit grcat1y reduced prices many of them far below actaaljctatptr Domeatic8 JsriatsCottons and Cassimeres at cost 4 il AW aV A rf I Sife 13 r4f TOWX8ENP JONBfi A CO Dodsfe County Probate Ilf the matter of tfte Prodr of the last will and tea lament of Herman Beuning decased LM i4r I I 'dvVr 2 08 i P9 87 09 28 se qr 1' so qr 1 8e qr 1 se qr ee qr 2 tviw f' Said election to lo conducted the votes canvassed and returna made puisuant to law U01IN LESLIE 42w9 a 4 Sheriff of Dodge County Wia and testament of Mid deceased and pelitioueraforeMidistbeidentical Ueafee'" named and appointed by the Mid 4at mlllesecutrix thereof and preying that aAay the appoint ed lor hearing the proofs of said last will and ttatament It is Ordered That the proofs of said Ini itrrtmeBt be beard the Judgflwttbis (tourt on Monday the 20tb day of October A fe 1873 at 11 clock in the forenoon at tbeOeprt Itotoe hr the village of Juneau in ssJd County And it in further Ordered That public notice 0 24 38 10 23 64 1 fVK 27 I 15 29 17 52 29 V1O 03 Please come fCs early in tbe day 'ns possible as the crowd in the afternoon is im mensem'1 Ui'l AJPLAWRENCEi TTt 1 Tin tv 1 98 olfer) 681 1 65 07 01 I Seles: 4 13 T)3 Vifknoiyn 87 1 12 4 I or A Boys Wanted at the Beaiver Dam Btsk actory to wears Baskets none peejf apply Jtfct those who ara willing to work steady for the next 3 or Aiaonths p'i Jjit HJMARVIN 1 3 1 73 tAV MIRXACH BRO i Shc IN CIRCUIT COURT DODGHCDUNTY Goodrich Plnintift aguust Martija Lamoreax and Jane Lamoteux bis wife Defendants iBy viitue of judgment of furecbMurteand Sale nude In the above entitled action on the 30th dv of April A 1873 the undersigned Sheriff of Dodge County Wisconsin will oiler (brtaend'scll at pub Uftnuctio to the highest bidder at the Court House iu the Juffpaa Wisconsin on tne 20th day ot September 1873 at one in the afternoon of thtt day the real Estate and Mortgaged premises di rected by said judgment to be sold and therein de scribed as follows certian lands and real estate situ tfli in the County of Dpdge and State of Wisconsin Vit: All of the undivided one lourth of tbe follow ing described bind the same being and lying a part of the north west quarter of section number fourteen (14) in township number twelve north or range nunw bor sixteen (lb) east Commencing at a point on quarter line ton (10) Chains and thirty (30) links east of 2he west quarter post ef section number fourteen (14) aforesaid 'thence south ten chains(lOch) and twenty seven links (10 ch hbd 27 links) fo the bank of Rock River thence south Rsttwnnhninar9hi and thirty two (32) links to Lynn tree thence north across the river two chains (2ch) and sevpty five Hirtie to north bank of River thence north sixctrains I and twenty 'ffvejink wu etmins ttfrdf nTTtrvnVA thnnf a artnfn vvuet tx eno nimltl rl Xv wtaasaut wv X'MU OIUL1I1J nirtBMheucrsonth on ofttf eigUth line tborxe eighth 'fzSfebiko otxone qudrteli no iheiice west (9) chains and aSVeuty eigLt links (9ch and links) to plgce of beginnfne also thuundivided one quarter of tbefwater power on said premises! together with 'she ped and ita privi leges I 87 w6 Dated August 5lb 1873 1 JOHN LESLIE Sheriff pfDodge: County HAYS Attorney i'' ri' mt a rkv ta way A ine Germin' Chromo i kVe SISD AW XLPOANT CHROMP MOUNTED ASD BEADT uaot complete stock of House futnlohinf goodsaiay taftmod at Pi ARVINS WAREHOUSE pirctl opposite th Bank' Consisting of and Chamber Huts kinds 'of medium and common CARPETS OIL CLOTHS i TINT and COMMON WALL PAPEB4 4 LACE and MUSLIN CURTAINS I V'3 WINDOW SHADESandIXTURES A OfallHnds 'J flv EATHERS SPUING JBEDS Tile Woveij Wire Mattress 'And all ctlier kinds of fT 'f' Hat tresse (Hashes Cornices Ana almost evorythfnvuKeful and urnnmenfal for furnihfngfrhouse Wishing to redueomy stock Iw sell 'at tbe very lowest prices for cash Ch!) and ffDdseejne UNDERTA KING '3 MHBBMAN GOWDET JEditOA I '50 fi feet by 66 in se cor'Blk 3 17 41 TILLAGE OX LAKE i Henry Brooks Plot i Blk 2)M 4 21 Henry uouge 'j Mir lot 2 2 John Blanchard lot 1 8t IRST ADDITION TQ EOXzEAri' Renj Wblpple tbts 9 10 4 11 Blk 7 Ebenezer Jots 27 28 and 29 24 dq lot 8 of 29 down to Treb tor 8t still lot of the above tad of Treftten St contain ing in all about twoworcs 14 68 James Stapleton lot 15 2 17 ADDITION TO OX LAKE Aaron anshaw lota 1 3 and 4 Blk 2 SeytnoTire Scudder lots 2 and 6 2 Johnsraeen (deceased) lot 5 2 ADDITION TO OX LAKE Mrs Bonner7 lot 17 Blk I Henry Zock lot 18 1 2d ADDITION TO OX LAKE te MIe' ALX I teifurt1 LOWELL Town 9 ange 14 Stewart i qr sw qr sw qr8cc 8 Town 10 Baoite 84 Chester Cook nwqr se qr nw qr sw qy I SVddlti nW BW 4 CS PhwIps 8 Herrs sw cor nw qr sw 2 less Acre south of Beaver f'r i Dam i vnr vc I GG White hf sw ar na or Put Connelly se qr sw qr 20 vrpuig ni iii jieqr aw qr Hsicueix aw qr ne qr do jshf ser nw qr qr saqr VILLAGE OP LOWELL Thornes JotS Blkl Tanner 1 8 Damp Uot 11 1 Carl Willie tel 6 4 John Higgins lots 4 6 and 6 Blk 6 and let east of lots 5 and 6 and west of River 4 a ADDITION John Low th lot 14 and 15 BlkS Andrew Mcadden 9 aad 12 4 5c 7 Henry Winter hf nw qr Sec 3 i Peter Winter sw qr 10 Roper ehf rear qr 17 Krentzner nnd hfn lot 6 18 Sarah Allen 5 80 se cur ne qr nd qr for the nomination of'adllatea tor State OflJcers A State Convention is hereby called to meet in tha Cit ot Milwaukee at ll noon on WEDNESDAY SEPT 24 1873 for ths purpose of nominating candiddtes for State Officers and for the transaction of such other trnsl vness as the cotrvvntion'may think proper when teemWod Each senatorial aid assembly district in Hho State wilt be entitled ter two delegates in said con ''Vent io a AU democrats liberal repuWlcanstand ether elec iters of Wisconsin genuine reform through aqna! and impartial legislation Loeerty in oitk end ''rigid economy In tire admlrrstration of public affalrs 're earnestly invited to nolle In the election of saiddi 'tf Mu waciexAng 29 1873 to Paul A Stott Ch't A Ieu) Stete Ccnir Lib BcpStatc Oom i a 4t Toemockatic coxTrymoM jo A Democratie Convewtfoti woiprftrng tbe towns of'Bnmett Chester Leroy Lomira Theresa William 'own Herman Hubbard tlnstlsford Rubicon Aehip 1 pun ueoanon rue villages or xioncon nnu may vine tbe south ward of Waupun will be held in the of Hustisford ou SATURDAY 20TH 1873 Istone for ibe purpose of nominating a for School Snperinteddent for the eastern ditotrict of Dodge county Dated July 23 1873 WM MORSE RED GNEWUCH Dbtrfot 00m i H1BAM SAWYER 'r srf Henaie Convention Deaaoeratte ami Liberal Republican Convention' Twrtii ne ueia at ias wan House at Juneau on cue day of September iasL for ths Uinceenth gsn te District Convention of the county of Dodge fort the purpose of electing two delegates to represent said district in the State Convention to be held at Ort the 24th int Each town will be'euiltled to send three delegateet and each Ward of any city and each village to two to said Convention Al! persons opposed to Centralitatim Credit Ma bitiee Hack Salary Gtab The praept dnerimmatirg Tai iff and the Cnitereal deehomty and corruption pervadei every department nJ the Government under the pmenHadminvitration of attire nt request ted to nolle with ns In our to check wfdngt Imposed upon the people September "'t: By Order ef the Committee BAT CLARK Chairmen I'OXVEVTIOX A Democratic convention for the 1st Snperinten dent District of Dodge entity comprising thetowneof Oak drove Clyman Emmett Shleldag Lowll Dem Trenton ox Lake West ford Calamus Elba Portland and thevlllngesot Junea i ox Lake and Westford will' be held at the Court Housein Jnnean on riday Sept 19th 1873 forthepnr epoea of nominating a candidate: for School SuperIn ndent Each town will be entitled to three and t'aach village to two delegates i 'y ORDER COMMITTEE let Assembly District Conmtlen A TlAaKAl ik'l Asm jaZta 1 I ft I Iwtek for the lit Dlstrfot eV Dodge Conniy tom Lpveed of ths toWns of Portland ElbaCslamna West fford ox Lake Trenton and the Villages of ox SLake and Westfon! will be held at the Common Room in the City cf Beaver Dam on SATURDAY SEPT 20tb 1873 at 2 for the purpose of choosing to tbeBtate Convention Each town will "be entitled to three an i each village to twodelegates 7n said Convention AU who endorse the call fur the Atate Convention are invited fo BY ORDER COMMITTEE I 9I Assembly Olatricl Convention The Democrats and Liberals of the Second' Assem Wily District of Dodge Counjy composed of the towns (aLBeaver Dam and Lowell and the City of Beaver 'Dam will meet In Convention at tlieCommonCoun cll Room In the City of Beaver Dam on 4 SATURDAY SEPT 2lHb 1878 st 1 for the purpose of choosing two ilegatei to the State Cifnventlof! Wn bf will bftonfftled to five the town of Beaver Dam to three and each ward of the City to two del in said convention: All who agree with the Mail for the State Convention are cordially Invited a fto participate i the election of delegates i' 'BY ORDER OR COMMITTEE '31 Assembly District Convention 'A Democratic and liberal republican convention will be held at th court house tn Juijeau on 1 iw RIDAY SEPT ifltbv 1873 r'nt 2 mftr th purpose of electing two to th State Convention to be held at Mil waukee Sept 24th Th tqwns of Clyman Oak Burnett and Cheater wfll Ire autllled to three and the village of Jutiean and South Ward of Wen Tpan to two delegates each in said convention 4 LEWIS 4th Assembly Distr Con veu i Ion A Democratic Convention trill he held kt Thereto a My Monday SEPT 22d 1873 i At one SI for the purpose of electing two "delegates to represent the ourth Assembly District Dodge County State Convention to be held at Milwaukee Sept 24th also to nominate a Candi Mats for Slember of the Assembly from said District May villte Sept 6th 1873 3 A BARNEY District Cum Mt 5 I 3i4I State Senator in the Tvventy bixth Senate Dis triAtrnmiirinfiiO' fhu fnurna afUnrr DL1 tn i VS SJV1 If I UL a IliiU (1 1 1 tmm 1'iui no i in 1 1 a ir vvv a 4llg ICUiiilUI lUilUl son Mazomanie Middleton' Mobtrose Oregon Per ry Primrose Roxbnry Rutland Springdale Sprrug fiel I Vwmout Verona Vienna ami tVaar wounty of Dane In place of Romanzo Davis whose term of office will expire on itho llrst'Momlay In January 1874 fe State Senator in the TwsntvT Hienih'stnna ra ni trict comprising the count tee of Crawford and Rich j'lanil in place of Henry Eaton whose term of office will expire on the first Monday in January 174 4 rfi A State Senator in the Thirtieth Senate District comprising the sMteHttea of CBfpnnwa Dqnn Hau jjCltire and Pepin pTaco of Joseph hoao tprm of olbco will on the first uary 1874 A State Senator in the Tulrty Seoohd Senate Dis trict comprising the eonntlto of Buffalo Clark Jackson and Trempealeau la place of Orliihdo lli ffwn whoso term of offiooyvill expire on tbe first Monday in January 1874 i A Member of Assembly in 'Jach Assembly District in the Slate an lsuch County Officers as are by Jaw required to bo eheted at such election Given under my hand and tbe great'senl of theL State of Wisconsin at the Capitol in Madison this 19th day of August i 1 BREESE Secretary of State A 5 1 1 3 Ofmcb CdrvfrtJr Donas 1 1 Jcnbau Wuconsim August 28th 1873 rto IJus'Xlectort oj the KViraltotons ward and elec ititivn precincts of the Gnmty of Dodge Slate of a You are hereby that an election ill behold on the Tuesday miecoedirlg the first Monday being the fourth day of November next in the sev Multowne (Wards a tel election precincts County of Dodge for the purposes set forth in the foregoing notice of the Secretary and al for the put fiosq of eloetlug the lolJuwiug named offi cers to il Member of Assembly i t'h'o irst Xmembly Dis trict of Dori go County comprising ige of Lake ths East Ward of tbe Vjllagt nf Randolph anilthe towns of Oalumus Elba ox Lake PortlandITcenton and Westford in plkce of Joliu Davir whosotonn of office will expire on the first Monday in January Ig7 4 4 A Member of "Assembly In the Second 'Assembly District of Dpdgo County comprising lite City of Beaver Da tn and th townsuf Beaver Dam and Low ell hr place of JohivRunkel whose tenn uf officewill expire on the first Monday ta Januiirv 1874' ay A MeinbernifAssenibly tire Tlrlr Assembly Dte 'trict of Dodge Uultuti comprising tbe towns ot Bur nett Chester Glynrin Oak Grove and th South Ward of the ViffiSfaerf VVaupun tn place of Wllfri il I ullcr whose rea of office will expire on the first Monday in JnnuarV 187 4 1 fAMember ofj Assembly in the ourtbAssenibly1 Distilct of Dodge County comprising the towns of Le Roy Lotnira Thet csa and JVilHnmstuwn In place of Dennis Short whose term at office wifi expire on the first Monday in Jana try 1871 Member of Assembly in tho ifth Assembly trict of comprising the towns ol Her man Hustisford Hubbard and Rubicon in place 01 Sattei lee Clark hose term oL office will expire on the first Monday 111 January J874 A Member ef Assembly in th 'lSixthAssomblv strict of Dodge Uoutlt yioompriariig the towns of (Ashippun Emmett Lebanon and Shields iu place of erdinand Gnewuch whose term of office will ex pire on the first Monday in January 1874 A County Superintendent of Schools for iln irst'District oJrDodg Comity comprising the towns of 'Beaver Dam Clyman Cnlat ns Elba Emmett ox ake Pot tltend Shields Lowell Trenton' Oak Grovu Westlbrd and the Kurt Ward ofitlr Village of Ran dolph in place of LM JJqnson whose term of office will expire on the first day of January 1'7 A County Sopei mt end ent of Schools for the Second District of Dodge County comprising the towns ut Burnett Chester Le Roy LomiiaTheresa Williama ttnra Herman Hubbard Hustisford Rubicon' Lebanon and the South Ward ot tin Village of Waupun in place of John' Av Barney a W1SCONSIVIIEMS On Saturday afternoon tlttsL 'Nicholns Tracy of tfie town of Center kickedby fractiougcolt in the breast 'and so badly ritijnred that he died the same night A ed he of 0 tt a wa Wau kesha county fell from: a' load of grain and sustained injuries which resulted fn instant death He was "'a bout 70 years' of age wns much respected by his frfeiidd and acquaintances A' 5 At Port age Cityv on 'Monday last ndes pcrado named Lawrence' Tfftcey a yonng 0 ef nmnriiained Edward IJghiir bart'onthq highway snatched his watch ad Schurbartpoverhauled Jbe Ker when a 'Stcnggcusued in which the latter was shoHff th'6'hdad fftid dtiri'aon'ff ly wottndedTT Served biuTright On Thursday last' wbilo CrS Davis west threshing 'Off thd Koeb I 1'rv Air vr 1 1 er' an the 'town of Lisbon fWftukesha: tounty a you ng lm ah eighteen jfttgeby the name of Abbott' and Hvi ing? itv the family oRCharles Koebler of Menomonee in the cylinder of Ene machine by tbe nana nq hia arm 4 tg 4 drawn in aiul fearfnllv' mAnrta(Lflv that 7 amputation: as zs 4 SV I me oneDoygan vountyjaeratanotes an accident near the Sheboygan and dtt' Lac Rail way depot in that city by whiclr a youn man named L' Holmes was probably fatally rA span of spirit ed harses'becametfrighted at the of a locOtbotive and niHolmer' endea voting to hold thenjtthej threw him down and ran at wagon to which' they were Attached over him J' A Swede Carl: Anderson lost bis Tight arm by with a 'saw in the mill of Knffpp Stout Co at' ii few days ago A Charles Olson walked from a lumber pile in ond on Monday and sus tained injuries which will probably prove The Galesville Jourtial learna that Mr Authony Thomas of Osseo committed suicide a few days since by his throat Insanity was the cause of the tash act Lr At Burlington Racine eou tfty tiri a colored man drew a knife ojr CapV dPalmer when the Tatter shot the ebtofetTman on the spot inflicting a tpor tl WoumL 'I :3 A younglarty named Roberts met wnh a severe accident evening by falling down a steep fligtof stairt while uvunug irum a uqou template juonge in vas arm was Broken ana injured i i5A lad some' fifteeh yetCtsioM son oti Rirfus Atl wood of Prairie' a few south lof Madisonon Saturday night she? a cotinle of netf making a rail Sis melon patch Rortunatel vj'tbe gun was loadef'whh shot and being aimed low theinetlrei limbs of tbe "petty thieves only suffered I Mrs! Amslier woman fifty years old was killed by a runaway in the toyvn ef Wilson Sheboygan county a weekgo i Henry Meat and Italing1 became engaged in £bt at Trent pehfe'au last Thursday when drew a razor and" cut Meat savagely giving him a terrible slash on the side of the neck which al most behetd him iantl in the gash a hand could be? easilylaidf another cut ran i from bis shoulder down th rough the small of thwack and IffTTery bad': besides these there were some slightf gvsbes Afier ibis he'' threw his victim downa EaVik sbine twenty feet high' kand left him apparently fior dead Mear was and taken to' La Crbsiefor treatment His Are Cucius IClapp ar? cud and respectable citizen'o Menacha met with a'suadetrand: i hf hi hi 8e qr re nr 5v hf sw qr bo qr nw qr se qrt be ur nw crr 1 ht nw qr 29 4 1 tiw nr no nr 20 0 lif qr bo qr qr 81 uf no qrj re qr 31T hw qr seqr 83 Bw qr bw qr 34 Town 12 Range i nw qr sw qr 31 Oil We warrant every nrticlo as represented or te rofVnded i i' rit AlsoRepairing Wd 'En rt a pivilipi and iieatiy oii short 4 notice ritited 7 'agents Wanted for the UNDKRizKOUND i' LIE BELOW THE SURACE TH OS tv OX 912 Pages Ociavo ISO ine Engravings i Relates Incidents and Acddeiita beyond the of Day StartHng'nAdveulureedn all parts of tile World Mines nud Mode of Wprkingthem Uudercur reots uf Soy eiy Gambling and its Horrors Caverns aud their MysierlegThe Dark Ways of Wicked nee? Prisons and their Secrets Down in tbe Depths 6f the Sea Strange btorips of the detection of Crime The book treats of experience with bjgande: nights In Oplrm densje nd gambhog hells Iffa lrr prison Stories of ex: left among Indians jour neys through Sewers end Catacombs accidents in mines: piratesand piracy tortures oi the: inquisition underworld of the great Cities etcetc jf We want agents for this work on? which4Mcl4Mdva4oriterarU'eTKU otoA seHiug sms uook torr circulars anti terma to agents TrrJv JB JBITilR HYDE Hartford Coun or ChicMgoUI 4 WWEDSH GREAT INDUSTRIES THE UNITED STATUS 3 PAGES AND 500 ENGRAVINGS PRINTED IN ENGLISH ANDGEKMAN WRITTEN BY 20 EMINENT 5 AUTHORS iNCLUDINGJtJOHN GOUGH liON LEON CASE EDWARD HOWLAND KEV EDWIN ALL PH ILP RIPLEY ALBERT BRISBANE HORACE GREELEY PE 'I! Thiswork branches ol industry processes of manufaetnr' etc in all I tig a complete encyclopedia of arts aud mannfac lures and is tliemost entertai firiik and valuable work of information on subjects of general interest ever offered to the publiOwW give our agentslboexelnr sive right of territory of onragentssold 133copies in eight'daysanoihersold368iut'voweeks Oar agents tei Hartford sold 397 in one week Spect mens of the worksent to age nta on receipt ofstamp tors circulars and tenns to regents address the publishers BURR dk 1XXDE Hartford Conn or Chicago I II 3 a 4 toinnriBins the countv of Sank In ti Qnlniby whose term of office wll expire on the first Monday in January 1874) J1' A StataSenutor in th Sixteenth Senate comrnsiug tbe county of Grant in place of John Holloway whose term of expire on the first Monday in January 1874 a A State Senator in tiieEigliteentli Senate District Comprising the towns Eldorado: ond duTetoW' IPtelnnrlalkTra TatneeHno iv vi vti ivvwiiu uur uiDirifcajv vy nxipuu uitt uorufr'waru of the village of Waupun hud the' cities of ond du Tn nrvn nrl irvtn rt 4i re T7 place ot WUHstnII Hiner wi ns term of office will expire on the first Monday in January 1874 A State Senator in tho Twantlatli Senate OR SALE CHEAP A8plendidTrfrm of 110 acres bne mile south of v' the City of Beaver Dam under a high State of cultivation: suitable for stock pr grainy good build ings large barn Acstream of water running through the place 20 acres maCdow cute about 60 tons ofhsy: 8 acres in clover and timothy' CO acres plow land stumps and stones all takea plenty of wood fora Tamil goo 1 water new hold 13ff barrel Tbefarm must bqsdld as theowner Is going souttefo 'engsged in the fruit business One half the 'vMMiiv an 1a SI "VMra aQiBA1 A nnlw atoW'W' lu V4V4 EtWSUUor to A BUNTENon the premier' 33wS 3 34 16 041 HUBiARDTown 1 32 66 I 14 50 4 06 purporfifigtobethelsstwllland testament otlteiidsh ilx PaWMi ulsitto nf tliA tnwrt nf PrtrtlAtid In th a Count? 43 VILLAGE Orirfhafet 5 Pater Boiler hhf k'tsland2 Blk 11 8 94 semlngamongother things that the said Hnldab 47 Powers lately died ner residence id su 3 120 66 Portland that the said instrument Is the 20 10 20 75 24 65 2 49 15 2 31 2'52 11 25 9 52 'uw qr ne qr 1 no qrno qr sw qr no qr 1 ne qr do qr do se qr so qi do sw qr rTown 13 Range 16 Newman i nw qr se qr Merchants Union Mf Cot se qr sw qr 18 H) tl uno off' qr qr sw qrj 2V Uukuowto 8vr hf sb qr nw qr nw qr THERESA 12 Range 17 tUnknowb I hf neqr 13 on Wednciday at the entrance of the Mer sey and four of the crew drowned a vALAtlrTi'vJf JjlMEi JEilCHIGAII The splendid steamer Ironsides running between Milwaukee and Grand Haven in connection with the Detroit Milwaukee Rail read ftftSridieed and Supk in '240 feet of water withlnsix "mtlei of the Grand Haven shore Monday morning at about half past elevenJ'Sl Was courited one of tbe safesf'afid 6et lakes well officered and minnedand capable df car rying 1123 tons She left Milwaukee Sun day evening the weather being fair with nineteen passengers 'a crew of thrrty'men and 450 tons of freight in fine' sailing trim but at was struck by a fierce sooth western whiflrpnxiticed theCaptain assertedfhe'Jroughest sea he had ever experienced' daylight the waler hgdT pot (he fires so that the engineswere uselessand frgmtjxattjm until she went down the staunch old beat was and of at thp mereyfof tbe angry billows Ciipt Sweetland who 'very meri 1 toiious officer did' bis whole duty nobly and his crew obeyed him to last As tlie'fi iial fesort he manned and lowered tho life boats and had every "persob safely in them "he being the last to leave his ill fated craft A Thirty two persons were thus saved the heroic Cap tain among found a' watery grave1 Tbe signal of distress "was "raised at 30' but no boat from shore dare venture to the rescuty the: propeller Lady whmh bravely made tbo' attempt disabled) wherf half i inilefrorn shoreJC dndeed seems rsad that bo many i persons loose tbeir 1 i Veewb i sig two taore but it'appearsf been one those unavoidable disasters thdt inge nntty could a i I i i r' 1 i Railiuud Disaster' The Clncago Tribune Jias a dispatch: from Grand Rapids dated the ilThe express train' Mil wauke Railroad that rand Rapids at 6:30 consisting ofthirteeA coaches and one baggage car ran off the track be tween Lowellatid Ada about 20 mile's east of this place It Ts rumored that the entire train was ditched killing 20 and wounding many morezniDoctors are leaving now for the: wreck" and preparations are being made for tbe reHKfpf the suffering' State air commencing to day causes the train tobe unusually large "Nothing trustworthy can be 'ascertained as to the eYtent or cause pf the I jl L4 a De is an ablo' afid 4'4 We believe all that'which 'is one why we oppose i "himJThe ATeuw hhving'madtS this Statement Tt tell us how it made'the discovery? "iir NEWS Judge Crawford and District Attor ney A Hames of: the Twelfth Louis Sana District were assassinated on Mon Nltiy 'twelve mles south of Minnsboro' On a recent voyage la New York of thesteamship City ofBrooklyna woman who "was a steerage passenger insane from sick ness bor little boy four years of age overboard (lien with her babe in her armsjumped futo the sea' She Was rescued the children were clrowiied' yt In vYXpltoloa fiin quarry itv iranklin street Baltimore Saturday tnorning caused the death oTftwo work I ft 1 men sc An accident occared at Davenport on last? which has resulted Knot Workman in plaining mill "Was attending a circular sa where he was Mhanling a slick of timber By some aud en movement the timber struck Knot fa5 be abdomen from which he Xiied Sun day nigh A yuqng man namefl'Guernzey living "Hear Gilman Iowa was' struck and killedby Kghtning on 'riday wenlng The CedarVulls 'Gazette says that Eddy of Wm Mprrisonpostmnster 'of was killed abou( 11 on Wednesday night He was asIraiu boy ou the Rmnd M'R vend fell from the fcera neat Burlington A Daughter of Wbitefof Grafton Illi was burned a few days" since Thy an explosion of a can of qpal oil occurred while she was in tlie act of kind Sing afire An intoxieatcr'ffitra old laborer by occupation look a nap on at'Lyotis''4owir' paaigbtattd wm'ujj oxer by irniu cutting toff both legs ouei'arm and horribly man 'agliagUhe body causing instant tleatb I Gea John Stanford of wan 'i listen tlv "Silled on by falling from "a ibay etack' The ouly chuf of Alexander Smith ef Docorah was burned to death by falling Jnte a tub of scalding jwatcrdast ri Tbe express train which left Victoria 33paip riday morning for Mudrin While jlgoing at full speed ran pfftherack The wears were oaoiy wreckeo ajia manypassen SJLi LULJ I' a awuujrtuvwi ww ciierai rm svel other persons' of occoredion tho South a iixanroaa near oil lord Englandyturday jby'wlifeh three persons wars' ea aua twenty injured 'he wall of a buildihg tn thedownTf ITH WARD hit land u'hf 4 Ik 11 11 Jot 3 17'' C2 lot 2 19 3 lot 5 19 3 11 13 juur umet io secureaii ffih Waltham SDrinerfieid Cornell! yois a j'flne Swiss Watch or any other 4 make ALSO A nSTOdk It 4 JEWEfcim: 'SI LVEKWAnE CEQCK Which lint 1 to be sold" to rriakoi room for more this fall LET THIS CHANCE GO THE undersigned do hereby offer my arm In the ytf Town of Lowell for sale The nil me being situ ated oil Section 7 ahd Ling the Nortb esst 4 thereof sndicousfiitnig ef 160 acres of land and being tho host '160 acres injbe said Town and of tbo most value ac biirding to the expressed opinion of the Boardsof Supervisor nnd Assessor of said Town tr the year 1873 after a full hearing and consideration 5fthe advantages ibid said farm And I Wiil selV the ttimvfor tlie tlnit being tbeprice at wblchrit is valued by the said Assessor and Eiifisrvisoi I will also sep 210 acres of marsh rtnd'riimber lands at the a ssessed valuation of tlie ASseHsor for said year connection with the above described farm ri 43ni3: 3 WADDLE lfffi Miles Solitli of eavor Datn te dull rift 'H SX 1 8 hf ts 1 and 2 Blk 11 "'Jat 9 11 lot It) 11 ri lot 2 15 iva 3 Chandlers i natVhf lot 6 16 A Wo odford ARich lot 9 16 '39 lot 11 16 do nnd hf lot 13 wjtio hf Jut 15 Ungno ti und J4 lot 3 James Martin lot 10 do und hf lot 4 Woodford Rich lot 5 do 1 tot 8 Unknown ri tind hf lot 9 Bob Winter lot 11 Woodford Rich lot lw Mill Company nnd lot 1 Woodford lot 2 Sat Clark Unknown weary from watching over a tick cbililrJ el 3 Coa e' Resolution if tho Wisconsin State RepubUoM ton en sraaa 4t rt Anrfri see's nntl Ira Well vwa uc M4ny MUM Mtcria iAVtu a vwvl dtaEBUVrMESXtaMSl ataaBWWSSWS I jrrWt tSLnute 'That we disa'pprove andcGn detnn recent measure "by'which Con gresa allowed additional cumpensatiffi1 Lo itself for past services and demandtbat tbe provisions of the acts by which JCon gresstonal salaries were increased promptly anduneofiflitionally repealed Lett eV of A Garfield ront Obit believe the retro active laryri clause is so infamous that I ought to I resngiforvotingfor the 'appropriation bill to which itflwas attached will they fol low out their logic and insist thatyhe President ought to resign for Bingin' it My vote did not "make it a law His sig nature 5 A 'change of threeivotes would bavpte vented iba passagp of this scandalous jobaalarv gfatJ aC the hour' ail in that the President could have arrested it by his veto in abundant time to secure 1 hl)jpreprfafifiir'ibill without the offensive amendment And even iCanextra session Lave been cheapy douhfo the pricerio have branded Vucb a wrbng'witli emphatic censure and established a precedent for all time Who will dire say the(fcepublican party is not iresponsible with this record to Sun sriwl The victory of the opponents of UjeTiiih oppression of the Central Paclijc Railrotiti in California at the recent elec tion for members of the Legislature in that "State5 is decisive and overwhelming Even San rancisco it was thought Ibis railroad power" was omnipotent it had defeated A fet either railroad companies to press the 'neonle "to the Th6 following little incident illiistrafifig the be read by all gentlemen 'engaedjwjnmber'' i rKgyWlTifrmr to A owiier a saw log which: proved to be hollow Av he sold sound fog and 'gave back the price and hauling it ard chopped tip for fire Wood fcMn this opperation he found'ten 5galdJpieCes which" somebody had secreted tn it" r' dfrt 4 id i' i Harper the Radical collector of the Springfield (III District is defaulter to $110000 vr Her is now in Ca ad aW iff friends ill soon go I inng Eranch to arrange matters with rtlie Presi dent TJ d' Sawdust as a substitute for stockings isreeotn mended' by as writer in the Oneida iOircular iwho says that a tablespoonful Yf the substance placed i each boot willkeep the feet dry aud warm S' 5 fw i Entire Stock 'Goods ff i CHEAP 0B CASH i J' Until sold ifccounts mustfla Settlodby Oct 1st 1873 X5 Room and lot in the Second adfAIrrhMr St School HesagotxLtritvrelland cistem and well ettfeked with fruit gnrfhubbrj is 1 swortfc at least "ftloOO and wijl be sold at a rery ow figure JMBRarftTri bejftmght with tbe place if desired Enquire of Pktk 1 Jf 7 Sftrrtyvaat nt Co i viol DievilUM vv nv sa i Oto V1O4 IV IIB waraft and electiatrprecinets in the State of Wiscon 1 Tnaudo vi ratos fid? ra nr thn fl we XT hL a OJ A a ra to II ttoaj irg the fourth day of November i ext the followiugj oninora are io do eiecieujo wiu A Governor in 'Washbirm whose term ol office will exuire on the firet Monday in Jan uary i a LiRiiieEfliii uuvvruuriu viuceui niuiou tic rei 4 dt deceased whose term of office would have expired in ih nrs aionuivin siiinniify lot: A Secretary cl state in place ot Llywelyn Breese whodB term of office wj 11 expire on the first Monday in a State Treasurer in place of Henry Baatz whose term of office will expire on the first Monday in Jan UarhlftTl 'Aii Attorney General in place of Stephen Bar low whose rm of office will expire on tbe first Mon day iu January 1874 a xa State superintendent in place of Samuel al tows whose term of office will expire on the first' Monday in January 1874 A "State Commissioner Immigration in place of Johnsen whose term of office will expire on the first Monday iu January 1874 6 5 A State Senator in the Secoiid Senate District comprising the counties of Brown Duor and Kew aunee in place of Linrtsley whose term of office will expire ou the first Monday In January 187 4 vA State Senator in the ourth Senate District com liriAint tha fnrin Imh nf VnnmA tfl "Vamtvi 4 iOn Reading and filing an instrument of William whose term of office will expire purporting to Ie the last will and testament of Her on the first Monday in January 1874 fl mail Benning late of tho town of Ashippun in the State Senator in the Sixth Senate District com County of Dodgewfd State of Wisconsin deceased prising ttnTtliird(inrb fifth seventh and eighthand also tbe accompanying petition of rederick wards of the city of lllwaukee and the towns of Kruger representing among other things tftat tbe ranklin Greenfield Lake and Oak Creek in the said Herman Benning lately died at his residence in county otMil wankee In place of John Mitehell said town ofAshippuii irihat tho said instrument 'is whose term of office will expire on first Mondiy the last will and testament ofsaid deceased and that I in January 1874 1 he tue petitioner aforesaid isthe identical person A State Senator in the Eighth Sonate District edm uamuu uuu appuiuieu uj un "iu me counties oi tsenosna ana Walworth in thereof and praying that a day be appointed for place of Samuel Pratt whose term of office Ihearing the proo fs of said last will and testa men i pire Ou the first Monday in January 1874 sit is Ordered That file proofs of said instrument A State Senator in the Tenth Senate District' eotti be heard before the Judge of thisCourt on Monday prising the county of Waukesha iu place of William rihe sixth day of OctoberA 1873 at 10 In Blair whose term of office Will expire on the first ithefo enoon at the Court Hous in thewVlllage of Monday In January 1S74: I Juneau in said County i '4: sf A State Senator Jn theTwelfth Senate District' And it is further Ordered That public notice there comprising the county of Green in place of Orrin of be given to the hnirs at law of said dieeitsed and Bacon whose term of office will expire on the first to all other persons Interested by publishing a copy Monday in January 1874 sif of this order tor three successive weeks prior to said iA StateSenator in the ourteenth Senate' District1 I a nl 7 41v a Hao yfiP Tvt Yn A 1011 fl tv Ariflr! e' al a a i ti lives vwe vtvo newspaper printed and published at Beaver Dam in said County i 42w8 Dated Sept lst1873 4 A SCOTT SL0AK County Judge yiz Dodjre County In Probnte fTN the matter: of dower la the Ileal Estate of 111 1 1 ram Marah qcceueed un rea Mareh of the town of Calamus Dodcro CountV Wsi i 'j vi uic vijiniffi vr wHiti consin repesetiUrg amqnE other things thfttHirani Jftnd ji thi Wftrh liitA ftCanid fnn JHifrrl cMizAd At nn 0 1 estate of inheritance in fee simple in and to the fol lowing real estate situate in said town of Caliimua described as follow8'to wit: i The south east quarter benate District of the south west quarter of section Noeighteen (18) Ai' town No eleven (11) range No thirteen (13) tiiatj i'" fc( Osceola she is the widow of said deceased that she has not ipp nf Twnh vsinr vLtond jhLliat? had her dower in said estato assigned or set off to 108l tot O1 that the lieii at law of said deceased to wit: on the first Monday in January George Marsh fof Saibtown of Calamus Hiram fwentj second Senate Marsh and WillarW Marsh both of the State of of Calumet aiid tfie Kansas do not dispute her right of dower in said rh e' reedom Gi and estate and praying that her dower in said estate bo i' St(11 In AP' nssterred and set off to her It i Pteton in thi county of Out igaune in place of jltis ordered thafjteid petition be heard before thefi 1873atl0 ArM of that day at Simte Dis the office of the County Judge inthe village of Ju BlTron' neati ill the CountV of Dodce Bnjold Bui nett Douglas ierce Polk and St And it is further ordered" that notice' thereof be ri1? pl given to the heirs of said deceased and t6 nil persons Q7d iu January this order lor three waiiIis HiirnisSMi vulv nrinr tn said day of hearing in the Beaver DaWi Argus a weekly t1 kowanuto lrlntori nnri r1 Clw a lW yer Dam in County of Dodge 2 Dated September 3d 1873 4 SCOTT SLOAN County Woodford efi lot 812345078 '9 nd 10 'd Public Square 1 CENT1UL ADDITION Unknown' lot 9 Blk 2 rtn nttrt 44L lot 1'2 WQCMtford fc Kich lot 1 una 94 lot 2 do ju UUU IX lot 2 3 Lewis 1 lot 17 AfoL 4 te 11 i i 1 1' ivv i Sio vs 4 SOUTH ADDITION Vt Woodford rsh 4 42 Ames 42 IIILlUch 42 'vHich oodforA 4X 42 Town 11 Kango 10 42 tlaH nw frl qr bw qr of Mil A nrv St Paul Sec ft do same omitted in fl fritv a VHHM IW 41 I do same omitted In 1309 6 42 'i i'i 'Vr: 'B 59 WESTroilD Town 12 Rango 13 Glnspln nw qr se qr Sec 3 fi 2 5s LlJiower 'i TownAlJi ang i A ViKlrtaey Nqrsesr 23 1639 Michael Macbiiskee Patrick Gfier hf hf se qr JoesJ ao 34 15 51 doj rr 'B ehf qr nw t)r 34 8 8'1 'Unknown sv i'virgirto qr nw a i a am 0 A R0 Town 1 1 Range 15 'J MVqrholcs ne cor se qr nw qr (7 ac) 3 'f VjLLAdH O'MIhNESOTAJmiQTlONJ Vonrhics lots 2 3 4 4 DIk do lots 12 34 do lots 1 2 4 3 da lots 1 2 3 4 5 riots 128456789 TO Hi Ton 10 linage 10 Ernst Stolp 1 tie qr sw qr See 4 ij TRENTON'v Tou 13 Rango 14Grcci'p i Well rri so qr swqr Jt sw qr se qr 1 S4 't Town 12 Rango 16 Grey 12 lo of 15 40 of 71 spr 3 Unknown Bwqi neqr' 4 'do no qr no 4 do hsw qr ne qr 17 Of KEKOSKEE Pohnit lots 4andfiBilkS 4 jElDr Toyjtn 10 JUngaH Devour A ew ijr bw qr 3 20 Unknown lot 6 Blk 5 BfrdNay Addition to Columbus do lot 1 Blk 5 Village of Danville Town 11 Range 13 Butteifltdd do 4 hf ne qr 4 Thos a'w hf nw qr se qr 4 Unknnwp ji 27 40 So qi swqr' 5 4 BhfBeqrJ do ne nr so or 5 a js sw qr ne qr BEAVER Town 11? Range 14 14 19 4Jx 'V 4 Spuhler ''X' GREAT? BARGAINS teft 1 fe 5 bi 1 OR 41 7 "'Il not enoughrio require those of rihe last Congress tapay the ba'ckinereast into theTreasurv xecrate in extravagant language (hose who do not but all our present Congressmen' should be required not "Jo receive any of the increase and every ofte who does receive the inrereasej and appropriates ft to his own usejsh6A be regarded as a betrayerof 'thq trust placed in him and should be held as unfit fer re electyn ancLan unsafe man'forpub Peoria (ill) Democrat U' it nnsiness men larmers mechanics laborers were lufluenc ed in their action by tfib same motive inc( the sanieAcbnsideraiions them in the management of their own pri 1 va 'concerns' the Republican party have very few Penwcrafo1 'X s' si Tba ort Atkinson ZThtonkcbronieles ratter of snonriaufebus corobus tion in the town of Aztalarf last week" A1 fermef bad put Ji nto baThtabWt 'ten tons of green 'dover haySA' few days ago: smoke was seen issuing from the hnrknd" it was fouml to beion fi ref and only by the most strenuous were the flames Anally extinguished i V'1 'The California Granlites denounce Gov Booth as a daserteh from theRepublican party If tbe is tBd Republi can patty they very tntfn who takes h'fetaJid agiunsi leglristiv" corrnptioh ana oppressive monopoly is a deserter (rot ithaf CbnitAa WrtrL'nn nf hteteh villa Tfeni hoists Presndent Governor It is said thift Johnson' meas ured it negto for a salt of jeans last Cl til JLU It 3 llvuUniUlC than living without work' On Abe ot double pay i i jg' ft Jnh Eell is" eoirnty He isfoobnty jode register Sf deeds member Jf the bounty board anff yusiio ni? pCef In his" last Convention" Gen Butler declared thatch responsibility for the gap rested on the Republican par HEREBY given' tlito "the era! to be held in theseveral town' nft he miltHrtl CflnNPWtzA II npntic flno asul nrm tnnaff 1 tan av lo1 U'rth An 3h 1 as natoft 1 a a fte I zed to settle tbe accdimts of the late firm and will aesnmo the liabilities of the old Erm and continue the bnainoee at tho old etand Dated Beaver Dam Aug 28th 1873 GEO STULTZ 42w4 if JOHN JITST4 KECEIVED a A the Book Store Analysis and Exposition of th3 Vftt HOP the 7 I am determlnaa to close up my business in this and am now offering my Magnjficeiii Steck of Dr Goods GLOBWUT SB! a te TTTISHING to 61of out our business in llie City we will offer orfr opposed which proved to be carbolic acid being informed by bis? wife what hebad drank he exelaimeitvy God I have poisonedfnndjthro wing his "arms around heri 'jneck went into convulsions and died in two minutes Indeed jiiis grasp was so violent that after he was dead his wife extricated only byithe of lerers in pryinfhia5armsand 'hand opn Campbell Vander If pss a Brown county w'eele ewmeacrosj two old bears arid tlitee i uba He was armed with a sevenXhcwer revolver with which hekilb ed old ories'and" two 'Cubsi" wounefed the third cub'btft it succeeded in getting away At present there isnoiquestion butwbtthere between fcapital au'J lari bdr fast com mg on i all over the country ThislT codflifltris'nbf labor interest but it is forced juponithe couiitrv byiihe encroachments of capital upon tne rights and ititerests of the industries of the land and fo this struggle Slhe labor inters est or "be enslaved by the interests bf other words' the tendency to bnild upon' a money basis an aristocracy jbis pre vented people will thereby lose their Zaicrftice (Kan) Standard ui? 'Jost how Republican 'party wilt re itself may be inferred from the way the old leaders "fight for the bonirof cf the party organization and the disposal of the offices The war of Republican factions has broken out in Lawrencer anrd Donglas county swithi a fierceness before shown ''What' the" people want to fight is corruption bad legislationfthieving in public offices monopoly rings and the like There can be no barm in leljinffrihe pretended of 'parfids public offices till there is nothing pf them 2 Lawrence Standard1 XX it It is well for those whohave enteredrihe lists aga 'nst the movement to un derstand th at the friends of 'Anti monopoly have got through with mere talk and In tend now to note' AvilU let their op ponents know that there is a'power through the ballot box to command respect fori thet rights ofs agriculture' and of theiindnstries generally and thatrihey will bring politics around whero'iho iTtepttblicRft rfhthrs that "the 'toffice and the cliques shallnot control bu UMAaZZ be controlled by i the JoZief JIZZ) Signal 7 ri ri 'The by which tithe salaries the 'Presidentjjand members of Congress! wasincreased is cndorsct'l as March 3 div KT Apd' vct the Kepublicanfpartyis notre sponsible for the Salary dGrabiri That high Immoral measures as it endorses and approves an honest set of fellows these Re'pnb licansare when they meet inbeonventiem NierNew Haven Register is labout coYr rect'in stating the (position of the'ad minis tration republicans as that if anything creditable has been done durinff the past ttwelve years we areenti tled to the Resolver that ifany discreditable has been doneudiiring the satne period audsifiany stealing vhas been done "by the men whom we tmade wo are not responsible fl party to fall' its toruin "will be sudden is in THa' nnurVif ion flfinn nVnlaiiplio where flia slowly rQtluijJy ap4 honey combed icchas lilUbutrl cl LI yn LftL LIU 11 thermuntain the mert $ringsqf pistol or any accidental the air loose the whole treniendousmass and sends it crashing into the yalleybelpw ewoik WorlkXXXfi r''We there i bo differ ence either 'm'oraUy or legally a I Congressman' who adds $000 to his salary out of his employetvs money at the end of this ternrir serveea'alrendy per fdrmedi and the Congressman who adds $5000 to his salary afterlie islfelectedoift of i 8 6 I oy pne et for sOrvi cesrto be and pocketstb'eTinontbly pay i ne moil thlr be fure does any work Kebkuk Constitution 'XX xr 1 When it of the late office holders' State Conventions in Wisconsin' 1 a vtaft vt 11 ni txl a 1 £k4 tt ft va ai i vi ft rv na it Indorses and ati? is not accounts table tor tha actsflot the President ajia Congressmen' we tTfeel 7 inclined to givnsjt up because some one: is responsible if not those who1 committed' the' offence' who SZ Paul Pioneer1'" i' ru i ivfl are down With the vtdlow fever ntiShrevenort! ro frtr l4G hnvd1 died 5 mortality yesterday was 24 nurses ano pnysiemns nave oeen senvironi New Orleans' the deplorable situation' of the sick who ifor days could getnolmed jeal iatten lancets is somewhat alleviated ri'he dread dsease lias reached where eleven deaths occured yesterday' The betweemdhe Monopolists' an'fl the Republican party is well ted in the present condition xif inSan rancisco The jnanipulatbrsringisi masters and horniplayers irf the tnonopolj's ctfowd 'are nearly ederal appointees But after all Portland vas METALIC BURIAL CASES CASKETS' on hand Shrouds nrnl'hed and unet alaattehded wlthIiaaeaeon short notice and mod erate chargee MARVIN gd rilOOD HOqSB AWD L0T TT10R SALE CHEAP feoo'd order plrtif frnlt and all necewarjr convenience Enquire at thia office 1 Pnmeiia oote hf ne qr neqr 3 Mirtbiill qr aw qr (12 Town 12Ranga'I4 'J refi tcnftiil ri qr hf so qr 21 1 Town 12 Range 15 ERichmpnd se qr nw qr 5 SHIELDS 9 Rangeli Babcock Thomna Itan hf ee qr ne qr 40 Samuel Leynard hf'nwqr nw qr i 1 1 Jeremiah Callahan v'eejqr 26 Unknown qr' sw qr 32 do lot 2 in 19q i' PORTLAND Town 9 Rap go 13fUnknown i' rir hf ew qr nw qr 7' A 0 40 qr seqr 12tio 'n hf qr nw qr cebr 12 Unknowniw hf nw'qr seqr ee qr 12 Jo's ijlles i qr sw fr 13 ne qr se 13 Ra1hPlilnno'j' 8 20 ft front lot 4 mn riling to a point in center lif jft 1'Waterloo Citttk Block 18 Vil Jlage of Portland Jft 66 OX LAKE Town'13 Range 13 Henry Morrill sw frl qr 5 acres 14 Arthur Burule house lot of Dixon in hf nw qr acre 25 i Town 12 Range 13 Unknown sw qr nw qr se qr se qr 11 V'LLAGE WAUSHARA Unnkrwiwn Wetmler ofldtnd'ri UHonroe lots 20 21 23 legs 33 Listof Un redeemed Lan ds I'Gger 48 TCTOTICE IS HEREBY GIV EN that the following lot 3 11 2 63 dtleecrlbed unredeemed iHadsWJfich vhere ftold do jot 4' 11 '2 94 hv thA Cminl vfl'miirfnrpr nf HM (Vmtifvnf Andira on ramftwvft' ftli ne t'kz TT rite the 9tU (UyofMay the taxes dnej tbereu Jorthe rear 1S70 Are vet unredeemed and lots 12 and3 Blk 8 ft II uiat mey will veaeeueci to tne purchasers or the tax eertiflcatoe iened KVitlxoabove named tax sale orthefc assigueraccci'dfrg they are re 1 deehied on or before thq 9th day of May A 1874 Tho interest and chargee are computed up to mid iii eluding the said 9th way of May 1874 Ila tail a In tiaai 1 I 7 afl 1 Cffff "38m3 WARREN MARSTON County Clerk rsB Kellogg L0MIRA Town 13 Rango 17 JVamts' Description Mr "£8 CHESTER Town 13 Rango 15 Merchants UuniuuManulactirIng Co A do ri' do do 'h lo do do 1 LEROY SVeW" Advertisements 1 1 ri TAKES CP 2 3 2 3 93 'c Ucts 5 6 and 7 Dlk 3 4 lot 1 6 4 lot 2 11' 2 lot 9 11 1ft S' 1 MISCELLANEOUS DESCRIPTIONS IN HORICON I 10 10 3 3 15 ft 16 16 18 18 19 1 uv Kivru M'WMW 19 1 £9 £hd to all other person Interested by pnbliehmg a 19 6 34 pyyoftbis order for three succottive week rtor 20 8 97 to ald day of hearing 4n the Beaver Dm Argun 21 'l 2 14 rweekly newspaper printed and pul Ifaltcd a tr er Hi Dun in gild Conutr "gCQII BUMS Ceynty Judge? Dtitinhnn Unknown PQ 5Vui jCdndua uv Reldi St 83 Unknown 07 'y do 5S UnkSotrn TO CITY WATERTOWN 7 i TcVoIlcr Mulvey 23 31 jLuvbv' r' WO Bond 1 SPAULDING A PRENTICE'S ADDITION 1 CiTtedtke 8 end 4 Blk 4 $9 3 2i 0 skinner all of 1 lock 23 8 pigenkopf aii oi Biocic 35 I ij JOHN ADDITION 1 JohrfKobtiit lot 4 Blk 4 7 s' ftTrn rtrs 1 out lot 7 Vi 0111 lot 30'5 Jj SUBDIVISION LOTS 4 Schmidt lot 7 Blk 19 3 OUT L0TSAND SUBDTVISI0X LOTS' 3 rode etiu of lot 21 1 lot 33 1 tnvvnrv John Zerloae 4 )ot3 Block 25' 26 78 22 41 IIAACl OR A TIUDE! 4 3 5 OER for mle my bouse end elx lots fo th JL irst Werd corner of South and Center Streets opposite tbe brick factory alro tbe oldrfek Yard and tbe atore known at the CMca 'Stozej opposite National Beriks onront at raet Tht above property will besOldat public Aociton on the Is tri day of October 1 873 otherwise dieposed of Terms oncihMMown and balance on time to suit pureh'VMti Tho above property will be told wUhont reserve 89m2 iSLts John aSALvivxi Dtrtjsf jDotxnty Coarf InProiiate the Matter of the Proof of the tost Will end ri Testament of Ilaldah Power deceased On ReitiUng and Illingen instrument In writing uowriateot the town or rortiaua ineixwnry of Doffgs tad State of Wieconsiu deceased and also tbeaceompaoying petition of George 11 Power reprt 1 ax ek IlwMu 1 1' i gihli i ni 1 an i awwMun I iiiiju "flMkVa nt wt DJoHiy'Spt J8 7 i7 Huis anil Caps Boots and at Cost ri lx 2 1 1 a A A I rif 0 'WTO' 7 i fl EtSBQa 'fl IK s3s maateMja 'X 'swa zr 41 I 4 0 art 1'ft ri QBSB iragsscgyi 4 Lu a '01 fs ATth famfH 1D1S nN nv 'He K9T: 1' I ffl! '1 ra 9559 rilEW it 1 a 4 'f O9 liter Kai jggg xjBa 1 'jhA a 'f KV fl Lx a fc jW A KTgyM 1 lu fgegwgfeSBgfa 1 wtssr 4 ti BHeRr T' iT Ut Cfr iL 1 jj ttUsftMUMlK tori iri Blai' vSvi 'A si: unlit or Wf '1 7f 1 s'l 49901 I riJ riri 3 "pYrilie aatecriber qn iandf o' (t town 01 uaiamus nar ac 'lifttatn siv wxkAnft1xl trwtnk fiaviisc A1 1 1 is renvuwtMf ta nrarnMiAnArtv mu TffMUDll nn Thinl Strwaf EJW W1 ifwCfc vMllTVXWi l1rxll mrftftjn tatf filrwv wm ri: 1 mJ eha vukaf HlOrtJ I h'4 t' tofo' to 11 t' 'r'ftft Tri'S' ft ft A ZM 1 a 4 j' irw ft aw Lra UY 23 a i 'i" WS fl tb emee tmd 54 to i 9 23 1M1S to XX Mr rifv a 3 Jf I fl' fo fl I 1 fl" '3s rit IP 4 IB 1 IPSil 'tit eWBWWmW he qr fu qr 8 2 hf i) hf nw qr 8 8 zuwqr neqr 7 23 nw qr qr 9 2 MaafciMmtO.

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About Beaver Dam Argus Archive

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Beaver Dam Argus from Beaver Dam, Wisconsin (2024)


Why is beaver dam Wisconsin called beaver dam? ›

The city was named for an old beaver dam located in a stream flowing into Beaver Dam River. The area had also been known as Okwaanim, Chippewa for beaver dam. The community was incorporated as a city on March 18, 1856. That same year the Milwaukee Railroad reached the area, encouraging further growth.

How long does a beaver dam take? ›

Beavers have earned the nickname “Nature's Engineers” for their amazing ability to build a dam that is completely watertight in under 24 hours.

What happens if you destroy a beaver dam? ›

If a beaver dam is causing damage or is considered a nuisance, the dam can be removed without a permit, but only if no streambed or lakebed material is removed. Note that beavers are likely to rebuild the removed dam.

How deep is Beaver Lake in Wisconsin? ›

Beaver Lake is a 313 acre lake located in Waukesha County. It has a maximum depth of 46 feet. Visitors have access to the lake from a public boat landing.

How deep is Beaver Lake by the dam? ›

Mean depth is fifty-eight feet, and the maximum depth is 216 feet. The structure contains 780,000 cubic yards of concrete and 1.6 million yards of rock and dirt embankment. Storage capacity is 1.95 million acre-feet, which includes flood control storage.

Is the beaver dam bigger than the Hoover Dam? ›

A family of beavers in Canada has built a dam that's twice as wide as the Hoover Dam. This huge dam is kind of a click-baity promotion (it worked!) but the essence of the video is how beavers can help make landscapes more resilient to effects of climate change. It's so big it can be seen from outer space.

How deep is the beaver dam? ›

The 40 foot deep freshwater quarry has floating platforms, two rolling logs, diving and jumping platforms, and a rope swing.

What river runs through beaver dam, Wisconsin? ›

The Beaver Dam River is a 30.5-mile-long (49.1 km) tributary of the Crawfish River in south-central Wisconsin in the United States. Via the Crawfish and Rock rivers, it is part of the Mississippi River watershed.

What eats beavers? ›


Wolves, coyotes, bears, lynx and wolverine have been known to prey on beavers. Otters can sometimes get into the lodge and kill the kits; however, an adult usually stays with the young for protection.

Can fish swim through beaver dams? ›

Fish Passage

Beaver dams can act as a barrier (typically temporarily or seasonally) to upstream and downstream movement of fish. Too often, this is assumed to always be detrimental. However, for many native fish that co-evolved with beaver dam activity in the systems, beaver dams are passable and not a problem.

What is the lifespan of a beaver? ›

Beavers in the wild live about 10 to 12 years. They have been known to live as long as 19 years in captivity. They continue to grow throughout their lives and may reach 3 to 4 feet (0.9–1.2 m) long, including tail.

What is bad about beaver dams? ›

Beaver damage to trees. Figure 3. Beaver damage and the collapse of beaver dams can lead to structural damage of roadways and blocked culverts. Residential buildings are sometimes damaged when large beaver dams fail, generally due to rapid increases in water velocity.

Is it legal to destroy a beaver dam in Wisconsin? ›

Landowner, lessees, or occupants may remove beaver dams causing damage or a nuisance without any sort of permit, permission, or authorization from the DNR.

Is blowing up beaver dams illegal? ›

In general, no DNR public waters work permit will be required to remove beaver dams, log jams, or other debris by the use of explosives.

What is the deepest part of Beaver Dam Lake? ›

Wisconsin Lakes

Beaver Dam Lake is a 6718 acre lake located in Dodge County. It has a maximum depth of 7 feet.

How deep is beaver dam? ›

The 40 foot deep freshwater quarry has floating platforms, two rolling logs, diving and jumping platforms, and a rope swing.

What is the deepest freshwater lake in Wisconsin? ›

What is Wisconsin's deepest lake? Green Lake in Green Lake County has a maximum depth of 236 feet, making it Wisconsin's deepest natural lake. Wazee Lake in Jackson County, a manmade lake created from an abandoned iron mine, has a maximum depth of 350 feet.

Is Beaver Dam Lake clean? ›

DATA SUMMARY: Both phosphorus and nitrogen levels in Beaver Dam Lake were consistently well above the Environmental Protection Agency recommended guidelines. Nutrients feed harmful algae and reduce water clarity.

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

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Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.